How to stick a film on the phone correctly. Tips & Tricks

How to stick a film on the phone correctly. Tips & Tricks
How to stick a film on the phone correctly. Tips & Tricks

When you get a new mobile phone, its screen is simply astonishingly smooth. Alas, this effect does not last so long with regular active use of the device. It invariably begins to develop minor scratches, chips, and other damage.

How to stick a film on a phone
How to stick a film on a phone

In addition, the display dims due to constant contact with the skin of the fingers and the stylus. To keep it in its original form for as long as possible, you need to get such a useful accessory as a protective film on the phone screen.

It has quite a few advantages. Compared to the case, the film does not make the device bulky and does not dampen the sound of the speakers. At the same time, it perfectly protects the screen from direct impact and gives it an extra gloss. Recently, however, matte film has also become popular. With its help, the load on the eyes while working with the device is reduced. In addition, this kind of film eliminates sun glare. But the surface is already losing its former smoothness.

Howstick a film on the phone? It’s worth saying right away that different companies use different technologies from each other. If you plan to re-glue the film several times or are afraid that you won’t cope with the task the first time, then choose accessories from, say, Brando.

Phone screen protector
Phone screen protector

They are based on a very thin silicone base. Thanks to him, no sticky residue will remain on the display.

How to stick a film on a phone if you have never had to do anything like this before? In fact, everything is quite simple. First, remove traces of dirt from the screen with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. This will allow the film to adhere tightly to the base. If you did not purchase a proprietary coating, but bought a universal version that is suitable for most smartphones, then it must be cut off. Remember that the edges of the protective layer should not reach the "sides" of the display a little. Otherwise, the question of how to stick a film on a phone will become a regular one for you.

How to stick a carbon film on a phone
How to stick a carbon film on a phone

You also need to make a cutout for the speaker or the function button at the bottom of the screen. When the film is already pasted, such a procedure will be much more difficult to carry out.

Carefully get rid of all the bubbles. These are weaknesses in the protection of your phone. They are the first to not withstand the pressure of mechanical action. Yes, and the color rendition because of them will be very lame. If you do not know how to stick the film on the phone correctly,then be sure to use the following advice. Start pressing the cover against the screen surface exactly from the side where the notch is located. If it is not available, stick from the top edge.

Wondering how to stick a carbon film on a phone? This is not much more difficult to do than in the case of the usual option. The procedure is basically the same as described above. It just needs to be done with even more care. The carbon film tends to stick very firmly. Therefore, it will be difficult to repeat the procedure. As a last resort, you can always ask for help from the seller in the store where you purchased the protective coating for your smartphone. This will prevent damage to the film.