Control and monitoring of indicators are necessary not only for large enterprises. If a small store or HoReCa establishment plans to gain a foothold in the market and have a constant planned income, it is necessary to keep track of such a parameter as the average bill. This indicator will provide information about the depth and width of the assortment, the effectiveness of the sales staff.
How to calculate
The average check, the formula of which is simple and understandable even to an amateur, is easily calculated even by a non-specialist. Revenue for a certain period, divided by the number of checks for the same period, will give the desired result. It is important to take into account the level of inflation, changes in the purchase price and markup on goods. If the dynamics is positive, the store is working efficiently, but if it is negative or zero, it is necessary to look for the reasons for the decline. The cash receipt may decrease in amount, for example, during sales. Particular attention should be paid to products that bring the greatest income, monitor the behavior of competitors in relation to these products and analyze their dynamics byyour store.

Identification of problems with the average check in the store and how to solve them
In an average check, no more than 4-5 items. The share of checks with purchases from 1 to 3 is gradually approaching 50% of total sales. The increase in turnover was less than the inflation rate or in the case when the increase in turnover is observed when new stores are opened. Customers are on the trading floor for a short time, and some departments do not visit at all.
It is necessary to analyze the location of both the store itself and departments, the display of goods, the dynamics of sales during the day. Conduct an analysis of the structure of the assortment, prices, turnover. ABC is carried out - sales analysis, during which the assortment is considered, the most popular positions, products that are stale, and those that are the most profitable are identified. Assess the need for changes in the layout of the store, if necessary, create routes around the trading floor by installing shelf talkers and hanging signs with pointers for ease of orientation in the store. Create or modify a planogram and, of course, prepare special offers for your customers.

How to increase the average check
1. Increase in trade margin. In the presence of a unique offer and the absence of direct competitors, this will be the easiest and fastest solution. However, very few companies can boast of such an advantage. For most products there are analogues. Therefore, with an increase in the retail price, it will be necessary toraise the level of service, improve service. And this is an additional cost.
2. Assortment optimization. The category manager, together with merchandisers, can review the assortment structure, the principles of purchasing policy and merchandising. The occupation is complex, painstaking, time-consuming.
Tactical ways to increase the average check
1. Using the principle of complementarity. Many items suggest the presence of complementary goods. This principle can be taken as a basis when laying out goods. Thus, when purchasing one product, the buyer will pay attention to the second, which complements the first, it is highly likely that he will purchase it, which, in turn, will increase the average check in the store.
2. Harmonization. Use ready-made solutions, demonstrate to customers which products and how can be combined with each other. For example, in the case of clothes on a mannequin, the buyer has a desire to buy the image as a whole, and not individual items. In this case, the average cash receipt will increase.

3. Offer for “delivery” goods of impulse demand, located in the checkout area. Evaluate if your store has a small inexpensive product in the checkout node that the customer takes automatically when approaching the checkout. You can also duplicate the display of small, but popular goods in the center of the hall, in addition to placing it at the checkout.
4. Availability of gift certificates or discount cards. Close contact with corporate clients allows us to increase sales volumes during the pre-holiday days, andalso attract new customers.
5. Installing a terminal for non-cash payment. Customers paying with a bank card spend more than when paying in cash, therefore, there will be an increase in the average check.

6. Focus the attention of buyers on more expensive goods. Sellers should switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product to a more expensive one gradually. Employees of the trading floor should be interested in selling more expensive goods. It may be necessary to introduce material incentives for employees when they sell a certain amount of expensive goods per month.
7. Inclusion in the assortment of inexpensive goods with a large margin. It is not difficult to offer a cheap product, it will not be difficult for sellers to sell it, and they do not need to be additionally stimulated. Inexpensive items will attract customers to the store, who will buy more cheap items than originally planned.
Incentive promotions as a means of increasing the cash receipt
Special offers - another way to increase the average check. Carrying out promotions “Gift for purchase”, “When buying 2 items, the 3rd one is free”, discounts at certain times of the day, sales. Such promotions help to establish a trusting contact between the store and the client and leave a good impression on the buyer. Also, when conducting stimulating promotions, the conversion increases, that is, the number of people who left the store with a purchase increases. An additional opportunity to obtain the contact details of the client, which in the future may beused to spread information about promotions held by the store.

As a result, the turnover at the trade enterprise will increase due to the increase in the number of purchases in the cash receipt. There will be a decrease in the share of small checks and an increase in the share of medium checks, which indicates the effectiveness of both merchandising and staff work. In addition, the number of impulse purchases will increase if the assortment and product display are optimized. And at the heart of the positive dynamics is the average check!