Transferring a domain to hosting

Transferring a domain to hosting
Transferring a domain to hosting

Domain, domain name and website are one entity, but in different aspects. A domain - more technically related - is an entity that is somehow related to a domain name and a website. A domain name is something more than a domain, it carries a social moment and the name of a domain zone.

A website is a web resource, a kind of information object on the Internet that can be "discovered" through a browser or other software product that accepts HTML, CSS, XML languages, allows the execution of JavaScript code, "knows" transmission protocols information, etc.

Common network concept, browser and server

Outside of a browser or a similar software product, it is not possible to navigate through sites and work with them, but using the Internet is available, working with domains is possible - this is the technical side of the process.

Domain Name System
Domain Name System

The domain structure of the network is built through a socially-oriented system of registrars (international,public, state and commercial organizations, generally accepted standards, agreements and established procedures of action) and server systems serving lists of domain names of various domain zones.

Any request to a domain name is made through the provider and is translated to the nearest list of domain zones. It determines which zone the domain belongs to, which IP address is assigned to it, and the server at this address determines the actual presence of the web resource.

Referring to a domain name is the same as accessing a server's IP address, but the domain name allows the server to determine exactly which web resource was requested. Each web server can serve thousands of domain names, whether or not it is connected to the public network.

The Internet is a collection of public servers. Any company can set up its own Internet in its own computer network. As a general rule, a company's own network is its personal sphere of information interests and their implementation. The Internet is a publicly accessible international environment for the "habitat" of web resources for various purposes.

Domain transfer options

Usually, the first word that comes before the dot before the domain zone name is considered a domain. Subdomains - the second word that comes before the period before the domain name - do not count, although they are absolutely equivalent to regular domains. For domain transfer, this circumstance does not matter.

Physical relocation of a domain - a simple change of the IP address serving the server (hosting). It is enough to replace the link to the hosting, and the domain"moved". In fact, the unique identification of a domain name to a specific IP address has simply changed.

Domain name and hosting
Domain name and hosting

Each site repeatedly appears in the lists of domain names of many servers. This information is constantly updated. Changing the unique identification of a domain name to a specific IP address can take from a minute to two days. Usually changing the link to the hosting server gives a response in 10-15 minutes, but there may be delays.

Before changing the link to the hosting server, it is best to move the site (server code) to this hosting server. In the case when the site is built on WordPress, the transfer of the domain is associated with the transfer of the database.

Sites created from scratch or without a database, or creating their own environment on the server and their own database, can be transferred by simply moving the installation file, a set of scripts, a zip archive, … - as it was intended developer.

Domain content: technical issue

Sites can be built on the basis of a content management system (CMS), and then the transfer is declared in the manual of this CMS. A site made by a team of developers "from scratch" can be transferred in one file and deployed independently on the hosting.

As a general rule, the set of files and the folder structure (file system) of the site allows normal 1:1 copying. In some cases, it is necessary to make a copy of the database and deploy it to the destination.

In terms of security, the current technical implementation of the web resource:

  • folder and file structure - to the hosting root;
  • database to hosted database management system is not the best, but it works, it's simple, reliable and works flawlessly under the protection of a web server.
Hosting File System
Hosting File System

The current technical component does not allow attackers to damage a web resource when it is moved from hosting to hosting. An attack on the site, a deliberate illegal act or other negative influence is generated through a web server, through the used CMS or otherwise.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the code of PHP, Perl, Python, etc. is open (even if it is coded somehow). Page text (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) is plain text. Everyone counts on their own web server protection and self-developed security rules.

Domain in the context of domain zones and public policy

The used domain name may be occupied in another registration zone. Different registrars set different requirements for domain name holders. Often, the placement of sites is influenced by government policy. The choice of registration zone may be limited by the location of the owner or site. But in any case, there are always plenty of options.

Domain, registrar and state
Domain, registrar and state

Writing letters to the hoster about the transfer of the domain is the initiative of the hoster, and it never has anything to do with the plans of the owner of the web resource.

The Internet has developed as a free element of relationships, and attempts to influence itgovernment methods are doomed to failure. However, one cannot ignore the possibility of blocking a resource in a particular registration area, by one or another international or state legal entity.

Moving to another domain may mean changing the domain name, not just the zone name. Some domain owners find it reasonable to create namesake domains in different zones, or spell domain names with errors that a visitor might make when typing the name.

An example of an idea to change a name or zone

The owner of the domain name can register or, and this idea will seem really practical to him.

How true, time will tell, but big names like google, yahoo, altavista and many other big name domains have had their own names. They did not count on the mistakes of visitors, on the requirements of registrars, international organizations or government agencies of certain countries.

By and large, a website is an idea that is framed in a certain way in terms of design and functionality. It has only an indirect relation to the name.

Correct domain name
Correct domain name

However, it is better to name a site, for example, Russian Post, by meaning, and not come up with something original from the field of oil refining or transportation of goods through air carriers.

Domain name and social moment

A web resource is an informational image of a company or individual, although in practice it is more like the current representationthe owner about the format for presenting information and the required functionality through the prism of skills and knowledge, the development team and the adopted CMS.

Domain name and social moment
Domain name and social moment

In any case, a web resource is a finished product with its own unique face and functionality. It doesn't matter what it's called, although the name always matters. Practice shows that transferring a domain to a hosting, involving a change in the name of a site or a domain zone, can be painlessly performed by a banal redirect from the old hosting.

The site (temporarily) remains on the current hosting, but the index file or redirect via.htaccess sends the visitor to a new address. In a month or two, all visitors will already know the new name of the web resource. But, most likely, they will simply remember the link in their browser bookmarks and not pay much attention to its content.

A visitor comes to the site in order to achieve their own goals or solve problems that are relevant to them. The name of the resource is not as important for him as it is for the site owner. The visitor needs the site, not his name. Of course, if wants to become, not only Apple will be surprised, but hundreds of thousands of Internet users will be discussing what happened for a couple of days. For the rest of the millions of windows users, this will go unnoticed.

Participation of the hoster in the transfer of the site

Not all site owners use professional developers. There are many sites on the Internet provided by social networks, hosters, providers orcommercial companies that specialize in working with non-professional content owners.

A rare hoster is interested in losing a client, and transferring a domain to another hosting is not a very desirable operation for him. But the balance of interests of the hoster and the site owner can make this operation justified. For example, the hoster categorically forbids creating a database, folders or files on the hosting, does not allow the execution of scripts. The client needs these operations. The client has the right to change the hosting of his resource to one that has the necessary functionality.

Hoster and domain name
Hoster and domain name

Another example. Hosting from reg for domain transfer formulated not only the regulatory framework, but also created the functionality for transferring. Taking care of the domain name here is thought through as much as five steps forward in the development of the views of the site owner. There are options for expanding, leaving or changing the terms of hosting of any kind. It's nice when a hoster or registrar goes to meet the owner of the site, and the transfer of the domain does not cause problems. But it's even better when the site owner has the right to make their own decisions.

My own hosting for my own idea

It would be strange if the company did not take care of its office and its face. It would be strange if a person did not attach importance to their housing or workplace.

A hosted site is a company in an office or a person at home. Why not consider hosting yourself securely and securely and transfer your domain to the most convenient and secure location.

Your own hosting is expensive andrequires knowledge. But this is better than supplementing your own conditions and requirements with the opinion and participation of a third-party hoster. Registering a domain name is one thing, hosting and transferring a domain is another.

Own hosting, own idea
Own hosting, own idea

Ideally, a professionally created web resource is hosted on two or three sites, one of which belongs to the owner of the site and is fully managed by him. All sites can be configured for the mutual exchange of up-to-date information. This option will not require you to transfer the domain from time to time, but will create ideal conditions for its existence on the Internet.
