How to use "Yandex" wallet. "Yandex" wallet - how to put money

How to use "Yandex" wallet. "Yandex" wallet - how to put money
How to use "Yandex" wallet. "Yandex" wallet - how to put money

Users often face problematic situations when they have to master new sites and payment systems. It can be difficult for people over 40 to change their own photo, not to mention the use of electronic currency. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to use the "Yandex" wallet. With its help, in the future it will be possible to pay even for advertising in mailing lists.

Electronic wallet "Yandex. Money"

Currently, there are many different payment systems. Each person is given the opportunity to choose the most comfortable user interface for him. The Yandex. Money system has a number of advantages. This is a simple and quick procedure for creating an Internet wallet, the absence of special conditions for starting use, the ease of mastering a popular service, the ability to replenish an account in the desired way (using ATMs, payment terminals,bank cards, post office, payment points for cellular communications) anywhere in the world. Many newsletter writers are registered here.

For permanent use, the user is recommended to start a "Yandex" wallet. There, the authors of the newsletters will send details for paying for the ordered advertising. In addition, using the money in the account, you can purchase goods in various online stores.

how to use yandex wallet
how to use yandex wallet

"Yandex. Money": the wallet is ready for use

Creating an account on the site is easy. After that, a person will be able to start his own electronic wallet using the Yandex. Money service. A phone number must be linked to the account.

So, the wallet created using the Yandex. Money service is ready for use! But here sometimes an unforeseen situation arises. Opening an account was easy. But a person does not know how to use the "Yandex" wallet. First you need to learn how to replenish the balance. Electronic money on the account will be required when paying for advertising in mailing lists and other services.

Yandex money wallet
Yandex money wallet

Replenishment of the balance using the Yandex. Money service

After authorization, the user will see the number of the electronic wallet on the left, and in the center - a description of the various options for working with it (how to transfer, withdraw, spend money, link a card, etc.). By clicking on the "replenish" link, he can choose any available method of receiving money into the account. Funds are transferred instantly using ATMs and prepaidYandex. Money cards, within an hour - RBR cards, within a day - cash payment through any terminal, cash desk or branch. Payment may be received within 2-3 business days. This is the case with bank transfers.

Problems with top-up balance

Recently, more and more often you can observe situations when funds do not come from ATMs and terminals to the "Yandex" wallet. How to put money into the account in this case? Most likely, you will have to call the technical support of the terminal and find out where the funds could have disappeared. To avoid problems, you should refrain from replenishing your account through them. If you still want to transfer funds through ATMs, then you should ask which one your colleagues, relatives and friends use. For example, through the cash desks in any of the salons of the Euroset company, money reaches without any delay.

qiwi wallet yandex money
qiwi wallet yandex money

Purchase, payment for goods and services using the Yandex. Money service

With the help of the site you can transfer money from your balance to the account of another person. There are three ways to accomplish this task: by clicking on the "Deposit" link, by activating the "Transfer to another user" link, or by using a special "Transfer Form".

How to use the "Yandex"-wallet after the money appears on the balance? For example, like this. When buying advertising in the mailing list, the author sends the number of his e-wallet in the Yandex. Money system: 4ХХХХХХХХХХХ4. The user should specify these numbers and the amount of the transfer, then click the button"Translate". When dialing a number, you need to be careful, otherwise someone else will receive the money. After the user enters the payment password, the funds are transferred to the addressee's account. Next, you should notify the author of the newsletter about the payment for the service and indicate your wallet number in the Yandex. Money system.

Transfer protection

It is carried out with the help of protections - digital codes, without which the recipient will not receive the transfer. You must set a specific expiration date. This time is given to the addressee for his needs. If the recipient does not enter the required protection code within the specified period, the money will be returned to the sender's wallet. In any case, such a measure of protection will make it possible to insure in case of incorrect entry of data about the recipient.

Yandex wallet how to deposit money
Yandex wallet how to deposit money

Replenishment of the account using special services

This task can be accomplished by exchanging electronic money in other systems (Single Wallet, Liqpay, RBC Money, etc.). Usually they transfer funds from WebMoney to Yandex wallet. You can replenish your account using other exchange offices, since the service of the system is not cheap: the commission is 4.5% of the amount. Many webmasters advise the Money Changer service to those who wish to transfer money to a Yandex wallet.

There is a good method of studying user feedback to determine the best service. True, the site belongs to WebMoney. It's called Advisor. There, participants in the system leave reviews about the sites with which they have already de alt. Among the reliable resources indicated by people, you can find a suitableexchange service with the most favorable rate.

Transfers between QIWI and Yandex. Money wallets

The first step is to check your security settings. This applies to Qiwi wallet, Yandex. Money, PayPal, and any other. You need to visit the "Security" section, there are all the necessary instructions. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the main fraud schemes that dishonest people use in pursuit of profit.

You can top up your Yandex. Money balance via QIWI using the exchange service. The reverse procedure is carried out in the same way. The user transfers QIWI/"Yandex. Money" to the selected site. Further, everything is simple. The exchange service makes the transfer of "Yandex Money" / QIWI to the owner of the funds minus the commission. The fee can be up to 12%, depending on which site services will be used.

Yandex e-wallet
Yandex e-wallet

Choosing an exchange service

After that, the money is on the user's account, except for those cases when a person accidentally gets to the scammers. He transfers money to the exchange service, and, of course, receives nothing in return (you can consider this a 100% commission for the service). Such situations are not uncommon.

The question of which exchange service should be used to replenish the "Qiwi" wallet, "Yandex. Money" remains relevant? By monitoring the rate of electronic currencies, the user can choose the most reliable site. You should open a resource with a suitable course from the verified list. Aftertransferring electronic money to the details of the service, the site replenishes the owner's wallet in the currency desired by the user, minus the agreed commission.

Linking bank cards

To accomplish this task, anyone who wants to learn how to use the "Yandex" wallet should go to the settings using the "Account Management" link. Then you need to select the "Bank cards" area. The user is offered three options for use.

One of them is for payments. It allows you to pay for purchases and services with electronic currency from a bank card without replenishing your account in the system. In this case, the funds are debited directly without getting into the account.

Linking a bank card (Visa, MasterCard) ensures the security of payments. During the verification procedure, a small amount will be blocked, which must be specified when linking. No commission is charged for this. After that, the user will no longer need to repeat the card details with each purchase, it will be enough to tell them to the site, which he trusts a priori.

Yandex wallet transfer money
Yandex wallet transfer money

Issue of a Yandex. Money bank card

This method is used to pay for purchases and services. The account of a full-fledged bank plastic card "Yandex. Money" is equal to the contents of the user's wallet. You can go to any supermarket and buy all the necessary products and things with e-currency. This is a great way to withdraw funds. Using a card issued for 3 years and sent by mail for 100-200 rubles, you can make purchases on the Internet andcash out at ATMs for only 3%.

Other binding options

Using Alfa-Bank cards to replenish Yandex-wallet is the most traditional way. After linking, no commission is charged. The same applies to the Otkritie bank card. Withdrawals are charged 3%.

If the user owns his own site, he can place a donation button on the resource pages. To do this, copy the informer code in the settings section, which is called "Collection of money". How to do it? You need to check the box to add a button and specify a specific contribution amount. After that, you should activate the informer. Then a code for copying will appear, which can be inserted in the required place on the pages of your own or someone else's resource.

Withdrawal of money with opening an account

For the service, the system charges a small commission of 3% (and 10 rubles when making a bank transfer). Such a conclusion is possible only in Russia. To accomplish this task, all or part of the funds should be transferred to an account with a regular bank, which receives additional interest for this service. You can also use the RBR card registered in the wallet and transfer money to the card balance with a preferential commission of only 2% (the bank does not charge it).

Yandex wallet
Yandex wallet

Other withdrawal options

If you want to receive money without opening an account, you should contact any point of the Contact payment system. In this case, the commission is only 1.5%. It is best to receive cash through this system, since when making a withdrawal, the user does not need to know various bank details and fill in many fields. All you need to do is enter your passport data correctly and indicate the branch, and upon receipt, present an identity card and name the amount and number of the required payment.