Agree that it is always very nice to have convenient, fast mobile Internet at your fingertips. You can easily read your favorite news, go to the mail, be aware of all the updates from friends on social networks and just have fun in any way possible. This can be done by simply connecting your tablet to a reliable WiFi network.
True, the question arises of what to do if there is no wireless Internet distribution point nearby, but you really need to go online? There is only one way out - high-speed mobile Internet, which is available in the MTS Tablet tariff plan. Feedback from users connected to this service indicates a fairly good Internet speed at this tariff and, in addition, a fairly reasonable cost of services.
What is the plan?

So, the MTS Tablet option (reviews about it can be found on many Internet resources) is available to all subscribers of the largest Russian mobile operator of the same name. It is designed, as the name suggests, for users who are actively working with tablet computers. This is also confirmed by the characteristics that canboast of a tariff plan - a large amount of traffic, the ability to watch TV in unlimited quantities, as well as a fairly high speed (with it, the MTS Tablet - reviews confirm this repeatedly - allows you to access various multimedia entertainment without delay and in the best quality).
To connect the option to your device, you just need to have the MTS starter package (it costs 410 rubles, according to the information on the official website) and get the settings (their operator sends them automatically). Further, using special combinations, you can activate the service on your tablet.
Tariffs and prices

As for the cost of such pleasure as unlimited speed Internet on a tablet, it is equal to 400 rubles per month. For this amount, the user receives a fixed quota of 4 gigabytes, as well as an unlimited opportunity to watch TV on his tablet. At the same time, the tariff is valid throughout the country where the signal is available - this means that you can go to your favorite online game or social network page even while on the road. Imagine what level of mobility the MTS Tablet tariff can provide, reviews of which are mostly flattering.
"MTS Tablet Mini" as an alternative to a full-fledged tariff
If you are the Internet user for whom visiting VKontakte once a day and checking your mail will be enough, and you do not need to spend gigabytes of traffic, but are ready to be content with little - another tariff from MTS may suit you - withprefix "Mini".
As the name suggests, it is designed for less demanding users, since this tariff plan provides for a smaller amount of traffic. So, for free, MTS is ready to provide its subscribers with 500 megabytes per month (up to 17 MB per day), and if it is used up, the provided package is expected to grow in accordance with the trend - by 10-20 rubles per day for a certain number of megabytes (50, 100, 500, 1000, etc.). Thus, it turns out like this: if you want to sit more, pay accordingly.

How to connect?
Connecting to any tariff plan is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to have a sufficient amount of funds on the balance sheet (for the MTS Tablet plan, if the reviews do not lie, you must have 400 or more rubles); and secondly, you need to type the correct key combination. For the “Mini” package, this is 885, while the basic “Tablet” is connected by dialing 835.
After entering these commands, you will receive the appropriate SMS messages notifying you of the imminent transition to the tariff plan and requiring you to confirm this action.
Please note that not all MTS users can switch to this tariff. Those who have the MTS Connect-4 package can switch to Mini, and a much wider list of subscribers (Onliner, Caring, Cool and others) can switch to the basic one. A lot has been written on the forums about how to switch to these tariffs. User feedback is predominantly positive, as the transition is simple andin accordance with the instructions that the operator sends to everyone.
How to watch from "MTS" TV on a tablet? Reviews and Recommendations

Another "trick" of this tariff is the ability to watch TV for free (on the "Mini" package, they charge 8 rubles a day for this). But you need to understand what options for viewing on MTS TV on a tablet (reviews practically do not mention this) need to be configured.
The instruction is on the operator's official portal, which describes the step-by-step setup process. It says that first you need to install a special application, then dial 111720. In the program itself, you can choose which channel you want to watch.
Another option is to buy a computer from a mobile operator. So, the company's assortment includes the MTS 1078 tablet (reviews about it indicate that this is a budget device with all the settings for both using Internet services and watching TV). The gadget will be convenient for all those who do not yet have a tablet, but who would like to get a source of entertainment at an affordable price.
Removing restrictions

In order not to exceed the allocated traffic limit and not to pay 10 rubles per day for each additional allocated package (since in the end it can be quite expensive), MTS offers the possibility of removing restrictions on a large scale by obtaining large packages.
For example, the tariff "MTS Tablet" (reviews aboutwhich, as already emphasized, left a lot of people) suggests an extension of 500 MB and 2 GB. To do this, it is enough to pay an additional 75 or 200 rubles and make the necessary request (167 and 168). The package will be issued to you for a month.
So, people talk about the MTS Tablet tariff as an affordable and fairly high-quality product that makes our life more convenient. This plan can turn your tablet into a real entertainment center for a reasonable price. Another plus is that this service is offered by the largest Russian mobile operator, whose network covers the entire territory of the country.