New interesting gadgets. Modern interesting gadgets for the home

New interesting gadgets. Modern interesting gadgets for the home
New interesting gadgets. Modern interesting gadgets for the home

The world of technology does not stand still. Everything is changing, and "smart" gadgets are gradually filling the life of every person. And the surprising thing is that every year there are so many of them that it is sometimes impossible to keep track of all the new items.

interesting gadgets
interesting gadgets

This article will highlight the most interesting gadgets of 2015, as well as some of the announced new items for next year.

Controlled Electrical Appliances

Using common household appliances is getting easier. Smart technologies are popping up everywhere, and you can control your home right from your smartphone.

Telling about interesting gadgets, first of all I would like to note the new lamps from General Electrics. This company was founded by Thomas Edison. Yes, the same person who invented the first carbon filament light bulb.

Following the path laid down by its founder, the company continues to amaze the world with high-quality and high-tech products.

C Sleep by GE

Lamps that turn on and off from a smartphone are no longer news. Although they are few in Russia, there are already more modern technologies. General Electrics is engaged inthe latest line of "super smart" light bulbs - C Sleep and C Life.

cool new gadgets
cool new gadgets

Device of the first model changes the color of its glow during the day, duplicating the light of the sun: in the morning - soft blue, in the afternoon - yellowish, in the evening - close to orange. Due to this, the natural street lighting from the Sun almost completely matches the light from the C Sleep lamp. Thus, every day the nervous system and eyes are not irritated by constant changes in lighting. According to the company, using such interesting home gadgets in the bedroom will make it easier to wake up in the morning, the light will increase activity during the day, and it will be easy to fall asleep in the evening.

C Life by GE

The second model of C Life shines with only one yellowish tint, just like a regular light bulb. It is recommended to be installed in all other rooms.

With the help of wireless technology, by purchasing such interesting gadgets and installing the appropriate application on your smartphone, you can control three lamps at once without using any additional means of communication.

In addition to turning the light on or off, you can set its intensity (brightness). This setting is quite convenient, especially with increased irritation of the eyes, which for the whole day looked at the computer monitor and managed to inflame.

It is noteworthy that these interesting gadgets for Windows 7 are not suitable and work only on the "Android" platform.

Ankuoo introduced a line of smart switches

We continue to consider interesting gadgets. Include andturning off the lights from the phone is a good thing. But there are devices that help increase safety.

most interesting gadgets
most interesting gadgets

How many times in your life have you caught yourself thinking that you forgot to turn off the iron, stove, kettle or other household appliances from the network? Every year there are many fires in apartments and houses precisely for this reason, when residents forget to turn off the electrical appliance at night or when leaving the premises.

Buy every household appliance that will be equipped with smart technology is quite expensive, what to do in this case? Ankuoo solved this problem. She presented the gadget in the form of a special overhead socket equipped with Wi-Fi technology.

You just need to connect such a smart socket to a regular one - and the outgoing current will be under your control. By installing a special application on your phone, using the Internet, you can turn off or turn on the electricity supply to household appliances.

This is truly the indispensable thing of the new age. No need to worry or rely on your memory anymore, just turn on the program and turn off the power in the socket with a couple of clicks on the screen of your smartphone.

Do you like cleanliness?

The most interesting gadgets should not only be advanced in the technological spectrum, but also devoid of the shortcomings of devices of the past.

How many bacteria and germs do you think are on your smartphone? There are billions of them. From the moment the first cell phone was released until today, it has been difficult to find one that would be absolutely safe from the outside.personal hygiene.

interesting gadgets for men
interesting gadgets for men

Fingers and palms are carriers of various microbes due to the fact that we constantly touch something with them: money, door handles, other people. We touch our phone many times during the day. And the best thing we do with it is wipe the screen with a cloth so that no greasy marks can be seen on the screen.

Take soap and wash your phone any time you like

Japanese company Kyocera decided to eliminate this shortcoming and developed a smartphone Digno Rafre, which can be washed directly under the tap with water. It's really amazing, the phone normally withstands water up to 43 degrees, and is also completely waterproof, and its material does not deteriorate from ordinary soap. This protection is due to IP58 technology.

interesting modern gadgets
interesting modern gadgets

With a bit of humor, this gadget comes with a special duck with which the phone can float in the bathroom. Other specifications of the phone are not very different from mid-range smartphones, and therefore there is no need to cover them in this article.

There is hope that such technologies will be used in all high-tech equipment, and there will no longer be a need to be afraid to fill something with water or ruin it with household detergents.

Wonder Flashlight

Interesting modern gadgets are not limited to household appliances and smartphones. New technologies have even reached ordinary flashlights. It would seem, insert the battery and use it - where is it even easier? Even the lanternpowered by a solar panel, is already far from the modern world of technology.

New breakthrough in device power has been made by an inventor from New York. He managed to create a flashlight that runs on the heat of the hands. It is amazing! Such a gadget is environmentally friendly, and one can say that it will always work without requiring an additional source of energy. Simply put your thumb on the special pad that instantly converts your hand's heat into electrical energy.

Everyone should have a device like this just in case. This is a really handy thing, especially when the mobile phone is dead and there is nothing to highlight. It will also be very useful in multi-day hikes and travels away from civilization. An endless source of light can help out on any dark night.

Device for bachelors

Are there any interesting gadgets for men? Of course! There is a special Sansaire Sous Vide Circulator that is designed to help bachelors prepare delicious food for themselves. Stop bad food! Sandwiches, chips and crackers are all terribly unhe althy, it's time to take care of yourself.

cool gadgets for home
cool gadgets for home

All you need for any simple dish is a vacuum bag, ingredients and the above device. Put, for example, meat in a bag and lower it into a container of water. Dip your gadget into this water, install the program and wait a bit. After 30-40 minutes you can have a delicious meal.

The plus is that any dish will not become dry or overcooked. This is the essencesous vide technology. In addition, dietary fiber and nutrients are not destroyed during this preparation, so the food will be even more useful. Eat to your he alth!

Smart technologies are the future

Of course, there are many more worthy novelties of the high-tech world than listed in this article. There are also keyboards that are laser projected onto any surface, virtual reality glasses and others.

Time does not stand still, but goes forward. Perhaps never before has technology developed so rapidly. Technologies that exist today will be obsolete tomorrow. Having bought a modern gadget, you will be faced with the fact that in a year you will be the owner of an outdated item.

Should I make this purchase now? Of course it's worth it. After all, technology makes our life easier and safer. No need to wait for a newer phone model and then the next one and so on. Live for today, and new interesting gadgets will definitely help you make life more interesting and exciting.

interesting gadgets for windows 7
interesting gadgets for windows 7

However, never forget that such devices are only meant to make life easier. There is no need to make a cult of gadgets, as happens, for example, with Apple products, when any new product is immediately swept away from the windows.

Imagine a world where you don't have to physically do anything: you sit on the bed and program cooking from your phone, robots that clean your apartment, control light, water. In this situation, a person has a lot of free time,which with pleasure and benefit can be devoted to education, family and loved ones.
