Electronics was born at the intersection of such scientific branches as physics and technology. If we consider it in a narrow sense, then we can say that it is engaged in the study of the interaction of electrons and the electromagnetic field, as well as the creation of devices based on this knowledge. What are these devices and how is the science of electronics developing today?
Today is the age of information technology. The entire flow of data that we receive from the outside must be processed, stored and transmitted. All these processes occur with the help of electronic devices of various types. The deeper a person plunges into the fragile world of electrons, the grander his discoveries and, accordingly, the created electronic devices.

You can find enough information about what electronics is and how this science has developed. After studying it, you are amazed at how quickly technology has developed, what a rapid leap this industry has made in a short period of time.
As a science, it began to take shape in the 20th century. It happened withthe beginning of the development of the element base of radio engineering and radio electronics. The second half of the last century was marked by the development of cybernetics and computers (electronic computers). All this stimulated interest in this area. If at the beginning of its development one computer could occupy a whole room of considerable size, today we have microtechnologies that can turn all our ideas about the world around us.

Surprisingly, but perhaps in the near future it will be possible to talk about what electronics is in the context of historical basic knowledge. Technology is minimizing every day. Their service life is increased. All this surprises us less and less. Such natural processes are associated with Moore's law and are carried out using silicon. Already today people are talking about an alternative to electronics – spintronics. And everyone knows developments in the field of nanoelectronics.
Development and challenges
So, what is electronics and what problems in the development of devices does this branch of science have? As it was said, electronics is an industry created at the intersection of physics and technology. It explores the processes of formation of charged particles and control of the motion of free electrons in various media such as solids, vacuum, plasma, gas and at their boundaries. This science also develops methods for creating electronic devices for various spheres of human life. Not the last place is occupied by research on problems related to the development of science: rapid obsolescence, ethical issues, researchand experiments, costs and more.
In the daily life of any modern person, the question "What is electronics?" will come as no surprise. His life is literally crammed with electronic devices: watches, washing machines and other household appliances, built-in appliances in cars and other vehicles, audio and video equipment, televisions, telephones, robots, medical devices and equipment, and so on. This list could go on for a very long time.
Development and application area
Traditionally, electronics is divided into two areas: the development of the element base and the design of electronic circuits. The element base is electronic devices of various characteristics. It is divided into the class of vacuum devices and solid-state electronics. In electrical circuits, the element base consists of devices for using, recording and processing electrical signals. The processed signal is reproduced in a convenient form (monitor screen, TV, sound, and so on). The signal can be recorded on a storage medium and played back at any time, control automatic systems, servos and other devices.
Electronic circuits are presented in analog and digital form. Analog amplifies and processes an analog signal. For example, radio waves. Digital circuits are designed to work with a signal of quantum nature. These are computers, controllers and many other devices.

Electronics and nanoelectronics today no longer surprise soas it was at the very beginning of the emergence of such technologies. What once seemed like science fiction has become commonplace in the modern world. The speed of development is so great that the devices do not have time to grow old, as they already become irrelevant.
But such sciences as electronics and nanoelectronics are connected by microelectronics, leading its history from 1958, since the creation of microcircuits, which include two resistors and four transistors. Further development followed the path of minimizing and simultaneously increasing the number of components, such as transistors. Nanoelectronics is engaged in the development of integrated circuits, the topological norm of which is less than 100 nm.

Is there a limit to technology development?
As you can see, electronics is a basic science for the development of sophisticated modern technologies. There are already rumors that flexible electronics have been developed that allow printing using molten metal.
It has not yet received mass distribution, but scientists have achieved significant success in this area. There is no doubt that the consumer market will soon learn what flexible electronics are.
Defining the boundaries of technology development, which began in the 20th century, is hardly possible today. Various sciences are merging, electronic biotechnologies, artificial intelligence and much more are developing. 3D printing has already been successfully applied, and in North Carolina they presented a very ambitious technology for such printing using molten metal. newtechnology can be implemented without much effort in any production of equipment.