Payment for Tele2 content - what is it? Paid services "Tele2"

Payment for Tele2 content - what is it? Paid services "Tele2"
Payment for Tele2 content - what is it? Paid services "Tele2"

Any person using mobile communications, sooner or later, may face the fact that funds for incomprehensible services begin to disappear from the balance of the phone. Often this happens because the user uses paid subscriptions and other types of content provided on a commercial basis. It should be noted that users can refuse such offers so that the payment for Tele2 content is not charged. What it is and how all kinds of subscriptions work can be found in the material below.

Content Summary

Many subscribers do not even know why Tele2 content is paid for, what it is and why such services are needed at all. To make it easier to understand, it should be noted that the application is already installed on the SIM card, and you can find such a service on your phone if you go to the device menu. Content allows customers to receive text notifications that come free of charge and contain various information. It includes world news, currency exchange, entertainment services and more.

Paying for Tele2 content what is it
Paying for Tele2 content what is it

This application allows people to receive only the latest world news in certain areas. By choosing the desired topic, the client will receive news via SMS to his phone. After opening the message, a brief information about the news and a link to read the full text will be provided. As soon as a person clicks on the link, payment for Tele2 content will begin. What it is is now clear, but not all subscribers need such a service. Most people use the phone only for its intended purpose. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: how to disable paid content on Tele2? This will be discussed further.

Types of subscriptions

There are different types of information distribution that subscribers can use. Therefore, the mobile operator "Tele2" offers to subscribe to the following directions:

  1. Weather news.
  2. Information on the latest exchange rate.
  3. Data from the political world.
  4. Various jokes, jokes and other entertainment information.
  5. World news.
  6. Sport news.
  7. Business Line Information.
  8. Game industry data.
  9. Other.
Payment by Tele2 card
Payment by Tele2 card

It should be noted that all information that comes via SMS is free, but clicking on links is paid. Often, data on the cost of reading a particular news is written at the bottom of the message, and after the transition, Tele2 is automatically paid. It is impossible to pay for subscriptions with a card, if it is a card issued by a bank, all funds will be debiteddirectly from your mobile balance.

Checking Subscriptions

Not all mobile operator customers need a service with subscriptions, but they can still come to the phone as an advertising mailing. This is especially true for new subscribers who have just bought a SIM card. In this case, the service will already be automatically installed, and users may not understand why Tele2 content is paid for, what it is and how to refuse paid subscriptions. But each person has the opportunity to learn about the services that are connected to the number. To verify such information, you must use one of the methods presented:

  1. One of the most reliable ways is to call the Tele2 operator. Minutes are not charged, so there is no charge for calls. To call the operator, you need to call by dialing the short number 611. At the very beginning, a voice menu will open in which you need to listen to the automatic informant, and only then you can contact the employee. This method is bad because it is necessary to wait a certain time until the operator is free and can answer the call. After the response of the employee, it will be possible to ask to list all subscriptions on the number for which money is withdrawn.
  2. Payment for Tele2 with a card for subscriptions is not possible, but money can disappear from the mobile balance in decent amounts, so you can check the availability of active services through your personal account. To do this, you need to go to the operator's website, and then go to the office. After authorization and login, the service will be available, andthrough it it will be possible to view all connected services and their cost.
  3. Additionally, it should be noted that customers can personally come to the Tele2 salon in their city and ask the employee to tell which subscriptions are assigned to the number and find out what their cost is.
  4. The fastest and easiest method of detailing is to request the content of SMS "Tele2". What it is? The user enters the service combination 1441 on the phone. After that, the message will contain information about those mailings that are connected to this SIM-card, with their cost. If this method is not suitable, it is recommended to use the request 111.

Debiting funds can occur every day. Then the funds will quickly leave, and in order to save them, you need to know about the methods of disabling such mailings.

Prohibition of content

Many mobile operators in the country have the “Content Ban” service, after installation of which paid subscriptions and other mailings will not be activated, due to this, all funds will be saved. The mobile operator Tele2 stated that there is no such option in its arsenal, and customers need to use other methods that can be used to deactivate subscriptions. Other available methods will be discussed below.

How to disable content on Tele2
How to disable content on Tele2

Disconnect via phone

To deactivate subscriptions via phone, you need to go to the device menu and find a special thematic section with subscriptions. After that, all services that are active will be shown, andopposite them will be the signs "+" and "-". By clicking on them, you can disable or enable services.

Content request sms Tele2 what is it
Content request sms Tele2 what is it

There is also a special combination through which you can disable all services. Dial 1520 on the gadget and make a call. After that, a confirmation SMS will come.

Disconnection with the help of company employees

If you can’t disconnect from the services yourself, you can call the operator at 611. After connecting with the employee, he will need to provide his passport data so that the employee can identify himself and, upon request, remotely disable services. It is also recommended that subscribers make a visit to the Tele2 branded communication salon, where employees will help solve the problem. The main thing is to have a passport for personal identification or a driver's license.

How to disable paid content on Tele2
How to disable paid content on Tele2

Internet disconnection

If there is access to the Internet, deactivation is carried out through the "Personal Account". First you need to go through a short registration to gain access to the data and login password. After authorization, you need to go to the "Service Management" section. The new menu will display information about the connected services with their brief description. To deactivate a particular service, it will be enough to click on the disable button. There is no charge for this transaction.

It should be noted that turning off the "Beep" or "Automatic payment" option will not work through the cabinet. For this, other deactivation options are used, which can be found onoperator website.

Content ban service
Content ban service

If the number is used on a smartphone, customers are advised to install a mobile application that performs the same functions as the "Personal Account". The application is free to use and download, but requires the Internet to work. It doesn't matter if you use a mobile phone or a Wi-Fi hotspot.


Knowing how to turn off content on Tele2, you can be sure that the money will be spent only for the right purposes, and not constantly debited. Subscribers are advised to carefully study the information in the messages, as it is possible to accidentally re-subscribe to a particular service, after which the debiting of money will resume.