The aesthetic appearance of an object of affection and, to some extent, pride, which for some of the users is a mobile phone or, perhaps, another digital device, can sometimes significantly underestimate its indicative "Wow"! The reason why this can happen is at some point in the exploitation. Agree, a mobile phone is a device that is at high risk of being mechanically damaged. Therefore, the question of how to remove scratches from the touch screen is most often of interest to users of modern devices equipped with a touchscreen. Today, this difficulty can be resolved in several ways, read which ones.
Increasing the “efficiency” of the friction force

It's probably no secret that today's consumer goods market has a huge range of polishes, laps and abrasive pastes. Such products allow you to restore the original state of surfaces made of almost any material. In our case, this is an indispensable tool foreffective solution to the question "how to remove scratches from the touch screen". In order to hide damage in the form of microcracks and other minor consequences from mechanical impact, it is enough to apply polish to the display, body parts or other surface area with a flaw. Using microfiber, wipe the “affected” element of the device in a circular motion. The effect will not keep you waiting. The only and, perhaps, a significant disadvantage of this recovery method lies in an unpleasant moment - soiledness. So, you see: how to remove scratches from the touch screen is a solvable issue. By the way, the use of abrasive pastes is highly discouraged, since the risk of damaging a “spoiled”, but still working control panel is incredibly high. However, for glass touchscreens it is advisable to use GOI paste. The main thing is not to overdo it in the grinding process, as careless actions or excessive pressure can nullify all efforts!

A trick worthy of being considered a universal solution
In the event that it is not possible to remove scratches from the touch screen with polish and other means of grinding, an incredibly simple and at the same time effective method of masking the damaged area should be used. “Drying for varnish” is a substance that is quite common and, in general, inexpensive. Using a brush, apply the above remedy to the “sore” place, then remove chemical residues with a soft cloth. The fact is that this method of “rehabilitation”touchscreen panels do not quite match the restoration of surfaces with today's anti-reflective technology. Therefore, with some moments of “illumination” you will have to get used to.
A film that revives and protects the perfect state

Scratches on the touch screen will become completely invisible if you cover the front of the device with a protective film. Of course, this should have been done earlier, or rather, immediately after buying a phone, tablet or other electronic device. Pay special attention to the moments of positioning the protective element directly in the area of damage. The edges of the furrow need to be “rubbed” more carefully so that an air bubble does not form at the site of its docking space. By the way, today a “PVC guard” glued on a “touch” can have truly unrealistic properties and even be a competent shockproof security guarantor for your gadget.
In conclusion
Those who care about a quality answer to the question "how to remove scratches from a touch screen", we can recommend an effective absolute solution to such an unpleasant situation. Contact a specialized service center. Replace the "charming" touchscreen. Firstly, defects on the screen of considerable depth are a predetermining factor of a deliberately “dying” sensor module. The second argument is the almost imperceptible price of repairs. Be smart!