PhpMyAdmin: how to log into the admin area? User manual

PhpMyAdmin: how to log into the admin area? User manual
PhpMyAdmin: how to log into the admin area? User manual

Creating your first serious web project, sooner or later you will be faced with working on databases, and MySQL technology in particular. The MySQL database server is great for small and growing projects at the initial stage of development because of the ease of working with it. The phpMyAdmin system makes the work even easier, which provides the user with access and a graphical interface for working with the database, managing tables, creating backups and many other useful functions. Of course, this speeds up the workflow and frees up developers' time for more useful things.

How to login to phpMyAdmin on Denwer?

The most popular local web server for Windows is called Denwer, and as you might have guessed, it includes phpMyAdmin. But there is one problem that users constantly encounter: in phpMyAdmin, how to log into the admin panel?

phpmyadmin how to login to admin
phpmyadmin how to login to admin

If you use "Denver", then to quickly enter the admin panel of the phpMyAdmin control system, you can add a special link to your browser bookmarks:

This bookmarked link will take you to phpMyAdmin.

But soon you will have to upload the site to a real hosting, and if you plan to implement your development to the end, study the following questions in advance: how to work with the phpMyAdmin interface? How to enter the administrative control panel?

Instructions for logging into ISP Manager and CPanel

If your remote web hosting uses the ISPmanager control panel, then log in using the links in the example below:

phpmyadmin how to login
phpmyadmin how to login

If the CPanel panel is installed, then questions about how to work with phpMyAdmin correctly, how to log into the host, will not create problems. Use the following link: My Admin/ - you will need to remove the spaces.

Instead of the words "your" use the domain of your resource, purchased and attached to the hosting in advance. If you do not own the necessary domain at the moment, you can authorize by IP address, and in this case, you will know exactly how to enter phpMyAdmin.

If you use some unpopular control panel or don't know if it exists at all, try adding the name of the control panel after the slash in your site address, or specify this word as a subdomain -this combination is used by some hosters.