Ventilation and air conditioning installation system

Ventilation and air conditioning installation system
Ventilation and air conditioning installation system

Ventilation is one of the most important life support systems in any home. However, when the dwelling is so airtight that it resembles a thermos, then there can be no question of any comfort. Indoors, high-quality air exchange is required. Old air, which contains a lot of carbon dioxide, must leave, making room for new, fresh air. Due to the disturbed air exchange in the room, it becomes stuffy, the kitchen fumes spread throughout the house instead of being weathered, and the humidity in the bathroom can increase so much that it is comparable to a steam bath. Misted windows are the first sign of lack of proper ventilation. It is imperative to fight this, because as a result of constant exposure to dampness, not only furniture and interiors suffer, but also human he alth. To avoid this, a thoughtful and carefully planned ventilation installation system is required.

Ventilation mounting system
Ventilation mounting system


At the moment there are three different types of ventilation systems: natural, forced and mixed. In the latter case, some of the elements work forcibly. It is worth considering all these types in more detail, understanding not only their device, but also the installation features.

Natural ventilation is characterized by the fact that its operation does not require electricity, that is, it is autonomous. A system of blowing and ventilation ducts is arranged in the room. The difference in temperature and pressure at the beginning and at the end of the system creates a natural movement of air masses, which some call "draft". The ventilation installation system of this type involves the use of calculations in the design to determine the optimal points for air inflow and outflow.


Natural ventilation has certain advantages, some of which stand out:

  • creating natural conditions that are considered the most suitable for a comfortable stay of a person indoors;
  • autonomy;
  • low set-up and maintenance costs;
  • lack of details on which fungi will develop and multiply;
  • natural movement of air masses, completely dependent on weather conditions.
Installation of an industrial ventilation system
Installation of an industrial ventilation system


Such a system also has certain disadvantages, among which one can single out dependence on natural weather conditions. For example, strong winds oftenthe reason for the appearance of reverse thrust, which removes the debris from the ventilation duct. The movement of air in hot weather actually stops, since the normal functioning of natural ventilation remains possible only if the temperature outside is lower than indoors. However, it is the natural ventilation installation system that turns out to be the most suitable for providing the most comfortable conditions for a person to stay. So you can eliminate the risk of allergies, runny noses of a cold nature and instability of blood pressure.

Application features

Natural ventilation is used in residential buildings, both old and modern. All high-rise buildings are equipped with ventilation ducts, which usually run in the middle of a riser or apartment. Through a vertical ventilation duct, the exhaust air exits upwards, that is, to the roof. However, inlet openings were not provided in Soviet buildings. In theory, fresh air was supposed to enter the room through the ventilation vent, which was always available on each window, or through small cracks in the frames. The movement of air through wooden windows has a lot of positive qualities. Natural recovery allows the air to warm up even in winter, passing through the windows.

Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems
Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Checking performance

So, the installation and installation of ventilation systems are carried out after checking the operability of the existing system. If you notice the first signs of work stoppagenatural ventilation in the room, then you need to check and pinpoint the place where the problem arose. It does not hurt to check its performance more often, for prevention. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper 25 x 3 cm, bring it to the exhaust vent in the room with the windows and doors closed. If the piece of paper deviated to the vent and even stuck to it, then everything is fine, that is, air is supplied through the slots under the doors and in the windows.

Inlet ventilation

Normal operation of natural ventilation is not possible unless certain rules are followed. Air vents and supply openings should be located on the outer wall, and an exhaust ventilation duct must be placed on the opposite wall. The ventilation mounting system allows you to place the supply valves in several places:

  • under the windowsill;
  • in the top or bottom window frame;
  • in the wall next to the window.

Many modern models of metal-plastic windows are already equipped with inlet valves in the lower or upper part. They are usually equipped with a damper and a filter, so their operation can be controlled. Installation of the supply ventilation system can also be done by placing holes in the wall. However, if the region has a severe winter climate, then this will be a source of icy air, which causes condensation on the wall, and sometimes frost. The best option is to place the supply valve under the windowsill in close proximity to the heating radiator. The air entering the room is quitewill heat up quickly. Installation of heating and ventilation systems in this case should be carried out at the construction stage, that is, before the start of finishing work inside the premises.

Installation and installation of ventilation systems
Installation and installation of ventilation systems

Forced ventilation

The distinguishing feature of this solution is the use of electricity to power the installed fans. Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in this case has certain features. Forced movement can be organized in many ways:

  • monoblock solution for one room;
  • monoblock system for a whole cottage;
  • combined options, which consist of air ducts in all rooms, filters, heat exchangers, fans, noise absorbers and other elements.

Such solutions are completely independent of weather conditions, since the pressure difference is formed artificially, by means of fans. There is no backlash here. Filters are used to purify the air from various harmful impurities, and it can also be heated depending on weather conditions. Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in this case is a much more difficult task, since it is required to draw up a plan for the placement of all elements at the design stage of the building.

Features of forced ventilation

As disadvantages of such a system, it is customary to name not only the high cost of development, creation, installation and subsequentoperation, but also the fact that most of the elements of such a system serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. It is impossible to clean them daily, and the air passes through them constantly, transferring all kinds of bacteria into the room. Installation of an exhaust ventilation system in this case brings only negative aspects for people in the form of allergies, asthma and frequent SARS.

Installation of an exhaust ventilation system
Installation of an exhaust ventilation system

Scope of use of forced ventilation

However, in some situations it is impossible to do without using such a solution. For example, in large rooms, characterized by a significant influx of people, where there is a need for a large flow of air. Installation of an industrial ventilation system is required in industrial premises, auditoriums, gyms, railway stations and other places where there is a need to provide people with large masses of fresh air.

The use of such solutions has become popular in large country houses. For example, the installation of an industrial ventilation system, in particular, openings for air inflow or intake, can be carried out directly above a place where there is a mass gathering of people. It could be a sofa in the living room, a smoking room, or some other place. Simpler houses are perfectly fine with natural ventilation, unless the building is too airtight.

Installation of air conditioning systems ventilation heating
Installation of air conditioning systems ventilation heating

Installation of air conditioning, ventilation, heating systems

Competent design is one of the most important moments insolution of the task. And this applies not only to newly built, but also restored buildings. Usually, all design work is carried out at the stage of repair or construction, since a complex of complex works with high costs is expected. Of course, everything must be done exclusively by qualified specialists with experience and experience in this field.

All these systems require a consistent and thorough study of all the features of the object, as well as accurate calculations. The final project must take into account the calculations, the requirements of the standards and the wishes of the building owner. When choosing an air conditioner, attention is paid not only to the required characteristics, but also to the brand that is most suitable in terms of a combination of parameters. It is also important to take into account the possibilities for energy saving in the operation of the finished system.

Design and installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out with the following types of work (subject to contact with a specialized company):

  • development of comprehensive project documentation for ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems, as well as electrical and automation;
  • examination of finished objects;
  • examination of the equipment that is available, as well as the provision of certain recommendations for its use.
Installation of supply ventilation system
Installation of supply ventilation system


Ventilation installation system is a complex task that requires a whole range of activities. The result isan effective solution that can work for many years. The choice of one or another type of ventilation, that is, natural, forced or mixed, depends on many factors that must be taken into account by professionals in the development process. Building owners can only express their preferences regarding the appearance of future structures, as well as how exactly the installed system should work. An important point is the design of the visible elements of ventilation and air conditioning, which should also be taken care of in order to create a complete harmonious interior.
