How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" in cash?

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" in cash?
How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" in cash?

Modern Internet users are thinking about how to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet". Is it possible to do this at all? We have to find answers to these questions further. If you carefully study the information in Yandex. Money, you can easily solve the problem.

Opportunity or fairy tale

Is it possible to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" or is it a stupid idea that does not materialize?

How to withdraw money from wallet
How to withdraw money from wallet

Withdrawing money from electronic payment systems in Russia is a common practice. And Yandex. Money provides several simple solutions to bring ideas to life. Next, we will consider all possible scenarios.

Before you begin

But first, let's figure out what the user will have to do to withdraw funds from Yandex Wallet in one way or another. Everyone should know about this, otherwise the instructions below will not help, and the cash-out service will be blocked.

To understand how to withdrawmoney from "Yandex-wallet", the user will need:

  • create a profile on Yandex. Money;
  • make money appear in the wallet;
  • get a named account.

It is advisable to additionally open a bank account or plastic, then the task will bring a minimum of hassle.

Methods of cashing out and withdrawal

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet"? This problem has several solutions. Each user can choose the most simple and profitable algorithm of actions.

Withdrawing money from Yandex
Withdrawing money from Yandex

Today you can withdraw money from Yandex. Money:

  • using a branded bank card;
  • through a transaction to bank plastic of any financial institution;
  • via bank transfer;
  • through expedited transfers to financial institutions;
  • through transfer systems like "Contact" and "Western Union".

What does each scenario involve? How can you make them come true?

Ordering a card from Yandex

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet"? In order to greatly simplify the task, the user can issue Yandex branded plastic. This is a regular bank card, the account of which is linked to an electronic payment system. This is very convenient, since all the money will be at hand under any circumstances.

Unistream and Yandex
Unistream and Yandex

To order Yandex plastic, you need:

  1. Passauthorization in your wallet.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the "Withdraw" button.
  3. Click on the hyperlink "Yandex Bank Card…".
  4. Click on the "Issue card" button.
  5. Fill out the request form. It does not require any passport details.
  6. Pay for plastic making service. It is advisable to withdraw money from Yandex. Money.
  7. Click on the operation confirmation button.

About a month later, a bank card will be sent by registered mail. Now it can be used like ordinary plastic. But what if you want to withdraw money?

ATMs to help

The thing is that with the above plastic, it will be possible to cope with the task in the shortest possible time. Does the user have "Yandex Wallet"? How to withdraw money from an ATM in this case? It is enough just to order a branded Yandex bank card, and then use any ATM. A commission of 3% will be charged for the operation, but not less than 100 rubles.

In general, the algorithm for withdrawing funds will look like this:

  1. Insert Yandex card into ATM and enter PIN.
  2. Select "Bank card transactions" - "Withdraw cash".
  3. Specify the transaction amount.
  4. Get money from an ATM.
  5. Collect bank plastic Yandex.
Ways to transfer money
Ways to transfer money

Important: There are restrictions on cash withdrawals. With a nominal profile in "Yandex Wallet", the user per daycan cash out no more than 5,000 rubles. If the limit is reached, the money will not be withdrawn from the system, and the ATM will give an error.


Is it possible to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" through the terminal? No. The thing is that such machines are not equipped with a cash withdrawal function by default. But you can use a Yandex card to pay for services through terminals. If the ATM has a cash withdrawal function, the algorithm of actions will be carried out in exactly the same way as in the case of an ATM. But in Russia, such machines are not found. Therefore, it should be considered that withdrawals through payment terminals are impossible.

Transfer to another plastic

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet"? To do this, you can use the transfer to bank plastic of any financial institution. Transactions include a commission of 3% + 15 rubles.

The funds transfer guide is as follows:

  1. Open "Yandex" and pass authorization in the wallet.
  2. Go to the section "Withdraw" - "To the card of any bank".
  3. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  4. Press the "Translate" button.

After that, it remains only to wait. The user will receive the funds within 3 business days. Usually the money comes almost instantly.

Transfer to the card
Transfer to the card

How to withdraw cash from "Yandex Wallet" after that? Simply select the appropriate item at the ATM of the selected financial institution. This task does notno questions.

Bank account

How can I withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet"? The next layout is the use of a transfer to a bank account.

Step by step, the process is as follows:

  1. Click on the "Withdraw" item in the upper right corner of Yandex. Money.
  2. Select the service "To the bank account".
  3. Filling out the request form: bank BIC, last name and first name of the recipient, account number, identifier for enrollment.
  4. Specify the amount you want to transfer.
  5. Press the "Translate" button.

As in the previous case, the user will receive the money in 3 days. A fee is charged for the procedure. It is 3% of the transfer amount + 15 rubles additionally.

To withdraw money remains:

  1. Take your passport.
  2. Come to the branch of the bank where the account is opened.
  3. Inform the employee about the intention to withdraw money.
  4. Collect the named amount of funds at the cash desk. Before that, you have to fill out a request form.

It's done. But this is not all the possible options offered to users.

Quick transfer

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet" quickly and without problems? You can order an expedited translation. It is offered to everyone who has a card/account with Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, Otkritie or Promsvyazbank.

Instructions for ordering money are as follows:

  1. Go to the "Withdraw to Yandex. Money" block and select the appropriate menu item.
  2. Fill out the request form.
  3. Submit request for processing.
Cash withdrawal limits at ATMs
Cash withdrawal limits at ATMs

The transaction has a 3% commission. You can withdraw no more than 15,000 rubles at a time. The money will be credited to the account in a few minutes.

Payment systems to help

How to withdraw money from "Yandex Wallet"? The last offer is to receive money through payment systems like "Contact". Such operations have a large commission, so the reception is not in demand.

But if the user wants to withdraw money in this way, he will have to:

  1. Select the required payment system in the "Withdraw" section of Yandex.
  2. Indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient.
  3. Enter the person's city of residence.
  4. Select the point of receipt of money.
  5. Print the recipient's phone number.
  6. Specify the transfer amount.
  7. Click on the "Withdraw…" button.

As soon as the transaction is completed, the citizen will receive an alert. Now it remains to take the passport and collect the money.