MegaFon, in order to keep up with its competitors in communication services, offers current and potential customers an updated range of tariffs. To what extent will the new conditions for the provision of communication services be better than those that were recently under the existing TA? Is it worth the rush to change service settings? What reviews does the tariff “Turn on! Communicate" ("Megafon")? These and other questions will be discussed in the current article.

Turn On: New Generation Tariff Line
Modern tariff plans are focused on different categories of subscribers. However, there are more and more advantageous offers for young people. MegaFon has introduced a new line of tariffs that easily covers the needs of both young people and those who prefer voice communication. What is remarkable about the new tariffs from the white-greenoperator?
The reviews draw attention to their "speaking" names: "Listen", "Speak", "Look", etc. subscribers who use voice services more often. Under such a tariff, the number of minutes will be greater compared to the volume of other services. For the "Look" tariff plan, the operator has prepared the maximum amount of Internet traffic, because the target group in this case is active mobile Internet users.

The cost for each tariff from the operator's line is different. For example, in the Moscow region, the new tariffs of the "Turn on" line are provided at the following prices:
- "Listen", "Speak" - 500 rubles per month.
- "Write" - 350 rubles per month.
- "Look" - 950 rubles per month.
For subscribers who find it difficult to decide on a priority service, a VIP tariff is offered for two thousand rubles a month. According to its terms, each of the operator's services will be provided in equal volume.
Tariff "Turn on, communicate". Description
The list of tariff plans available for connection also includes the TP “Turn on! Communicate." For residents of the Moscow region, its use will cost 600 rubles a month. Reviews explain that it is "sharpened" for the use of specific services: the Internet and conversations. The main advantages for subscribers are:unlimited access to popular instant messengers and social networks and unlimited communication with subscribers of your network.

Monthly TP fee
600 rubles will be deducted from the balance of the number monthly for the services provided. At the same time, at least the minimum amount with a plus sign must remain on the account. In the event that on the day when the monthly payment is to be debited, the subscriber's balance does not contain the required amount, the services included in the tariff will not be provided. In the reviews, this condition is called one of the inconveniences.
Subscriber fee can be increased due to the transformation of the tariff plan: connection of other options, such as an SMS package.
List of free services

In the TP "Turn on, communicate" included:
- free minutes that can be used to call any number in the country (landline, mobile, to numbers registered in one's own or another area, to Megafon subscribers and users of SIM cards of other telecom operators) - 500 minutes;
- free minutes for calls to Megafon numbers - they become available after the limit is exceeded (the package of 500 minutes is used up);
- 12 gigabytes of Internet traffic that can be spent on using any Internet services, with the exception of instant messengers: Viber, TamTam, WhatsApp, Emotion and social networks Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte;
- the above messengers and socialnetworks are used regardless of traffic;
- traffic "Megafon TV" (when using the application, traffic will not be taken into account), a package of channels called "Megafon" and 2 films.
Text messages are billed separately. For each SMS sent to subscribers within their network, 1.5 rubles will be deducted from the balance. Experienced users in the reviews write that, if desired, you can activate additional options that provide a package of prepaid messages.

Features of the provision of the tariff plan
Before talking in more detail about what kind of feedback the “Turn on! Communicate”(“Megaphone”), a description should be given of some features that must be considered when choosing and using this TP.
1. In roaming, the tariff plan can be used under the same conditions. Internet package and minutes can be spent as in the home region. However, there are some "territorial" restrictions:
- The Internet package cannot be used when you are in the Crimea, Sevastopol, Chukotka, Sakhalin and Magadan regions, in Yakutia, Norilsk and some other regions (a complete list of regions and cities in which the restriction applies is given on the official website operator).
- The package of minutes can be successfully used by the subscriber while staying in any cities of the country, except for Crimea and Sevastopol.
2. You can communicate with Megafon subscribers, including those from other cities, for free even after all prepaidminutes are up. At the same time, the cost of calls to numbers of other operators and landline phones will be 2 rubles (in your own area) and 3 rubles (intercity).
Please note that the tariff plan from Megafon (description, reviews of which are given in this article) has different tariffs for communication services depending on the region of the country. Also, the volume of packages included in the subscription fee may differ. That is why the reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the conditions for providing TP before connecting, clarify the cost in relation to your area.
3. When using social networks and instant messengers, traffic is guaranteed not to be taken into account only when official applications are used (downloaded through markets for operating systems or from developer sites). At the same time, you need to regularly update applications, i.e. keep the versions up to date.
Tariff "Turn on, communicate" ("Megaphone"): reviews
On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews about Megafon's tariff plans. TP "Turn on! Communicate" is no exception. Among the opinions can be found both positive and negative. Of the negative, one can single out reviews about the cost of the tariff plan. Many subscribers emphasize that the cost of the tariff is clearly too high, given that it includes only packages of minutes and traffic. While other operators have tariff plans, the cost of which is significantly lower.

Of the advantages that subscribers have identified - unlimited traffic forsocial networks and instant messengers, which provides the tariff plan "Megafon" "Turn on". A review of “unlimited” communication through a number of services was also found on the Internet. It follows from it that the operator does not deceive, promising not to take into account traffic in some Internet services. Also, one of the advantages of the TP can be noted (based on the opinions of subscribers) unlimited to Megafon numbers, including long-distance calls. However, from this plus follows the minus that in order to get this unlimited, you will first need to spend all 500 minutes from the prepaid package.

How to change the tariff?
To switch to the tariff “Turn on! Communicate", "Megafon", reviews of which were given earlier, you must first replenish the balance by 300 rubles. At the same time, the transition itself is free, i.e. this amount will remain on the balance sheet and will be debited as a subscription fee for the first half of the month. The volume of minutes and gigabytes included in the tariff plan is provided immediately after the withdrawal of three hundred rubles. The second part of the subscription fee will be charged from the balance on the 16th day. This debit mechanism is valid only in the first month, then on the day of connection the payment will be debited in full - 600 rubles.
In this article, we reviewed the new tariffs from Megafon - “Turn on! Communicate." They gave a description of the features and spoke in detail about what characteristics the TP “Turn on! Communicate." There are a lot of reviews, despite the fact that the tariff appeared relatively recently. Like any other tariff, the TP considered by us has its advantages and disadvantages. How is it right for you? Try it to find out.