"Questionnaire": feedback about the site. Voprosnik.ru: earnings on paid online surveys

"Questionnaire": feedback about the site. Voprosnik.ru: earnings on paid online surveys
"Questionnaire": feedback about the site. Voprosnik.ru: earnings on paid online surveys

Today we have to figure out what kind of feedback "Questionnaire" receives from its users. The thing is that this site is in great demand. Therefore, many, especially novice users, are interested in how well it works. It promotes making money online. There is a lot of deception on the Internet. And not all offers can be trusted. Should I pay attention to the "Questionnaire"? To what extent does this site live up to the expectations of the people registered here? Does it really allow you to earn money without any problems? Understanding all this is actually not as difficult as it seems. Just take a good look at the reviews. Of course, everything written should not be trusted. But some useful information can be gleaned from the reviews.

Earnings on the Web - deceit or reality?

The first step is to understand how earning on paid online surveys is real. Maybe this is another scam? Not at all. Numerous user reviews indicate that earning income from responsesyou can answer questions in paid questionnaires. Moreover, the profit can pleasantly surprise.

questionnaire reviews
questionnaire reviews

The main thing is to choose the right platform for work. After all, some questionnaires are really a hoax. Does Voprosnik.ru belong to them? How stable and good-looking is this site?


"Voprosnik.ru" is a page that offers everyone to go through a simple registration and start earning by filling out paid questionnaires and participating in surveys. This activity no longer surprises anyone. It was said that you can actually make money on surveys. And a lot of money. Therefore, there is serious interest in this site.

Here the main work is filling out paid questionnaires. "Questionnaire" receives positive reviews for the fact that it provides for a system of additional earnings. For example, for participating in a focus group or chatting on a forum. Nevertheless, the main source of income is filling out questionnaires. Nothing strange or surprising. Everything is extremely clear and simple.



The next thing to consider is page rank. Voprosnik.ru occupies quite stable positions among all other similar resources. This is one of the most popular sites that offers to earn money on paid surveys.

It can be said that the "Questionnaire" receives reviews quite often as a leader in the issue under study. Users trust the resource. Accordingly, the siteranks 1-2 in the ranking of resources that allow you to earn money on paid surveys. But is it really so? Can the rating given by the statistics be wrong?

Meaning of work

To fully understand this, you need to understand all the features of the site www.voprosnik.ru. How to make money here?

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voprosnik en

It has already been said that the job is to participate in paid surveys. Plus, you can additionally profit from:

  • participation in special promotions;
  • communication on the forum;
  • inviting friends to the site;
  • participation in contests.

Accordingly, everything is extremely simple and clear. Usually, they don’t break their heads over additional earnings. Users, as numerous reviews indicate, use the referral program and simply fill out the proposed questionnaires. That's the whole point of the job. With a certain balance, a registered person can withdraw money to his e-wallet or phone. Everything is easy and simple. In any case, such instructions are written on the website.


At the site Voprosnik.ru registration, according to users, is free. And it pleases. No personal information is required. Everything is extremely simple and clear. It is enough to come up with a login for yourself, indicate the e-mail by which the profile is registered, and then write any password to enter and repeat it. Nothing else is needed. Already after registration, to withdraw funds, you must specify the wallet or mobile phone number. But this is optionaldo when you receive an account.

questionnaire feedback about the site
questionnaire feedback about the site

In general, registration takes no more than 5 minutes. For this, "Questionnaire" reviews are mostly positive. After all, no one is interested in personal data. As soon as the profile is set up, you will have to confirm it. To do this, you need to follow a special activation link, it will be sent to the specified email.

Another nuance that is emphasized by users is the need to fill out a personal questionnaire. Not a requirement, but this technique helps to increase the number of surveys sent to the user. Basically, the questionnaire is an autobiography. You must specify the city of residence, age, social status. No confidential information is asked here. Only something that can help put the user into one or another category of persons when sending out questionnaires.

Opening hours

"Voprosnik.ru" receives far from the best reviews regarding the time of filling out each paid questionnaire. As a rule, all polls are different. But the average amount of time allotted for 1 task is 30-40 minutes. At the same time, you often have to read the text of the question being asked.

Accordingly, a lot of questionnaires cannot be filled in a day. And this fact upsets some. Especially after users start counting how much they earn. Some point out that time costs are not comparable to payment.

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earn money on paid online surveys

About earnings

Why? It's all aboutthat you can’t earn big money on the Voprosnik.ru website. And this feature is emphasized by many visitors. Working on the site under study is suitable only for those who have recently begun to master the ways of online earnings. Despite the loud promises of the administrators, you won’t be able to earn a lot of money here.

Why? The main reason is the low cost of the completed questionnaire. It is indicated that the price tag can be set in the range from 5 to 400 rubles inclusive. But on average, the questionnaire costs 20 rubles. Given the time spent, this is not a very large income. Therefore, the "golden mountains", which some promise, is not worth waiting for.

If you're lucky, you can get about 2,000 rubles from the site on average per month. And that's not a fact. That's what many users say. Yes, the "Questionnaire" is not a hoax. The resource really pays money. But far from what we would like.

Number of polls

"Questionnaire" reviews are not the best, one might even say, it gets mostly negative for such a feature as the number of available questionnaires to fill out. After all, the user's earnings depend on it.

It is indicated that there are very few questionnaires. And they come unsteadily. Therefore, earning 2,000 is great luck. Many emphasize that with all this, the "Questionnaire" cannot be called scammers. They do offer surveys, they pay money, but not in the amount that they originally promised. But the negative from such a phenomenon among registered users still remains. They feel cheatedto some extent.

Withdraw funds

It has already been emphasized that the service allows you to withdraw money. But at the same time, the duration of the operation causes bewilderment. The minimum amount that can be cashed out is 100 rubles. Picked up in a few hours. If you're lucky, then 1 completed questionnaire, and at least ready for withdrawal.

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www voprosnik ru how to make money

But the process takes a long time. Some note that this operation often takes up to 14 days. Yes, money will not be lost and will not disappear. But in order to earn money, you need to worry about withdrawing money from the system in advance. Small but flawed. For him, "Questionnaire" receives not the best reviews.

Interrupting questionnaires

But that's not all the features that users need to be warned about. The thing is that the studied resource is not suitable for a stable income for everyone. Before participating in surveys, it is proposed to attribute the user to one or another category of persons.

It is often noted that residents with low or medium incomes do not have access to the main part of the questionnaire. Also, people employed in the field of marketing or in the production of a particular product will not be able to fully fill out the questionnaire. Residents of Russia, with the exception of large cities, are also rarely given the opportunity to completely fill out the page.

Accordingly, the earnings for the profile will be incomplete. It is set according to the number of responses. On average, 15-20 rubles are paid for 1 incomplete questionnaire. Not too much. And this fact is notpleases users. Some are cunning and indicate high income, as well as living in large cities of Russia.

voprosnik ru registration
voprosnik ru registration

Nevertheless, the "cliffs" of the questionnaires do not please some. And that's why someone does not trust the "Questionnaire" service. Reviews about the site are mixed. But one thing is clear - this is not a scam. The service pays regularly, you can earn here, albeit a little money.
