Phones have long ceased to be just a means of communication. Models of many companies have moved into the category of an expensive and beautiful accessory. Now very often, by the presence of a “cool” phone, one can judge the social status of a person. And here the question arises: what is meant by the "coolness" of the phone? Everyone will answer this in their own way. For some, the most important thing is the price of the device, someone appreciates the appearance most of all, and for many, an important indicator of an excellent phone is its functionality, and everything else is unimportant. So what is better - the exorbitant cost of the phone, showing that its owner is a we althy person, or its functionality?

In this article we will try to answer the question: what is it, the "coolest" phone in the world? It should be noted that the mobile phone market is developing rapidly, and those devices that were considered the undisputed leaders last year are no longer in trend or are inferior to new models in terms of price, quality or functionality. In addition, personal preference plays a big role. The owner of the device of a certain companywill always consider that he has the "coolest" mobile phone, therefore, choosing the best from the numerous list of modern communication devices, we will be guided by the opinion of the majority of their users.
Selection criteria
Answering the question of what is the "coolest" phone in the world today, you need to determine the selection parameters. What is the first thing they look for when buying a smartphone? For the vast majority of users, these are performance, quality, functionality and price.

The coolest touch phones
The share of touchscreen phones in the market is constantly growing. If older people find mobile phones with a conventional display more convenient for themselves, then middle-aged users and young people prefer models with touch screens. If you choose from them the "coolest" phone in the world, then these will be smartphones from such companies as Samsung, Apple, HTC, Nokia. They are the most dynamically developing companies that either develop their OS or constantly modify it. In terms of sales, they are in the lead, but the main competitors among them today are two large manufacturers - Samsung and Apple. Fighting for a buyer and finding out the fact that one of them makes the "coolest" phone in the world are the main points of competition between these two largest manufacturing companies.
Apple holds its own
The new iPhone 5s is a big announcement from Apple. The attitude to the products of this company is surprisingly diametrical - iPhones ormadly in love or just as selflessly hate. But all this does not prevent Apple devices from being leaders in sales all over the world. What is the advantage of the iPhone 5s? It captivates with its perfect design. It has not yet been possible to create a smartphone better in terms of external parameters. The case is made of aluminum, and from a single piece, which already gives the device an expensive and stylish look. The rectangular shape of the iPhone with pleasantly rounded corners is very comfortable for the hand. The Apple product is the thinnest among the rest of the competition.
A huge plus of all Apple devices is an endless number of exclusive games and applications that are available only to owners of "apple" products.
What the new iPhone loses in is the quality of the shooting. By a little bit, but flagships from Samsung, HTC and Nokia surpassed it.
Samsung is a worthy competitor to Apple

It's done - the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone is finally on sale, and fans of this brand can see for themselves how different it is from the previous model. The parameters of the novelty are impressive. The device withstands immersion in water for 30 minutes and is completely protected from dust. The 16 megapixel camera turns the smartphone into a high-quality camera. There is also advanced software for those who seriously monitor their he alth - a heart rate monitor. All this allows us to say that Samsung hit back at Apple with the release of its new product. The cost of the Galaxy S5 is almost $300 less than the price of the latest iPhone model, which is also a big plus for the novelty from the Korean manufacturer. With such functionality and cost, buyers will not have to wait long.
The "coolest" phone of 2014 in terms of functionality
The HTC One (M8) was the best smartphone of 2014 according to TopTenReviews, a ratings company, and TechRadar, an online publication that specializes in mobile device reviews.

Like the iPhone 5, the new HTC is equipped with a monolithic aluminum body. The smooth shape of the device allows it to lie comfortably in the hand. The smartphone has a huge 5-inch screen, but this does not make it look like a "shovel". It thins out towards the edges, giving it the feeling of being thinner than it really is.
The performance of the device is at a high level, as it is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 (MSM8974AB), the latest platform.
All of these features ensure that HTC's new product is well received by mobile phone developers and users alike.
Gold and diamonds - this is also true for the phone
If you choose the coolest phone in the world not in terms of its advanced functionality and performance, but in terms of cost, then there is also something to look at. A phone can be not just expensive, but a luxurious accessory worth several million dollars. For example, such as the amazing creation of jeweler Stuart Hughes. He recently created the most expensive phone in the world. It was called the iPhone 5 Black Diamond. It was made on the basis of Apple products and covered with 600diamonds. Even the company logo is made of precious stones - it took 53 diamonds. There is only one copy of the iPhone 5 Black Diamond in the world, its cost is $16 million.

So, the answer to the question of what is better - the functionality of the phone or its cost, everyone will find for himself. If you need it primarily as a means of communication, communication, as well as for watching videos, surfing the Internet, reading books, then the choice will be your smartphone with a good set of necessary functions, applications and programs. If it should serve as an indicator of the material well-being of its owner, then here the choice is quite extensive - from the latest smartphones of the latest generation, the price of which starts from $ 800, to the luxurious creations of the jeweler Stuart Hughes. So, what is more important - the functionality or the cost of a mobile phone? The choice is always yours.