Many manufacturers of wireless headsets have not spoiled users with fresh models for a long time. The main boom around “bluetooth” devices subsided three or four years ago, and some second-tier companies somehow completely disappeared from the market. The venerable brands have narrowed the segment to reasonable limits, completely shaking up their lines. Experts say with confidence that such an abundance of wireless headsets, which was the same five years ago, will no longer exist.

So, the subject of today's review is the Plantronics Discovery 975 wireless headset: instructions, specifications, advantages and disadvantages of the model, as well as expert opinions along with reviews from ordinary users of the device.
The model is addressed to a variety of people who are willing to pay for an expensive, but extremely high-quality device for their smartphone. The Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth headset will appeal to connoisseurs of not only beautiful, but also technological things.
The accessory has a very presentable look and fits almost any style of clothing and fordifferent categories of people. Alternatively, you can wear the headset around your neck, belt or anywhere else, since the design of the model allows this, as well as a variety of branded accessories.
Package set
The model comes in a very nice box with a brand-specific design. On it we will see the name, the main features of the headset, awards received at various exhibitions, certification labels and other less important information.

Box contents:
- Plantronics Discovery 975 headset itself;
- instruction in Russian;
- battery in case;
- mounting carabiner;
- extra case for third party accessories;
- mains charger;
- duplicate speaker caps;
- warranty card and company brochures.
In fact, we have a fashion product in front of us, and the packaging fully corresponds to this indicator. The box is made of very good and high-quality cardboard, which is simply thrown away after unpacking. All the contents are in a strong fabric case, and a special magnet is implanted inside to hold the case itself. The manufacturer's approach to packaging can be called scrupulous.
When going on a long journey, you can easily pack all the contents of the box into a case without worrying that the carabiner, battery or charger will travel around the suitcase. Any unnecessary or superfluous things inPlantronics Discovery 975 is simply not included, and the sensible instructions will clearly tell you how and what to do, so it’s simply unrealistic to “get lost” with the headset.
The majority of owners liked the previous models of the series: the devices worked properly, but many were embarrassed by the “beak”, which immediately caught the eye when looking at the gadget from the side. The headset was notable for its lightness and original performance, but the manufacturer somehow “amateurly” complicated the appearance, instead of making the usual and familiar microphone stem.

The new gadget Plantronics Discovery 975 received a logical development of design ideas: a small base where the chip is hidden, a thin microphone stem and a rechargeable battery that fully corresponds to the dimensions of the gadget.
The design is made of fairly high-quality silver plastic, and, unlike previous generations, it is not easily soiled, not shiny and does not collect dust and all kinds of dirt like a vacuum cleaner. In addition, the new Bluetooth headset Plantronics Discovery 975 received a leather insert on the front panel - it was done great, unusual and sensible.
As for the build quality, there are no complaints here: nothing backlash, no creaks and no crunches. The weight of the gadget is only eight grams, so you simply won’t notice its presence, which means that Plantronics Discovery 975 also has everything in order with ergonomics. Owner reviews have repeatedly noted the convenience of the model and the manufacturer’s really competent approachto the entire structure as a whole.
The nozzles included in the kit remained as comfortable as in the case of the previous generation, and the diameter of the speaker is correctly adjusted, which means that there are no problems with the "heaviness" of the device. The silicone pads are additionally equipped with fasteners, so even with active sports, the Plantronics Discovery 975 headset will remain on your head.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the accessory is not quite suitable for some users, somewhere due to the specific structure of the ear, and somewhere because of the unique type of activity, but such an overwhelming minority. In any case, the instruction manual lists almost all professions that, for some reason, are incompatible with the use of this accessory.
The Plantronics Discovery 975 (Bluetooth) headset has only two function buttons. The small and rectangular key is designed to adjust the volume and mute the microphone if the call is moderately held.
Another multi-functional button is not visually visible, but felt under the leather insert. It is designed to answer incoming calls, end a conversation, switch between two lines, transfer a call to a phone, and turn the Plantronics Discovery 975 headset on and off.

The firmware downloaded from the official source does not change the functionality of the buttons in any way, while amateur drainsallow, albeit slightly, but to expand the capabilities of the device. If you wish, you can experiment with them, but then flashing in the corporate center, if something goes wrong, will cost a tidy sum. In most cases, the problem of "hanging" is solved by a rough reset (Hard Reset) Plantronics Discovery 975. To do this, just press both buttons at the same time and hold them for ten seconds.
In addition, the headset is equipped with service voice messages that will notify you of most standard features and low battery. A very useful addition, which, by the way, can be easily turned off if the female voice in your ear is a little fed up.
Work offline
The manufacturer claimed five hours of continuous talk. After field tests, it turned out that for such a small accessory - a very good indicator. You can charge the device using the micro USB port on the side of the gadget. The first charge lasts about two hours, and all subsequent charges are slightly less - about an hour and a little.
Battery case
The previous 925th model had such an accessory, but in the new Plantronics Discovery 975 this moment was brought to perfection, as they say, “finished”. Now you can see a small display on the case itself, where the charging indicators of the headset itself and the battery built into the case are conveniently located.

To extract the gadget provideda special button, which is very convenient. Also on the cover itself there is a small loop where, using the carabiner that comes with the kit, you can safely attach the entire structure to jeans or trousers (also great and practical). Users in their reviews thanked the manufacturer more than once for the thoughtful design - it was done conveniently and as it should.
Case features
The principle of operation of the battery case itself is quite simple. If the charge of the Plantronics Discovery 975 approaches a critical indicator, then all you need is just to put the headset in a case and leave the gadget alone for an hour. By watching the charging indicator, you can decide for yourself when the device can be used again. Of course, there are some disadvantages in this whole process: you can’t use the headset while charging in the case, but it’s still better than looking for a nearby outlet.
The battery life of the gadget together with the case, according to the manufacturer, is already 15 hours of continuous conversations, and this is a very decent indicator. The case itself charges in about two and a half hours via a micro-USB port similar to the headset.
Transmission quality
The protocol by which Bluetooth works, although not the most modern (2.1), nevertheless it showed itself perfectly in work. It is possible to connect up to two phones at the same time with a distance of no more than five meters.
Besides, the scheme of work with two microphones, coupled with wind protection using WindSmart technology, is well implemented. The latter does its job very well.thanks to the peculiarly shaped holes in the microphone and its own acoustic coating, which, as it were, envelops the speaker. There is quite sensible automatic volume control, and what pleases - with the ability to turn it off.
The 925th model was already excellent in terms of speech transmission, and our respondent was even more successful in this matter. Speaking specifically, the quality of a conversation on a headset paired with an iPhone is noticeably better than from the phone itself, not to mention other Androids. By and large, the interlocutor on the other end does not even notice that the communication is on the headset.
Talking on the street, even in the most "heavy" rush hour, can be quite comfortable. Here, even the point is that, rather, you will not hear the person on the other end, while he will easily understand your words. As an assistant for the driver, the accessory showed itself from the best side: rich sound without any cacophonies, preservation of notes characteristic of your timbre, loud sound, convenience - in general, the gadget is ideal for a car.
Impression of work
The main impression of using the headset, judging by the reviews of the owners, is the absence of discomfort while wearing. Many, by profession or for other reasons, are forced to wear a gadget for almost 12 hours, and during all this time the ear does not get tired or rubbed. This was facilitated by soft gel nozzles and a very tiny weight of the device.

If you use the device not to work as a dispatcher, but as an everyday accessory, thenthe battery (both in the case and in the headset itself) lasts about a couple of weeks.
Gadget control is so simple and intuitive that the instructions sometimes seem superfluous. A pleasant female voice will tell you that you have moved away from the source of communication or about a critical indicator of the battery. "Girl" does not bother at all, and there is no desire to turn it off. In general, judging by the reviews of the owners, the impression of the work is at least four and a half points, and most often five.
Summing up
As for some minuses of the device, even with the most scrupulous inspection and use of the gadget it will not be possible to find them, but there are more than enough pluses.
Plantronics headset benefits:
- excellent voice data performance;
- availability of a case with its own rechargeable battery for a significant increase in battery life;
- headset is intuitive and ergonomic;
- unusual and interesting appearance, but at the same time classically simple;
- rich package.
The price of the device, though slightly overpriced, but experts consider it more or less adequate. Despite the fact that the gadget is very good-looking, adding one or two thousand rubles, you can take the flagship from Jawbone, and this is a completely different elite level.
In any case, if you need a really high-quality and sensible headset in many respects, then the 975th model from Plantronics is an excellent option. It's safe to say that the money you pay forthis gadget will not be wasted, and you will become the owner of an image item from a venerable brand.
Verdict - Recommended buy.