After owning a large flat-panel TV, people literally start blowing dust off it, because they are afraid of damaging the screen. This is due not only to the deterioration of the picture quality, but also to the high financial costs of repairs. But not everything is so sad. Large cracks cannot be removed on their own, but it is quite possible to mask minor scratches.

Causes of scratches
Scratches on the flat screen TV can appear for various reasons. The most common are:
- Incorrect use, especially for small TVs that can be installed near objects that could damage the screen. Pets can also cause scratches, so it is better to install equipment in places inaccessible to pets.
- Improper care, in particular use for cleaningrough sponges, abrasive detergents with powder particles or those that are not suitable for glass surfaces due to their aggressiveness.
Regardless of the cause of the damage, you can try to disguise it. But before removing scratches from the TV screen, the device must be disconnected.
Removing scratches with alcohol
Suitable method for repairing only minor damage. To work, you need to prepare:
- distilled water (filtered water is also fine);
- microfiber cloth;
- isopropyl alcohol (you can also take ethyl alcohol, but in this case you need to use a smaller amount).

Before you remove scratches from the TV screen, you need to dilute 5 ml of ethanol in 100 ml of water. After that, you can start working by following the instructions:
- Clean the TV screen from dust with a special tool.
- Wet a microfiber cloth with alcohol solution.
- Wipe the scratch, moving in a circle, until the defect is completely eliminated.
- Remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth, then polish the screen surface with a dry, lint-free cloth.
Features of using toothpaste
With the help of toothpaste, you can polish the TV screen, which will save it from minor scratches. For this purpose, only white paste can be used; colored gel does not have such an effect. For this you need:
- diluted alcohol (ethyl orisopropyl);
- lint-free fabric, microfiber is better;
- toothpaste;
- cotton swab;
- Vaseline.
Next, proceed as follows:
- Before removing scratches from the TV screen, the surface must be degreased. Diluted alcohol will do the job just fine. Wipe the screen dry with a lint-free cloth before further processing.
- Now you can apply toothpaste. It is better to do this not with your hands, but with a small napkin (not paper, fabric). You cannot press on the screen. The paste must be rubbed over the scratch. After processing, wipe the screen again with a dry cloth to remove excess paste.
- Next, you need to fix the result with Vaseline, for which you need a small amount of it.
- At the end, you can polish the screen with a dry cloth.

Can I remove scratches from a TV screen with an eraser?
This method is considered simple, effective, but it requires the utmost care, since you can not put pressure on the LCD screen. Use only white eraser. It should be soft and new. The advantage of the method is that it allows you to remove both superficial scratches and deeper ones, but only if the instructions are followed. And she is:
- Before removing scratches from the TV screen, it must be cleaned using purified water or a special product.
- Wait for the screen to dry completely.
- Finish the screenwith an eraser, while the movements should be soft, light. During this, it is periodically recommended to remove the remnants of the gum from the screen surface with a rag. This allows you to evaluate the result.
- At the end, the screen should be polished with a dry, lint-free cloth.
How do I remove a scratch from an LCD TV screen with Vaseline?
Vaseline in this case performs two functions at once: it fills a scratch and polishes the screen. To achieve the desired effect, you can use the following tools:
- distilled water;
- lint-free cloth (preferably microfiber);
- Vaseline.

The operation itself must be performed in the following sequence:
- First you need to clean the surface of the screen. Distilled water will do for this.
- You can proceed to this stage only after the screen has completely dried. Only apply Vaseline to the scratch.
- Leave for 5-7 minutes to dry, after which the remaining product can be removed with a microfiber cloth.
Before removing scratches from the LCD TV screen at home, you should prepare everything you need. In addition, you need to remember that the effect will be short-lived. The thing is that over time, Vaseline is wiped off, which means that it will need to be applied again and again to the damaged area.
Using professional products
Along with the purchase of a LCD TV, it is recommended to immediately purchase special tools that are needed formaintenance and local repairs. The following are the most popular:
- Novus Plastic Polish. This paste is designed not only for polishing plastic, but also for removing scratches from the flat screen TV. Contains no abrasive or harsh chemicals. In addition to removing scratches, this tool also serves for polishing. To use it, you need to apply it to a piece of lint-free cloth. After that, wipe the surface with a rag in smooth circular motions.
- Displex Display. The tool can be used to remove scratches from glossy and glass surfaces. You can use a cotton swab to apply it to the damaged area. You need to rub the screen until the scratch is completely masked (the tool does not remove the defect, but visually masks it).

How to care for your LCD TV screen
You can prevent the appearance of defects on the TV screen through proper care. This allows you not to think about how to remove scratches from the LED TV screen at home for a long time. First of all, this concerns the means used for cleansing. You can do this:
- Special liquid products that do not contain alcohol. They remove all types of dirt, while not leaving streaks and stains, and also have an antistatic effect, which will prevent dust from settling, and therefore the possibility of scratches;
- Soft, lint-free wipes that can absorb all moisture and dust.
You need to wipe the TV screen with both a damp cloth and a dry one. In this case, you always need to move from top to bottom, excluding any pressure.

A positive effect from the means used can only be obtained if the instructions are strictly followed. Therefore, it is recommended that before removing scratches from the TV screen (plasma or not), try out the method on small surfaces in order to make sure that it is correct and effective. In some cases, it is better to turn to specialists, especially if the equipment is under warranty.