The concept of intensifying commercial efforts and its purpose

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts and its purpose
The concept of intensifying commercial efforts and its purpose

The organization of business processes and the promotion of goods on the market have undergone a long evolution. The main development trend leads the marketing strategy from the production of goods to the implementation of activities to promote and study the needs of buyers / customers. Some marketing strategies are considered new, others are considered obsolete. But they all exist and are applied, adapting to various niches.

Concept Rationale

The main competitors are the concept of intensifying commercial efforts and the strategy of pure marketing. The first of them implies such an approach to the promotion of goods, the starting point of which is the belief that demand is passive. The concept assumes that the goods will not be in demand by the consumer without due efforts on the part of the business.

buying conviction
buying conviction

Business actions are a huge set of activities to inform potential consumers aboutthe presence and properties of products, the formation of their propensity to buy. At the same time, it is debatable to talk about full-fledged motivation, because the needs, desires, problems of the clients themselves are not considered during the impact. When promoting within this concept, the client should make a purchase under the pressure of the information received, and not because he needs this particular product to solve his problem.

The purpose of the concept of intensifying commercial efforts is to ensure a given sales volume. How long the interaction with the client will be is not taken into account. As part of this strategy, there is an assumption that even in the event of disappointment in the quality of the product, the buyer will forget about it after a while and, under the influence of new promotional activities, will make a purchase again.

Historical background

The concept began to be actively used in business in the 1933-1950s. For the first time, it was proposed to shift the focus of attention from the organization itself to the external environment, to the space in which goods are bought by the consumer. In its classic form, this concept was used in the United States and Western Europe, and in other countries it was mixed with local business practices. With the spread of Western management principles and the development of international corporations, elements of this approach can be observed almost everywhere.

Sales volume

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts defines sales as a value directly dependent on promotion efforts. An important point is also the fact that the actions for the promotion of goods are not connected in any waywith the needs and desires of consumers. The increase in volumes within the framework of this concept occurs due to aggressive advertising influence with elements of manipulation. The concept of intensifying commercial sales efforts puts the volume of sales as a key indicator of the effectiveness of the implemented actions at the center of the business development strategy.

purpose of sale
purpose of sale

Application areas

Most often, this approach is used in the promotion of consumer goods that do not require much thought when buying, weighing all the pros and cons. Such goods are often acquired automatically, when a household need arises or under the influence of emotions. The field of daily necessities is the most natural environment for applying the concept of intensification.

human manipulation
human manipulation

However, the history of sales dates back to ancient times and has improved its tools over the course of development. Aggressive manipulation is also used for products of passive demand. Such goods, as a rule, have a fairly high price tag and value in the eyes of the buyer. At the same time, without such goods, a person can live for a long time, looking closely, considering a decision. The push to purchase such products should be direct, aggressive, to give the consumer a choice: now or never. The concept of intensifying commercial efforts defines the purpose of such communication and brings it to the result - sales.

Car sales

In this areasales techniques are perfected to the level of art. Marketing for promoting cars, especially those of higher economy class, claims to be at a higher level in everything. However, showroom sales techniques are quite consistent with the concept of intensifying commercial efforts.

When a client appears, the employee takes him and "leads", connects his emotions, gives arguments for the urgency and uniqueness of the momentary offer. Negotiations come into play with superiors and partners who "specially for you" agree to provide a service. An aggressive manipulative effect occurs, completing the chain of other communication channels, thanks to which the client came to the showroom.

work with buyers
work with buyers

Politics as a separate business area

Political technologies differ in many respects from the instruments of sale in the commodity market, but strategies based on methods of manipulation, persuasion and even psychological pressure are similar in many respects. Active propaganda inspires the audience with the image of a candidate and waits for only one thing - a vote. At such moments, political technologists are not interested in further relations between the candidate and the population. The goal is quite specific - sale.

Political propaganda is built on a multi-channel basis, capturing the attention of voters as much as possible. Repeated aggressive pressure has an effect, and the voter begins to look closely at the candidate, really observing in his behavior the qualities declared by advertising.

Modern application

Established levelThe development of marketing knowledge has finally shifted the focus to the client with his needs, desires, problems and a special way of life. Producers, based on knowledge about the consumer, offer such products that would most harmoniously fit into the lifestyle and thinking of consumers, while solving their problems and making their life more comfortable. With such a deal, the client remains loyal to the product for a very long time.

sales strategy
sales strategy

But situations with passive demand still arise, some purchases still need to be "led" to the consumer, so methods of intensifying commercial efforts are successfully used now, integrating into complex marketing plans. The political sphere is also not disappearing anywhere; on the contrary, it is honing its tools for managing society. The use of such a concept in politics is relevant and justified, even if it is intertwined with more loyal and easy options for influence.

modern management
modern management

Such a concept cannot be called a relic of the past. The classical theory, born in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century, is now being transformed, finding new ideas to stimulate sales and offer them to the market. In accordance with the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, goods are sold due to the actions of the promotion team. It is difficult to argue with this, even if the tools and methods of influence are being adjusted.
