Interesting statuses about mistakes: quotes, aphorisms, set expressions

Interesting statuses about mistakes: quotes, aphorisms, set expressions
Interesting statuses about mistakes: quotes, aphorisms, set expressions

Many people are afraid of making mistakes, believing that this is something terrible and unnecessary. But what if we imagine that there is no such thing? That it's just a great learning experience. "We must not say that every mistake is stupid," Cicero once said. Another smart person named Garry Marshall noted that "it's always good to learn from your mistakes, because then your mistakes seem worthwhile." What are some interesting error statuses? In fact, there are many quotes and expressions that make you think.

Mistakes in a person's life
Mistakes in a person's life

Smart people about mistakes

Mistakes are a hot topic not only for our time, here is a list of some quotes from smart people and their point of view on this issue:

"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and getting taller." Henry S. Link.

"Experience is a wonderful thing that allows you to recognize a mistake when you make it again." Franklin P. Jones.

"Avoiding situations where you can make mistakes can be the biggest mistake of all." Peter McWilliams.

"Mistakes are part of the dues one pays in a lifetime." Sophia Loren.

"A life with mistakes is not only more honorable, but more rewarding than a life spent doing nothing." George Bernard Shaw.

"A man's mistakes are his portals of discovery", said James Joyce, and Mahatma Gandhi said that "it is better not to have freedom at all if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes".

Oscar Wilde spoke on this topic more than once. Among his expressions are:

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes".

"Nowadays, most people are dying of common sense and discovering that it's too late, that the only thing they never regret is mistakes."

Mistakes should not be afraid, you just need to treat them correctly. For example, Peter McWilliams once said that

"Mistakes obviously show us what needs to be improved. Without mistakes, how do we know what we need to work on?".

Luis Miguel believes that it is impossible to erase the dark times in our lives. But all life experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. Erasing any life experience would bebig mistake. A certain amount of irony is contained in this saying of Napoleon Bonaparte:

"Never interrupt your enemy when he makes a mistake."

Serious statuses about errors

Mistakes are something that is common to every person. There are interesting expressions that make you smile, and there are those that contribute to reflection. For example, one Chinese proverb says:

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight".

Expressions about errors
Expressions about errors

The meaning of the proverb is that you should not dwell on your own failures, because without them there is no success. Those who learn from their own failures are bound to reach a point where they can be truly proud of their accomplishments. The main thing is to act with determination and not lose heart.

Here are some more interesting error statuses that really make you think:

  • Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
  • All people make mistakes, but only wise people learn from their mistakes.
  • Seize the chances, make mistakes. That's the only way to grow. Pain feeds your courage.
  • No errors. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary to know what we must learn; whatever steps we take, they are necessary to get to the places we have chosen.
  • Without music, life would be a mistake.
  • Learning from mistakes.
  • The only person who never makes a mistake isis a person who never does anything.
  • If you do stupid things, do them with enthusiasm.
  • A well-regulated person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.
  • Mistakes in life help you find the right path. They are an integral part of it.
  • Wrong not in love, wrong in people.
  • The biggest mistake you can make in life is to constantly be afraid that you will make it.
  • Don't ever say, "Oh." Always say, "Ah, interesting."
  • If you're not mistaken, you're not working on hard enough problems. And this is a big mistake.
  • If a mistake is not a step, it is a mistake.
mistakes in life
mistakes in life

Is it always bad to make mistakes?

They say you learn from mistakes, and it's true that a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field of activity can be considered a real expert. A person should never be ashamed to admit the moments in which he was wrong, because today he has become wiser than yesterday. There is an interesting expression: "When we make mistakes, it is called evil. When God makes mistakes, it is called nature." Don't treat failure as something terrible. Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.

Statuses about errors
Statuses about errors

Inspiring and motivating

Here are some more interesting error statuses:

  • If you close the door to all error, the truth will be closed.
  • Admit your mistakes beforesomeone will exaggerate them.
  • Because of the mistakes of others, the sage corrects his own.
  • It is very easy to forgive others for your mistakes; it takes longer to forgive them for witnessing your own.
Statuses about errors
Statuses about errors

Many statuses and quotes about mistakes are inspiring, many are wise, some are humorous, but they all make you think and understand that it is normal to make mistakes, if it is not a fatal mistake that other people will already learn from.
