Company "Tele2" regularly pleases its customers with new tariff plans and advantageous offers for the use of communication services. Some of the previously available tariffs are undergoing changes, becoming more affordable and interesting for subscribers. The tariff "Purple" ("Tele2") was included in the number of changes. Its conditions have been significantly adjusted, in particular, this has affected the subscription fee. In this article, we will talk about what opportunities are currently offered at this TP, and about its features in different regions of the country.

Tariff "Purple" ("Tele2"): description of the previous option
If we go back some time and look at what the Purple TP was like before, we will see several differences (depending on the region, they may be absent):
- availability of a monthly fee in the amount of three hundredfifty rubles;
- included call volume (300 minutes to all home area numbers: landline, mobile);
- text message package (100 daily).
At the same time, after the provided limits were exhausted, the billing for calls was 90 kopecks per minute of connection (the billing was per minute, regardless of the direction of the call).
This tariff plan was the best fit for subscribers who do not want to constantly replenish their balance and are not accustomed to setting restrictions on the use of communication services.

Tariff "Purple" ("Tele2"): current conditions
Currently, the conditions of the considered tariff plan have changed significantly. First, the subscription fee was abolished. Money is debited from the account of a cell number only after paid actions have been performed (sending text or multimedia messages, calls, establishing an Internet connection, etc.). Thus, you can save on cellular communications by controlling expenses. Secondly, for subscribers of the Tele2 operator (Violet tariff, Voronezh), per-second billing of calls is set (only for calls to numbers in their region). Which means that when connecting in 15 seconds, you will not have to pay as for 60. At the same time, when calling to long-distance numbers and to other countries, per-minute billing is retained. Thirdly, there are no options that imply a package of minutes / messages. Each action is charged in accordance with the conditionsTP.
Cost of services
As mentioned earlier, the cost of communication services for the same tariff plan may differ in the regions. For example, for Tele2 subscribers (Violet tariff, Novosibirsk), the following cost values are set:
- all calls within your region (to cellular and landline) - 1.80 rubles. (per minute);
- connection with Tele2 subscribers in other regions of the country - 2 rubles. (per minute);
- calls to numbers of neighboring regions - 5 rubles. (per minute);
- calls to subscribers in other regions of the country - 9 rubles. (per minute);
- sending text messages - 1.50 rubles. to numbers in the home region (2 rubles to numbers in other regions);
- 1 megabyte of internet – 9.90 rubles
For subscribers of the Voronezh region, the same values apply, except for MMS messages - 5 rubles (while for Novosibirsk - 1 ruble lower).

How to switch to this TP?
You can activate the "Purple" ("Tele2") tariff on your own, having previously replenished your account. The fact is that the transition to the TP is paid if less than a month has passed since the last change in the tariff on the number. The amount of the payment differs by region, for example, in Voronezh - 50 rubles, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 150 rubles (up-to-date information regarding a particular region should be clarified on the website of the Tele2 operator in your region). The subscriber can change the tariff plan either independently or through the customer service of the mobile operator, by callingwhich can be called by a single number 611 (when calling from the number of the mobile operator "Tele2"). To change the TP, the data of the owner of the number is required.

The following methods are available:
- subscriber's web account on the mobile operator's website (an application for mobile devices can be considered its analogue);
- USSD request 63010, which must be dialed on the phone and send a call;
- service number 630, by dialing which the subscriber will enter the voice menu (it is enough to follow his prompts to change the TP).
What else do Tele2 subscribers need to know?
For subscribers using the "Violet" ("Tele2") tariff, as well as any other mobile operator's tariff plans, it is important to remember that if no paid operations are performed from the number within 120 days, it will be blocked. In this case, the balance of funds will be debited from the account without the possibility of receipt. When a subscriber is in roaming (in the country or abroad), the "Violet" ("Tele2") tariff and other tariff plans operate in accordance with the general communication rates. You can get acquainted with the conditions on the operator's website, as well as through a contact center specialist, specifying the city or country you are going to go to.