What are the best Android apps in 2016?

What are the best Android apps in 2016?
What are the best Android apps in 2016?

In 2016, the Google app store was replenished with a huge number of new applications, some of which either brought fundamentally new functions to the IT industry or brought existing technologies to mind, making, as a result, users' lives many times more comfortable and more interesting. What are the best Android apps users can install on their devices in 2016?

Google Assistant

At its annual conference in the fall, Google unveiled a huge number of new products, including its own smartphones, virtual reality headsets, set-top boxes, and much more.

Of course, we didn't forget about the software: the new version of Android 7.0 Nougat saw the light, and with it the own voice assistant Google Assistant. The company created an alternative to Siri and Cortana with approximately the same available functionality and presented it at the spring Google I / O 2016 conference. But it made it possible to use the assistant only in October.

Google Assistant is officially only available on Pixel smartphones, but you caninstall on other smartphones running on Android. To do this, you will need to acquire root rights and the necessary files.

Probably the Google Assistant tops the list of the best Android apps of 2016.


Hit of the season - applications using neural networks. The pioneering application in this industry is Prisma, which uses these networks to process photos. What can I say if their analogues of "Prisma" were created even in Google and "Vkontakte".

With the help of Prisma, any user can radically change the style of photography. That is, not just edit the exposure and saturation, but rather “redraw” the photo in a different style and with different colors.

best apps for android
best apps for android

Neural networks have not yet been studied enough, but we can definitely say that applications based on them have a huge potential for development.

In terms of innovation, Prisma could top the list for "Best Apps for Android".

Google Allo and Duo

Among other things, in September, the search engine presented both its own messenger and an analogue of FaceTime.

best apps for android
best apps for android

Google Allo received all the basic functions of any messenger, and its main feature was integration with the Google Assistant voice assistant. Users can receive all the necessary information directly in the chat window with the interlocutor @google.

Google Duo has become the equivalent of Apple's FaceTime on Android. The application is available to users around the world and allows you to make free video calls anywhere in the world. True, the audio format is not yet supported, so making calls like on a regular phone will not work yet. Although the developers promise to add this feature as well.

By the way, in the "Best Free Apps for Android" section, the video messenger took the lead in the first week after its release, overtaking both Pokémon GO and Facebook.

best apps for android 2016
best apps for android 2016

Opera Max

Despite the crazy popularity of Chrome and UC Browser, Opera's browser is not lost against these giants. Moreover, Opera Max has at least one significant advantage: this browser allows you to fully control the entire traffic flow and save any information in a compressed form, but without losing quality. This is a unique feature that few browsers support and is only fully implemented in Opera Max.

To the question: “What are the best programs for Android among browsers that you can highlight?” many users answer with confidence - Opera Max.

Skype For Business

In an effort to bring its products to almost every popular platform available, Microsoft has added the Skype For Business app to the Play Market app store. Now Android users will also join corporate meetings.

The Android version has no differences from the version on other platforms: the interface is made in the same familiar Windows style. Therefore, those who migrate from Windowson Android, no discomfort will be experienced.

This is what the "Best Apps for Android" list looks like.

It turns out that everything is still the same in the Android app store from Google: from year to year it is replenished with a huge number of useful programs that make life easier for ordinary users and, as a result, more comfortable. Plus, the segment of business applications for the corporate environment is also developing at an increasing pace, which also cannot but rejoice.
