Statuses about age for any mood

Statuses about age for any mood
Statuses about age for any mood

There is something that changes in a person every day. What he rejoices in childhood and fears in old age. This age is not only a collection of days lived, but also acquired experience, wisdom and knowledge. We offer statuses about age for social networks for every taste.

statuses about age
statuses about age

Statuses with meaning about age

  • "Remember, no matter how old you are, you are always younger than you will ever be."
  • "You begin to see your own years in growing up peers".
  • "In middle age, you understand older people more and younger people less."
  • "The age of a man is his well-being. The age of a woman is the assessment of others."
  • "The same actions at different ages are perceived differently. At 16 it may be a mistake, but at 30 it is a conscious decision."
  • "What difference does it make how old you are? If you still want to love, have fun and find new things in life - this is youth."
  • "We always remain children at heart. Only over the years we become covered with a layer of rules of conduct and principles."

Statuses about a woman's age

The most sensitive to the number of years lived are, of course, women. They notice the smallest wrinkles near the eyes, they are saddened by the rapid maturation of children, and the question makes them blush: "How old are you?" Let any status about the age of a woman, funny, with humor or sadness - whatever it may be - will make you look at it from the other side and smile at every day you live.

  • "There can only be three ages for a woman: infancy, adolescence and "how beautiful you look!"
  • "The sad statistic is that every 15 years a woman gets 5 years older."
  • "Only women can talk about their years all the time and never give their number."
  • "Forty-year-old women look much younger when they say they are thirty."
  • "There are no old women. Some are younger than others."
  • "Don't trust women who don't hide their age. Who knows what else they can do?"
  • "At 20, a woman thinks that 30 is old. At 30, she realizes how stupid she was at 20 and how good it is that she is young now."
  • "If a woman is not yet married, this is not a reason to sympathize with her. This means that she perfectly understands that it is stupid to wait for a prince, and it is too early to leave because "it is necessary"".
  • "Want to know how old the woman is? Ask what music she liked to dance to at the disco."
  • "A woman in a good mood always looksyounger".
statuses about the age of a woman
statuses about the age of a woman

Age of a man: statuses

There is an opinion that men are less sentimental in matters relating to age. Is it so? They will try to answer the question of statuses about age for men.

  • "The more a man matures, the more women he finds attractive."
  • "There is a period when a man realizes that it is time for him to get married. At the same moment, a woman realizes that being alone is a privilege."
  • "At 40, a man feels younger than ever."
  • "Growing up a man is indifference to where his wife went. If only she didn't drag her with her."
  • "Men in their twenties age when they meet a girl. The same can't be said for thirty-somethings."
  • "A man's sense of his youth depends on whether he has lived all this time with one woman or several."
cool statuses about age
cool statuses about age

Sad age statuses

Statuses about age are usually chosen by those who are familiar with the experience of fading youth, who would give a lot for the opportunity to stop time and enjoy the current minute. That is why such statements are often full of nostalgia and sadness.

  • "The ability to wait for a miracle fades with age."
  • "The meaning of cartoons from childhood sometimes comes only in adulthood."
  • "The beginning of aging is when many things become indifferent".
  • "It's sad to see young people stop enjoying life. It's like they're in their 70s."
  • "The number in the passport that separates us from today is not an indicator of maturity. Intelligence comes not with age, but with the number of tragedies experienced."
  • "Wrinkles are the most accurate indicator of the quality of a life lived. Some people have a smile on their face, others have tiredness and pain."
  • "To start changing something in life, you should think: would you like to return to this day in old age or not?"
  • "With age, the body becomes a straitjacket for the still living soul."
status about the age of a woman cool
status about the age of a woman cool

Statuses about age are cool

  • "I have no idea how old you are, but you look much older."
  • "What's the point of hiding the number of your years? There is still a risk that they will give you more."
  • "Nothing makes you look older like your date of birth on your passport".
  • "When was I born? In July. But I look much younger."
  • "If you count my years in money, then I'm still just a baby."
  • "30 is when you know how, where and what it will be."
  • "Everything imperfect in youth is fulfilled in adulthood".
  • "If a person is smart now, it does not mean that he was always so. Perhaps he did all the stupid things before."
  • "If you look 13 at 18, then you start to be deluded that at 30 you will look 25".
  • "There is a popular belief that if you wait a long time for changes in your life, you can wait for the postman with a pension."

Statuses about age are an opportunity to understand yourself and share your own opinion on this matter with the world. Let all these sayings be full of optimism and wisdom.
