It's no secret that the productivity of a photographer depends not only on the quality of equipment, but also on its uninterrupted power supply. Actually, everything is simple - no charge, no pictures. Therefore, before leaving for the next photo session, it will obviously be useful to check your professional luggage for the presence of batteries for the camera.
The more modern, as well as advanced, technology is very demanding on batteries. Here, the uninterrupted operation of the flash must be ensured, and the normal brightness of the screen, and the operation of the "stuffing". So the choice of batteries for the camera should be approached very carefully. Moreover, today's market offers a lot of options, as they say, for every taste and color.
So, let's try to figure out which batteries for the camera are best suited, what to pay special attention to in the first place and how not to miscalculate with a purchase. Let's look at the main characteristics of batteries and what they are remarkable for when it comes to photography.
Difficulties in choosing
To begin with, let's conduct a brief educational program on types and typesbatteries for the camera. On sale you can find two types of similar batteries, and they differ from each other very significantly. The first are simple and disposable batteries for the camera. That is, there is no question of any recharge of the batteries. They're ready to go right off the shelf and are a fraction of the price of their more productive counterparts.
Camera batteries are designed for many charge cycles. Despite their high cost, such batteries are more practical in terms of not only efficiency, but also payback. After purchase, they usually require a charge, after which they can be used as normal batteries.
Custom batteries (genuine)
There are also specific and non-standard batteries. They are equipped with branded equipment, it is almost impossible to find an alternative to them. For example, a good half of Sony cameras have a built-in battery and change only due to natural wear or damage. So here you don’t even have to think about replacing batteries.
Types of batteries
Simple and rechargeable batteries also differ in form factor. Manufacturers of photographic equipment are not particularly smart and settled on two types of power supply - AA and AAA. In the common people, “finger” and “little finger”, respectively. There are also very tiny AAAA and 9-volt massive "Crowns", but they are very, very rare in photographic equipment.
For beginners in this business and owners of "soap dishes" with a headordinary batteries are enough, and buying batteries is simply impractical. Those who are professionally engaged in photography and have serious gadgets in their arsenal need stable, powerful and capacious batteries. Such qualities just offer batteries. Of course, a smart battery for a Canon or Nikon camera will cost a tidy sum, but their return is appropriate.
Chemical composition
Batteries may also differ in chemical composition. A little earlier, there were a dime a dozen varieties of chemical "filling", but only four have survived to this day, which can boast of an acceptable return for modern technology.
Nickel-cadmium batteries are the most common batteries. They are relatively inexpensive, well resistant to sub-zero temperatures and have consistently high charging currents. This option is also starting to slowly become obsolete, because the cons sometimes outweigh the pros.
As a fly in the ointment here is the toxicity of the elements and the decrease in capacity with each recharge. In addition, such batteries need to be recharged only after complete depletion. Otherwise, the service life of the elements will be significantly reduced.
Nickel-metal hydride batteries can be called an improved version of nickel-cadmium. They retained all the advantages of the previous generation and practically got rid of its shortcomings. Regular recharges here now have less effect onservice life, and the toxicity of batteries has been reduced.
With regard to work, the efficiency of such batteries has increased by about half, and the voltage is stably maintained and does not change even with a minimum charge. It's also worth noting that nickel-metal hydride batteries can have a noticeably higher capacity than regular nickel-cadmium batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries are completely devoid of the effect of reducing capacity during recharging, they are light in weight and high in density. The main advantages of this type of batteries are the lowest self-discharge and fast replenishment. In addition, the battery offers a high discharge voltage.
Lithium-ion batteries are good in many ways, but they also have their own, especially for a photographer working in the field, critical shortcomings. Here we are talking about high sensitivity to the environment: low, as well as high temperatures, extremely adversely affect the condition and efficiency of the battery.
In addition, batteries of this kind do not tolerate full charge and oversaturation. That is, you can't leave them overnight. It is also worth noting that the cost of lithium-ion batteries is much higher than the same Ni-MH.
Lithium polymer batteries are a more advanced version of lithium ion batteries. They have a 20% higher charge density and noticeably better resistance to ambient temperatures.
Almost the only disadvantage of lithium-polymer batteries is the high risk of fire when overcharged or overheated. So on a hot sunny day, it is better to leave them discharged and at home.
Summing up
Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries are considered the best camera batteries by professional photographers and industry experts. They are as versatile as possible, cost significantly less than lithium-ion and polymer ones, and also have sufficient capacity to service almost any serious photographic equipment.
As for manufacturers, the situation is more or less clear. The same pros and experts recommend paying attention to proven and well-established brands, as well as series. Beginners can sometimes offer quite decent and inexpensive options, but they have to be sorted out with great care.
Among other venerable manufacturers, I can recommend the Sanyo brand, which, as they say, ate the dog in this case. The Eneloop XX series turned out to be the most successful, and you can choose any model you like from this line without hesitation. Also, professionals say a lot of warm words about Panasonic products, where almost every series is distinguished by a high-quality set of models. Well, do not forget about the fakes that have flooded the domestic market, and buy batteries only in trusted offline and online stores.