People have a desire to look beautiful and dress stylishly. However, branded items differ not only in style, but also in price, which is often beyond the reach of average residents. It seemed that it would be impossible to dress stylishly and modernly at reasonable prices.

The emergence of a number of Chinese online stores has dramatically changed the usual situation. Direct suppliers skillfully counterfeit well-known brands, while maintaining the quality at a fairly high level. And the prices for such things are much lower than for the originals.
But most users need help on how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress, as sellers are well disguised.
Why is it hard to find counterfeit goods on Aliexpress?
The Aliexpress store is one of the most popular among the sites in its segment. It features over a million different products divided into categories and subcategories.

Most of the assortment are:
- goods produced by Chinese brands, about which almost nothing is known;
- products similar to well-known brands.
There are a lot of rumors about how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress. The developers and moderators of the site are vigilant to ensure that the symbols and names of world famous brands are not used by third-party sellers.
However, Chinese suppliers do not give up and create more and more ways to circumvent the ban:
- a fake product is produced under a different brand, usually it is the abbreviated name of the original, a consonant name or even a description of the logo (Cartier - Bleu);
- Product photos are being edited, brand logos are being erased.
How to search for copies of brands?
But if sellers carefully hide the origin of their goods, how can you find copies of brands on Aliexpress? You won't be able to find the right shoes, clothes or jewelry by chance.
Suppliers, trying to bypass strict moderation, found several loopholes. It is enough to enter the abbreviated brand name in the search bar and add a clarification. For example, by entering HDC smartphone, you can find smartphones that will be exact copies of a well-known label, but at the same time their price will be much lower.

It is worth noting that another rule regarding how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress is the division of categories. Often, electronics cannot be found by simply reducingoriginal titles. Chinese manufacturers do not overwrite logos and do not edit photos. They produce identical goods to the originals, but under completely new brands. Most often they are in tune with the original. But in any case, it is better to contact the seller and clarify the details.
What are the most searched for?
The Aliexpress store is distinguished by a wide selection of goods in different categories: from household items to small furniture. You can find everything, the main thing is to know how to correctly ask a query in a search engine. The same goes for fakes. If you know the algorithm, then the search will become fast and convenient.
Among hundreds of categories, shoppers are most likely to search for replicas of global brands in clothing, jewelry, electronics, bags and accessories.
Will the product be of high quality?
And yet, the main fear of those who already know how to find copies of world brands on Aliexpress is the quality of the product they are looking for. It can range from excellent and indistinguishable from the original to absolutely terrible.
In electronics, the body plates may not fit snugly, the "stuffing" of the devices may not match the description, and the overall appearance will be shabby. Things are even worse for clothes and shoes: sizing errors, loose threads, crooked seams, and so on.
It's pretty easy to avoid a bad buy. It is worth buying any goods only from reliable sellers. And you can navigate by reviews and real photos of products.
Place order
How to order copies of brands on "Aliexpress"? Making an order for fakesstandard. But users of the online store are advised to contact the seller before registration and send him a photo of the product, after marking where the logo should be. Chinese manufacturers have one thing: they can place a famous label in the most unexpected places.

After receiving a copy of the brand, you should carefully examine the package. Open the package carefully, because if the product does not match the description, then it can be sent back to the seller and demand a refund.