How to take a screenshot on an iPhone and edit it: tips for users

How to take a screenshot on an iPhone and edit it: tips for users
How to take a screenshot on an iPhone and edit it: tips for users

Since you have decided to read this article, you probably don't know how to take a screenshot on an iPhone. Yes, yes, you heard right! It's a screenshot. I'm sure you're surprised right now. After all, most likely, you used this function only on a computer. But before answering the question: "How to take a screenshot on an iPhone?", Let's find out what this feature is. Why is it needed and what is the use of it?

how to take a screenshot on iphone
how to take a screenshot on iphone

What is this

A screenshot is an image taken by a computer, laptop, phone, tablet, iPhone or iPad. It, as a rule, shows exactly what the user himself sees on the screen of his device. Screenshots are used mainly to make some kind of manual for novice users. For example, step by step, with the help of screenshots, they explain how to use a particular program. So this is a very useful feature!

How to take a screenshot on an iPhone?

how to take a screenshot on iphone
how to take a screenshot on iphone

So, what is it, we have already found out. Now, let's get down to action:

  1. Turn on iPhone.
  2. Open the desired page or tab you want to take a picture of.
  3. Press two buttons at the same time - Power (on / off) and Home (round button at the bottom of the screen).
  4. Wait for a click or screen flash. This will signal that the picture has already been taken.
  5. Go to the "Photos" application and look at the received picture, it will be saved in the "Camera Roll" folder.

Now you know how to take a screenshot on an iPhone. But perhaps this is not enough. Indeed, sometimes it is necessary to take a picture not of the entire screen, but of some part of it. That is why, after the screenshot is in the folder with photos, it will be desirable to edit and crop the excess. A special program designed to work with images can help us with this.

How do I edit a screenshot in the Photos app?

So we have a screenshot ready. It remains to edit it a little, and for this:

  1. Opening the app.
  2. Select the picture you want to work with.
  3. Press the "Edit" button. It is in the upper right corner.
  4. As you can see, there are four editing options available to you: Rotate, Enhance, Red-eye, Crop. Choose what you need.
  5. Edit the image, and if everything suits you, press the "Save" button. If the resulting image does not satisfy you, click "Do not apply".

Well, now you knownot only how to take a screenshot of the iPhone screen, but also how to edit the resulting picture. In addition to the standard application for changing images, other utilities can be used on the iPhone.

Program overview

how to take a screenshot of iphone screen
how to take a screenshot of iphone screen
  • PhotoCurvesFree. Here you can create your own filters, as well as "pull" the color of any picture.
  • BeFunky! With it, you can edit photos, align colors and select frames.
  • Adobe Photoshop Express. Using this utility, you can rotate and crop pictures, as well as add frames and correct colors.
  • Camera Awesome. This application is a good alternative to the regular iPhone camera.
  • Instagram. With this program, you can add various frames, filters, change colors to pictures. Other than that, Instagram is a small social network.

We hope this article was useful for you, and you learned a lot for yourself, in addition to how to take a screenshot on an iPhone.
