How to enter coordinates in "Yandex Navigator"? Features and rules. Functions of a modern navigator

How to enter coordinates in "Yandex Navigator"? Features and rules. Functions of a modern navigator
How to enter coordinates in "Yandex Navigator"? Features and rules. Functions of a modern navigator

"Yandex Navigator" is a modern and multifunctional tool. The Yandex company has prepared a new application for its users that can quickly lead a person to the right place. Maps are developed for all cities in Ukraine and Russia. The navigator is suitable for any car. It allows you to comfortably ride both during the day and at night, thanks to the night mode.

how to enter coordinates in yandex navigator
how to enter coordinates in yandex navigator

What features has Yandex prepared for its users? Probably the main thing is that the navigator is able to warn a person about road works and CCTV cameras, but this will require the Internet. Other features also add to the ride comfort. "Yandex Navigator" is able to remember routes and save them; if necessary, you can find additional information about any building. Convenient search allows you to find the right place in just a minute, forTo do this, you must write the address or name of the organization. The navigator is able to build a comfortable route based on traffic jams and road surface, and the trip itself is accompanied by voice prompts.

How to enter coordinates in "Yandex Navigator"

Many motorists use the navigator. Of course, buying a separate device will be quite expensive, but now there is a new solution. You can install "Yandex Navigator" for a laptop or phone running Android or IOS. It is very comfortable. You can install the program on your phone, set it up, and calmly go to the right place. It seems that setting up the application is simple, but many users have problems. Let's look at this and answer the main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

Yandex navigator for windows
Yandex navigator for windows

Why specify the location of an object? In the contacts of many companies, you can find the address or their coordinates. In order to more accurately indicate to the navigator the place where it is necessary to move, the geographical location is entered into the program. "Yandex Navigator" is no exception, thanks to this feature you can find the right place in a few clicks.

What do the numbers in the coordinates mean

To learn how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator, you need to consider what the numbers indicated on the Web mean. In this program, geographic locations must be entered in degrees, which will be represented as decimals. But it is also customary in the world to use anotherrecording format. In this case, the coordinate is written as follows: degrees, minutes and seconds.

In "Yandex Navigator" the first digit indicates the latitude, this is the direction that goes up from the desired object. It is customary to use the following indicators: N - indicates the northern latitude, and S - southern.

The second number indicates the longitude, that is, a line that runs horizontally to the desired location. Longitude is also shared: E indicates east and W indicates west.

Yandex navigator route
Yandex navigator route

Entering coordinates on "Yandex Maps"

We have learned what the numbers in coordinates mean, now we can move on to the main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

First you need to open the app on your device. To find the right place, you need to know its geographical coordinates. If you are looking for a company, then such data should be on the site.

So, you have found the coordinates, what to do next? In the address bar, enter the data in "Yandex Navigator". The route will be laid only after you click on the "Find" button. How to enter coordinates correctly? They are written in the address bar without spaces. If the coordinate contains a fractional part, then it must be separated by a dot. Also, latitude and longitude must be separated by a comma, but no spaces.

If you entered the data correctly, the navigator will quickly create a route. The main thing is to check the correctness of entering the location and use the attached rules for entering coordinates.

"Yandex Navigator"for Windows, Windows Phone, IOS or Android has the same algorithm of work, so data entry will be carried out in the same way. This program is able to translate the coordinates into another system, which will show the data in this form: degrees, minutes and seconds.

If you enter the coordinates incorrectly, the navigator will indicate the wrong place that you need to find. This program has a "Swap" button. So you can quickly swap longitude and latitude in case you enter the coordinates incorrectly.

Yandex navigator for laptop
Yandex navigator for laptop

How to use the navigator offline

As a rule, many people tend to install a navigator without the Internet, as it takes extra traffic and, in general, the mobile Internet loads pages for a long time. Yandex Navigator provides such an opportunity. To use the program without the Internet, you need to download maps. How to do it?

  • Go to the menu, where we select the item "Download maps". You can download information for a specific city or the entire country.
  • In the search you need to enter the name of the city or country and click "Download". As a rule, the size of the card is indicated at the bottom.

That's it. Once the map has loaded, you can use it. The main thing is to turn on the GPS and wait until the program connects to the satellites.


Navigator is a great app for motorists. It does not require any costs, all you need is a modern phone. "Yandex Navigator" is very popular. This is not surprising, since it has a nice interface and, most importantly, many useful features are built in. You can use "Yandex Navigator" for Windows, Windows Phone, IOS and Android.
