Finding a good, conscientious employer is not as easy as it seems. Today we have to find out what kind of feedback Shop&Show receives from employees. What kind of company is this? What does she do? And how conscientious an employer is he really? To understand these issues will help the opinions of employees about the boss. Only they are able to reflect facts unknown to anyone before employment.
Shop&Show receives a variety of feedback from employees about their work. Some applicants do not even know what company they are talking about. What is Shop&Show?

This is nothing but a teleshop. With it, you can order a variety of things and decorations. In Shop&Show you can find everything for home and family. A kind of analogue of "AliExpress" in Russia. Every year the popularity of this organization is growing. And the firm begins to recruit more and more workers. But is it worth it to get a job here?
Shop&Show gets mixed reviews from employees. Many applicants and subordinates say that before concluding an employment contractpotential employees are promised a variety of bright prospects. And they attract.
What does the employer promise? Most often, employees cite the following as an example:
- official employment;
- work in a friendly team;
- social guarantees;
- career growth;
- experience in a growing corporation;
- high pay;
- free education.
All of the listed components are the standard promises of all employers. Therefore, they please only inexperienced, novice employees. Will Shop&Show really provide all the listed guarantees after employment? Or is there something wrong?

The essence of the work
Shop&Show employee feedback on work earns different types. Among them you can find both positive and negative opinions. The fact is that subordinates here must perform mainly one function - to sell. Additionally, you have to provide advice to doubting buyers.
Some subordinates don't respond well to the activities of Shop&Show and the nature of the proposed work. Some employees emphasize that people are simply "trained" for sales. And this activity is not for everyone. This will have to be remembered. If you don't have the talent or inclination to sell, it's best not to do business with the corporation.
Shop&Show (TV store) receives positive feedback from employees for organizing interviews. True, most of the opinions look stereotyped: subordinates say that the premises pleased. They are dry, light and clean. The atmosphere is calm, just what is missing in the interview!

Recruitment managers will examine the resume of the applicant, ask you to fill out a questionnaire of the established form, and then conduct a personal conversation. During it, you can clarify all the features of employment.
Some employees emphasize that managers will start talking about all the benefits of working in Shop&Show. And there will be a lot of promises. Some subordinates call HR managers deceivers. After all, not everything they say will turn out to be true in practice. What should potential employees look for?
About employment
Shop&Show does have official employment. But not all subordinates will be able to work this way. Some employees leave not the best reviews about their employer. They accuse him of cheating.
And all this is due to the fact that Shop&Show does not conclude an employment contract with everyone. If you believe some opinions, then only a certain circle of people in the corporation works officially. All the rest is hired disenfranchised labor.
At the same time, someone assures that Shop&Show employs everyone officially. Not immediately, but only after a short internship. But the fact remains that subordinates work only officially.

There are noneEvidence is neither positive nor negative. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty what to believe. Shop&Show has been running for a long time. Accordingly, one can hope for the integrity of the corporation.
How does Shop&Show get employee feedback? Moscow is a city where many people try to build a career. Can this be done with the organization under study?
Yes. But to bring the idea to life, you have to really work. Success cannot be achieved without hard work. It is because of this that many say that Shop&Show is not the place to build a career. And in this light, the organization is seen most often.
Professional Development
But it's safe to say that the employer under study is a great place to hone your sales skills. Just by doing their job, the subordinate learns to sell this or that product to the population.
But that's where the bulk of the development ends. Trainings and various courses in Shop&Show are held, but not too often. Therefore, you should not rely on them too much.
Work team
Working at Shop&Show gets good reviews from employees for the people who work here. Numerous opinions emphasize that the work team in a corporation is mostly pleasing. Everyone is energetic, welcoming and friendly. You can always rely on your colleagues. Sociable people come to Shop&Show and relax their souls.

Unfriendly shots in Shop&Show - rarephenomenon. Such people do not stay long at the employer. Keep this in mind.
Now it's clear what feedback Shop&Show receives from employees. There is a branch of the organization on Volgogradsky Prospekt or on any other street - this is not so important. The main thing is that it is not easy to draw conclusions about the integrity of the corporation.
Management in Shop&Show gets not the best feedback from employees. Opinions are left about bosses as cruel, unfair people who do not consider employees to be people. Similar claims arise in relation to most employers. Few people say that Shop&Show has kind and understanding managers.
In reality, the teleshop simply requires discipline from all his subordinates. Managers will always find a common language with conscientious employees. Only this is a huge rarity.

About salaries
Negative Shop&Show reviews of employees earns for the level of salaries offered. Almost all employees emphasize the low salary. And this is despite the fact that the interview promises a good profit.
In reality, earnings are made up of salary, as well as% of sales. It is due to the second component that they promise decent wages. Accordingly, there are prospects for obtaining a high salary, but it is almost impossible to realize them. According to some opinions, honestly earned money is often delayed in Shop&Show.
Sometimesthere are reviews indicating that the organization really adequately pays the work of its subordinates, and also does not delay the checkout time. But this is a huge rarity. Most often, as already mentioned, Shop&Show does not earn the best opinions.
Shop&Show is not the best company to work for. Many employees are dissatisfied with their employment, but they still continue to perform their job duties.
The company under study is often described by employees as a fraudulent corporation or just plain scammers. There is not a single real confirmation that Shop&Show is operating in bad faith. Therefore, one can only guess how true the reviews left by subordinates are.

Employment in Shop&Show is recommended for people who are hardworking and stress resistant. The rest are unlikely to succeed with this employer. Shop&Show is not the worst place for employment. But it cannot be called ideal either. Often, an organization can be found on the black lists of employers. There is no need to be afraid of this phenomenon. Suffice it to say that Shop&Show has some shortcomings that employees consider significant.