If a DNS error occurs while using a computer or the Internet, be aware that there is a problem with the settings. If this problem is not resolved, the user will not be able to visit the desired website.
What is DNS?
For a domain, DNS will be the name of the service and will help you access resources on the Internet. The goal is to translate the address entered by the user in the browser. The translation is carried out from the language used into the language of the computer. This procedure facilitates the reading and understanding of the address by the computer in order to allow access to the site passing through the server.

What is a DNS error?
This type of error for a specific website is mostly due to no active network connection. It also means that the equipment is unable to connect to the Internet in order to resolve the entered address. For this reason, the computer is unable to visit the selected site.
Getting errors happen for a specific reason, and most of the time they're pretty easy to fix. Sometimes the device shows them only for certain resources. In this case, the address may be entered incorrectly or a record of it on the networkmissing.
What should I pay attention to first?
If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, there may not be a problem with the computer. For this reason, you should pay attention to the recommendations presented and use them.
- Worth checking to see if you're having difficulty accessing one site or all. In the first case, the resource may be subject to some changes or encounter problems in operation. The user should wait or flush the DNS cache using the ipconfig /flushdns command as an administrator in a special line.
- If possible, check to see if the DNS error appears on one device being used or on others as well. If all devices are exposed to it, then the provider may have a problem. In this case, you should wait until the problem is resolved.
- When making a connection using a Wi-Fi router, it must be completely turned off and restarted. The next time you try to access the site, the DNS server error will most likely disappear.
- When connecting to the Internet without using a Wi-Fi router, it is recommended to go to the connection list on the computer. Next, you need to disable the local network and re-enable it.
It should be understood that after the manipulations, the DNS error may remain. In such a situation, it is worth using other methods to correct it.

Using Google Public DNS
It is recommended to use the following instruction if the error persists:
- Necessarygo to the list of device connections. An easy way to do this is to press the key combination Win + R and enter the command ncpa.cpl.
- It is worth choosing the connection used to access the Internet. It is a high-speed connection PPPoE, L2TP or local area network. The required element is selected and the "Properties" item is pressed.
- Select TCP/IPv4 among the components used by the connection.
- If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, it is important to check what settings are in the DNS server options. When receiving an address in automatic mode, it is worth moving on to entering addresses. Then the values and are specified. Otherwise, you must pre-set automatic acquisition.
- After saving the settings, run the command line as administrator and execute ipconfig /flushdns.
Next, try to go to the site and make sure there is no DNS server error.

Troubleshooting Browser Issues
Checking DNS connections is possible when using a different browser. To do this, download any web browser. At the moment there are a large number of them, and most of them are provided free of charge. After the browser is open, you need to connect to the Internet. If the service is not found again due to a DNS lookup error, then there are no errors in the browser. This means that there is a problem with other computer settings.
In the absence of difficulties, the user mustTroubleshooting an old browser. Quite often they occur due to proxy settings. Accordingly, it is necessary to change them.
Purge and change DNS
First of all, if a DNS error appears, it is worth clearing the cache manually, as the setting becomes obsolete over time. This can be done from the command line. This procedure is simple, but it may be ineffective. If the DNS connection error persists, it's worth changing the service.
The user has the ability to independently enter an alternative DNS server to connect. To do this, go to the ncpa.cpl section and select an active connection, and then go to Properties. You need to find the TCP / IPv4 network protocol entry, which is located in the "Network" tab. Then the properties and the option to go to the server address are selected. In the Preferred DNS server field, the user must enter Then, in the Alternate DNS server field, you need to enter The newly created DNS servers will be open source.
Slow server response when using Google
In this case, DNS lookup failure means that Googlebot is unable to contact it. This is because it is not working, or there is a problem with DNS routing for the user's domain. Most of the warnings and errors do not affect the functioning of the robot. Their occurrence can also be explained by a long reaction, which is an unpleasant moment for users.
You should first make surethat Google crawls the site. To do this, you should use the tool for the main page of the resource. Google will have access to the site if the user returns the content without flaws. The DNS service may be provided by your web hosting provider or another company. You should refer to it if you receive a DNS probe finished error code or others.

The server can be configured for a wildcard site to start responding to subdomain requests. This approach will be successful if the content of the resource can be created by users, and at the same time, a separate domain is provided for each personal page. It is worth noting that in some situations this can lead to duplicate content on hosts with different names. This in most cases becomes an obstacle to crawling a resource through Googlebot.
Performing a virus scan on your computer
The methods discussed earlier may not help. If the DNS error still appears on the screen, and it is not caused by factors that affect the computer from the outside, then you should run a virus scan. The user may already have an antivirus installed on the device. It is recommended to use the Kaspersky program, and its free trial version will do. Also a great option would be Bitdefender in a similar design.
The level of detection and the ability to effectively eliminate viruses, while restoring system parameters, is quite high in these antiviruses than their counterparts. Atit is worth using a full system scan. Using this method can be really useful if you can't get rid of the problem in the browser itself.
Antivirus failure
In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the antivirus itself in some cases can cause problems with connecting to the Internet. It's also a real fix. For the procedure, the "Safe Mode" is used. In this case, the computer is restarted, during which only the files necessary for the operating system will be loaded. This will help determine if an antivirus or another program is causing the problem. To verify this, it is recommended to do the following:
- First of all, turn off your antivirus. If there are no connection errors, you should uninstall the antivirus and install a new one.
- Next, you need to restart the device. At the time of its loading, hold down the F8 key.
- You should choose "Safe Mode with Networking" from the options provided.
- Then the connection check is checked. If you successfully connect to the network, you can conclude that the problem is in the program that is currently running on the computer.
It is necessary to carefully examine the startup files and disable programs until a faulty one is found.

If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, it's worth looking into the router again. Hisreboot in this case may not help. In some situations, the settings are corrupted. The most correct and fastest solution is to reset the device settings to default. As a result, the wireless network settings will be reset. Together with them, the information that is transmitted over the port will disappear.
To perform the procedure, you must press and hold the Reset button, which is located on the back of the device. In this case, you may need a pointed object, such as a paper clip. Then you need to reconfigure the router. After resetting the instrument, you should change the wireless network settings if used by the user. This will reset all administrator accounts and passwords. Making the settings is a simple procedure, but it requires care and correct actions. If the problem was in the router, then after the work done, it should be completely resolved.
Also, there is a possibility that the router is completely defective. If you can't reset it and reinstall it, you should contact your ISP. In this case, it will be possible to determine the cause of the difficulty connecting to the network. In addition, the procedure will be performed by a specialist.

The need to specify the DNS of your hosting in the domain record
The name server is designed to help you find information about a particular site. When filling out a record in his domain, the user will inform the Internet audience about the correct direction, whichlead to the right place.
If you leave the data of the previous provider in the domain record, the user will be redirected to a server that no longer has a website. At the same time, it will be impossible to access the site, since the provider has deleted the resource record from DNS. Correct execution is important enough, and failure to follow the recommendations can lead to difficulties.

You should follow the steps described in the material if the server is not found due to a DNS error. The presented tips will be useful, because they help to determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in a timely manner. The information above will become relevant for Internet users, as many of them face the described difficulty. In addition, you can turn to specialists if you can’t get rid of the problem with access to sites with your own hands. This will be the most correct solution in this case.