Answers to the question of how to restrict access to your VKontakte page

Answers to the question of how to restrict access to your VKontakte page
Answers to the question of how to restrict access to your VKontakte page
how to restrict access to your vkontakte page
how to restrict access to your vkontakte page

Pages on social networks make the user's profile open to search engines. This is how people find each other on the Internet, communicate from different places on the globe, view photos and learn about changes in each other's lives. But sometimes it happens that you have to make your profile private. Then they are looking for an answer to such a question: "How to restrict access to your page." "VKontakte" settings menu allows you to set the parameters at your discretion. The restriction can be set for specific people, then they will not be able to access the page of those who have restricted their access at all. You can also enable the option to view only for your friends.

VK profile settings

If you are looking for an answer to the question: "How to restrict access to your VKontakte page", then now we will figure out how to do it. So, log in to your account of this social network. On the left side of yourpages are menu buttons. You must select the settings function, and in each tab, check the boxes in the right place. The first tab is called General. Here you can customize the interface of your page. Indicate links to the items that you use most often, set up a wall. This tab also has options such as changing the password, phone number, page address. It is this tab that is used to delete the VKontakte page. “My Page”, which can always be restored again, is configured independently, taking into account your wishes regarding its functionality and publicity. You can fill it with everything you need, and also make it open to everyone or just friends.

limited access to the vkontakte page
limited access to the vkontakte page

Let's go to the next tab called "Privacy". Here you can make it so that access to the page will be limited. For this, VKontakte introduces options such as defining user categories for the visibility of your profile. For example, tag those who can see the main things: information about you, friends, communities, gifts, music, and so on. Choose the desired position in each item of this tab - and the page will meet your needs.

Access restriction

If you don't want search engines to return links to your profile, and don't want a specific person to be able to view it, then you need to configure a few more items. How to restrict access to your VKontakte page to a specific person? To solve this issue, the social network serviceoffers to add this user to a specific list. Open the tab to create a blacklist in the settings menu, enter the page number or person's name in the text field and click "Add". How to restrict access to your VKontakte page to Internet search engines? To do this, in the "Privacy" tab at the very end of the list of options to the question: "Who can see the page?" - select only users of this social network.

vkontakte my page restore
vkontakte my page restore

Thus, your profile will be visible only to VKontakte. Follow all the recommendations, and then you will save yourself from unwanted visitors and intrusive communication.
