Controlled rectifiers: principle of operation, circuit, scope

Controlled rectifiers: principle of operation, circuit, scope
Controlled rectifiers: principle of operation, circuit, scope

In order to control the voltage in the network, electronic rectifiers are used. These devices work by changing the frequency. Many modifications are approved for use on AC power.

The main parameters of rectifiers include conductivity. It is also worth considering the indicator of permissible overvoltage. In order to understand the issue in more detail, it is necessary to consider the rectifier circuit.

semiconductor rectifiers
semiconductor rectifiers

Device modifications

The rectifier circuit involves the use of a contact thyristor. The stabilizer, as a rule, is used as a transition type. In some cases, it is installed with a protection system. There are also many modifications on triodes. These devices operate at a frequency of 30 Hz. They are good for collectors. The rectifier circuit also includes low conductance comparators. Their sensitivity corresponds to an indicator of at least 10 mV. A certain class of devices is equipped with a varicap. Due to this modification, it is possible to connect to a single-phase circuit.

how does a transformer work
how does a transformer work

How does it work?

As mentioned earlier, the rectifier works forfrequency change count. Initially, the voltage falls on the power thyristors. The current conversion process is carried out using a triode. To avoid overheating of the device, there is a stabilizer. When wave interference appears, the comparator is activated.

Scope of devices

Most often devices are installed in transformers. There are also modifications for drive modules. Do not forget about automated devices that are used in production. In modulators, rectifiers play the role of a voltage regulator. However, in this case, much depends on the type of device.

Existing modification types

By design, semiconductor, thyristor and bridge modifications are distinguished. A separate category includes power devices that can operate at increased frequency. Full-wave models are not suitable for these purposes. Additionally, rectifiers are distinguished by phase. Today you can find one-, two- and three-phase devices.

Semiconductor Models

Semiconductor rectifiers are great for step-down transformers. Many modifications are produced on the basis of connector capacitors. Their input conductivity does not exceed 10 microns. It is also worth noting that semiconductor rectifiers differ in sensitivity. Devices up to 5mV can be used at 12V.

Protection systems they use class P30. Adapters are used to connect modifications. At a voltage of 12 V, the reload parameter is on average 10 A. Modifications with linings are distinguished by a high operating temperature parameter. Many devices are capable of running on transistors. Filters are used to reduce distortion.

Features of thyristor devices

Thyristor rectifier is designed to regulate the voltage in the DC network. If we talk about modifications of low conductivity, then they use only one triode. The maximum voltage when loading at 2 A is at least 10 V. The protection system for the presented rectifiers is used, as a rule, class P44. It is also worth noting that the models are well suited for power conductors. How does a thyristor rectifier transformer work? First of all, the voltage goes to the relay.

Conversion of direct current is due to the transistor. Capacitor blocks are used to control the output voltage. Many models have multiple filters. If we talk about the shortcomings of rectifiers, it is worth noting that they have high heat losses. When the output voltage is over 30V, the overload rate is greatly reduced. Additionally, it is worth considering the high price of a thyristor rectifier.

Bridge modifications

Bridge rectifiers operate at a frequency of no more than 30 Hz. The control angle depends on the triodes. Comparators are mainly mounted through diode conductors. Models are not suitable for power equipment in the best way. For modules, stabilizers with a low-resistance adapter are used. If we talk about the minuses, then low conductivity at high voltage should be taken into account. Systemsprotection, as a rule, apply class P33.

Many modifications are connected through a dipole triode. How does the transformer work on these rectifiers? Initially, voltage is applied to the primary winding. At a voltage of more than 10 V, the converter is switched on. The frequency change is carried out using a conventional comparator. In order to reduce heat losses, a varicap is installed on the bridge controlled rectifier.

electronic rectifiers
electronic rectifiers

Power Devices

Power rectifiers have recently been considered very common. The overload indicator at low voltage does not exceed 15 A. The protection system is mainly used by the P37 series. Models are used for step-down transformers. If we talk about design features, it is important to note that the devices are produced with pentodes. They stand out for their good sensitivity, but they have a low operating temperature setting.

Capacitor blocks are allowed to be used at 4 microns. An output voltage above 10 V activates the converter. Filters are usually used on two insulators. It is also worth noting that there are many rectifiers with controllers on the market. Their main difference lies in the ability to operate at frequencies above 33 Hz. In this case, the average overload corresponds to 10 A.

Two-half-wave modifications

Two-half-wave single-phase rectifier capable of operating at different frequencies. The main advantage of the modifications lies in the high operating temperature parameter. Speaking of constructivefeatures, it is important to note that power thyristors are used of an integral type, and their conductivity does not exceed 4 microns. At a voltage of 10 V, the system outputs an average of 5 A.

Protection systems are quite often used in the P48 series. Modifications are connected via adapters. It is also worth noting the disadvantages of rectifiers of this class. First of all, this is a low susceptibility to magnetic vibrations. The overload parameter can sometimes change quickly. At frequencies below 40 Hz, current drops are felt. Experts also note that the models are not able to work on one filter. Additionally, FETs are not suitable for devices.

Single phase devices

Single-phase controlled rectifier capable of performing many functions. Models are most often installed on power transformers. At a frequency of 20 Hz, the overload parameter does not exceed 50 A on average. The protection system for rectifiers is of class P48. Many experts say that the models are not afraid of wave interference and do an excellent job with impulse surges. Are there any disadvantages of this type of models? First of all, they relate to low current at high load. To solve this problem, comparators are installed. However, please note that they cannot operate on AC circuits.

Additionally, problems with current conduction occur periodically. On average, this parameter is 5 microns. Reducing the sensitivity greatly affects the performance of the triode. If we consider single-phase uncontrolled rectifiers, then their linings are used with an adapter. Atmany models have multiple insulators. It is also worth noting that rectifiers of this type are not suitable for step-down transformers. Stabilizers are most often used for three outputs, and their maximum voltage should not exceed 50 V.

Parameters of two-phase devices

Two-phase rectifiers are produced for DC and AC circuits. Many modifications are operated on contact-type triodes. If we talk about the parameters of modifications, then it is worth noting the low voltage at high overloads. Thus, the devices are not well suited for power transformers. However, good conductivity is considered an advantage of the devices.

Sensitivity for models starts from 55 mV. At the same time, heat losses are insignificant. Comparators are used on two plates. Quite often, modifications are connected through one adapter. In this case, the insulators are pre-tested for output resistance.

thyristor rectifier
thyristor rectifier

Three-phase modifications

Three-phase rectifiers are actively used in power transformers. They have a very high overload parameter and are able to operate in high frequency conditions. If we talk about design features, it is important to note that the models are assembled with capacitor units. Due to this modification, it is allowed to connect to the DC circuit and not be afraid of wave interference. Impulse jumps are blocked by filters. Connection through an adapter is carried out using a converter. Many models have three insulators. day offvoltage at 3 A should not exceed 5 V.

Additionally, it is worth noting that rectifiers of this type are used for large network overloads. Many modifications are equipped with blockers. The frequency reduction occurs with the help of comparators, which are installed above the capacitor box. If we consider relay transformers, then an additional adapter will be required to connect modifications.

Models with contact comparator

Controlled rectifiers with a contact comparator have recently been in great demand. Among the features of the modifications, it is worth noting the high degree of overload. Protection systems are mainly applied class P55. Devices with one capacitor box work. At a voltage of 12 V, the output current is at least 3 A. Many models boast high conductivity at a frequency of 5 Hz.

Stabilizers are often used low-resistance type. They perform well in AC circuits. In production, rectifiers are used to operate power transformers. Their permissible conductivity level is no more than 50 microns. The operating temperature in this case depends on the type of dinistor. As a rule, they are installed with several plates.

rectifier circuit
rectifier circuit

Dual comparator devices

Electronic rectifiers with two comparators are valued for their high output voltage setting. With an overload of 5 A, modifications are able to work without heat loss. The smoothing factor for rectifiers does not exceed 60%. Many modificationshave a high-quality protection system of the P58 series. First of all, it is designed to cope with wave interference. At a frequency of 40 Hz, devices give out an average of 50 microns. Tetrodes for modifications are of variable type, and their sensitivity is not more than 10 mV.

Are there any disadvantages of this type of rectifiers? First of all, it should be noted that they must not be connected to step-down transformers. In the DC network, the models have a small conductivity parameter. The operating frequency corresponds on average to 55 Hz. Modifications are not suitable for single-pole stabilizers. To use devices on power transformers, two adapters are used.

Difference of modifications with electrode triode

Controlled rectifiers with electrode triodes are valued for their high output voltage setting. At low frequencies, they operate without heat loss. However, it should be borne in mind that the overload parameter is on average 4 A. All this suggests that rectifiers are not capable of operating in a DC network. Filters may only be used on two covers. The output voltage is generally 50V, and the protection system is P58 class. In order to connect the device, an adapter is used. The smoothing factor for rectifiers of this type is at least 60%.

power thyristors
power thyristors

Capacitive triode models

Controlled capacitive triode rectifiers are capable of operating in a DC network. If we consider the parameters of the modifications, we can note the high input voltage. Atin this case, the overload during operation will not exceed 5 A. The protection system is class A45. Some modifications are suitable for power transformers.

In this case, much depends on the capacitor unit, which is installed in the rectifier. According to experts, the nominal voltage of many modifications is 55 V. The output current in the system is 4 A. Filters for modifications are suitable for alternating current. The smoothing factor of the rectifiers is 70%.

controlled rectifiers
controlled rectifiers

Device based on channel triode

Controlled rectifiers with channel triodes are highly conductive. Models of this type are great for step-down transformers. If we talk about the design, it is worth noting that the models are always made with two connectors, and their filters are used on insulators. According to the experts, the conductivity at a frequency of 40 Hz does not change much.

Are there any disadvantages of these rectifiers? Heat losses are the weak side of modifications. Many experts note the low conductivity of the connectors that are installed on the rectifiers. To solve the problem, kenotrons are used. However, they must not be used on DC power.

Difference between modifications

12V rectifiers are only used for step down transformers. Comparators in devices are installed with filters. The maximum overload of modifications is no more than 5 A. Protection systems are quite often used class P48. To overcome wave interference, theygreat fit. Still often used converter stabilizers, which have a high smoothing factor. If we talk about the disadvantages of modifications, then it is worth noting that the output current in the devices is no more than 15 A.
