Today, a modern way of exchanging information is communication in social networks. Users are happy to use the functions of their page in order to delight their subscribers and friends with interesting news, exchange ideas, receive information, and participate in discussions.

How to take a survey
"VKontakte" is a social network that allows its users to create polls, votes on a personal wall or communities. Thus, you can find out the opinion of friends and subscribers, as well as guests of your page. Since the interface of social networks is constantly updated to improve the options, as well as to make communication even more fun, not everyone knows how to make a survey in "Contact". Let's try to figure it out and perform all the functions step by step to successfully add additional elements to the wall. Open your account. Place the cursor in the text entry field on the wall. On the right is the "Attach" button. It allows you to select a categorypublished material: photo, video or audio file. But how do you make a poll? A few items have been added to "Contact" to make your wall look like a microblog.

If you open the list further by hovering your mouse over the "Other" item, you will see a complete list of everything that can be placed on your wall. This is where you will find the item that allows you to make a survey. Click on the button of the same name and now think about the topic.
What poll to do
In the "Contact" created a specific form for compiling a survey. It includes a subject and response options. Poll or voting can be made anonymous or open. To do this, click the appropriate button. Choose a topic for the survey, based on the information you are interested in. However, keep in mind that it should also be interesting and attract attention. In order to get what you want, it is not enough to know how to make a survey in "Contact", you also need to understand what users of the social network are interested in, what is relevant for them at the moment.

If you take into account all these points, then with the help of this element on the wall you can study the tastes and preferences of your friends, subscribers and page visitors. Such publications have a good effect on the rating of communities. If you add a poll to the discussion and place it on the page, then such a move will enliven the content of the wall and attract the attention of new subscribers. Owners of groups and communities can choose topics,based on the main idea of creating this resource. Such communication with their audience will show the creator's interest in the opinion of readers, which will positively play on the reputation and add more comments and likes.
The question of how to make a poll in "Contact" has been sorted out. Technically, this is not difficult. The main task of such a service is a creative approach to your business, as well as setting specific goals. If you really know what you want to get by creating a survey, then the result will be positive.