This article will be of interest primarily to foreign citizens or people who are abroad for a long time. We will tell you in detail how to call Ukraine from other countries of the world.

Before asking such a question, let's find out the structure of Ukrainian phone numbers, this information will help us learn how to call Ukraine. Country phone numbers can be 5 or 7 digits long. Basically, cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people have five-digit or six-digit numbers, and "millionaires" - seven-digit ones. It all depends on the number of residents in the city and the number capacity of each telephone exchange. So, for example, the city of Irpen, in which 40 thousand inhabitants, has 5 digits of a telephone number, and for the capital of Ukraine (Kyiv), this number of digits will not be enough.
Recently in Ukraine, as of 2009-14-10, a reform was adopted to change the rules for dialing numbers, but it did not affect calls to the country.
It often happens that people do not indicate numbers with an international code, not realizing that they can be called from other countries. For example, they write like this: 11-22-33 444-000-000. Or it happens that somethe organization indicates two contact numbers with 5 or 7 digits without a code. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to guess whether it is a city or mobile number. In the regional centers of Ukraine, six-digit numbers are often used. You can find out which regional center the number belongs to using the telephone code directory of Ukraine. In order to facilitate calls throughout the country, we recommend that you immediately sign the number in the international format. Like this: +380 (where + is a mandatory prefix for making calls to another country from mobile and landline devices), the next 3-4 digits can be a mobile operator or city code.
In order to know which mobile operator you are calling, check out the directory of codes for mobile operators in Ukraine. In order to know how to call Ukraine from a mobile phone, dial +38050ххххххх and press the call button. You can also call by dialing the country code + city code + five- or seven-digit subscriber number, for example: +38044ххххххх (Kyiv).

Also, you may need to call from Ukraine. In this case, you will immediately have a question about how to call from Ukraine to Russia. To do this, you need to dial the number in the international format: + country code (+7) + area code + subscriber number. Small notes: +38 - international country code (Ukraine), +7 - international country code (Russia), 050, 066, 099 - code of one of the most common mobile operators in Ukraine - MTS. 903, 905 - the code of one of the most common mobile operators in Russia -Beeline. In Ukraine, the numbers of mobile operators have already been changed, now they look like this: 066ххххххх (without the number 8).

With the help of this article you can easily and without problems answer the following question: "How to call Ukraine". We also hope that the information received will give you the opportunity to act correctly when calling to Russia from the territory of Ukraine. In addition, a great advantage when calling from Ukraine is a unified system of mobile operators. There are only three in the country. You don't have to constantly think about how to call Russia from Ukraine and check which region you are in so that when you call, you won't get roaming.