Apple brand products have long established themselves in the mobile device market as high-quality and high-tech electronics. However, happy owners of elegant iPhones may be disappointed by the fact that their cell phone, in general, is practically not protected from the harmful effects of water. An oleophobic coating will not save an expensive mobile phone from protracted “rainy procedures” and the onslaught of liquid filled baths. And therefore the question: “What to do if the iPhone fell into the water?” pretty relevant. Let's make a reservation right away: only your efficiency and clear actions will help to avoid the fatal outcome of unforeseen "wet" circumstances. Not at all superfluous recommendations and the sound humor of the story will magically turn you, dear reader, into a rescue techie. So get ready to transform!
Tip 1: Food for Thought, or iPhone Pilaf

Various Internet resources (in a global manifestation) vying with each other offer to try a miracle recipe for restoring "wet" mobile equipment. It is worth noting that this option is not without meaning, but certainly not suitable for iPhone devices. Since the rather hermetic case of the specified model will cast doubt on the success of the enterprise, which can be briefly described by the phrase: "pulling moisture from the bowels of the device with the help of … rice." Since the modern panacea (according to all the same sources), resolving the difficult question “what to do if the iPhone fell into the water,” is precisely this cereal. It is generally accepted that its grains have fantastic properties, "reincarnating" drowned and washed phones. The irony is not appropriate only if the device that has undergone a sinking is pre-disassembled and the system board is completely immersed in fig. However, treatment with special equipment will also be the final part of the recovery process. Draw your own conclusions: is it worth filling a mobile phone with rice cereal and languishing in anticipation (rice technology gives results only after 12-48 hours), becoming like Pinocchio from a well-known fairy tale?
Tip 2: Be specific about what to do

If the iPhone is dropped into water, the first thing to do is turn it off. The plan for further action is as follows:
- No need to shake the mobile phone and try to "squeeze" out of it the remnants of the infiltrated liquid.
- Wipe the device dry and, using available tools, try to unscrew the two end screws that are located at the edges of the device's system connector.
- After releasing the back cover of the device from the fixing elements, slide this body part up and lift it up.
- Carefully unscrew the two fixing bolts of the frame, whichsecures the battery connector.
- Remove the battery before disconnecting the terminal from the contact pad of the phone's motherboard.
This is the most important thing to do when an iPhone falls into the water. Next, you should contact a specialist or independently take a number of actions to restore the he alth of the "drowned man".
Tip 3: Get your tech upgrade
In the previous paragraph, the phrase "improvised means" was mentioned, which could well be a penknife, a fastener with sharp edges or an apartment key. As you probably understood, the priority action at the time of the adverse effects of water is the promptly carried out process of de-energizing the phone. Since the life-giving moisture in this situation completely loses all its “magic” properties, this is a real death for unprotected electronics. Therefore, in order to be fully armed in the event of an unforeseen "state of emergency", for the sake of wisdom, purchase special Apple screwdrivers, which - believe me! - more than once will be needed. After all, our life is incredibly dynamic, and the repetition of the situation “iPhone fell into the water” is only a matter of time…
Tip 4: For those who have accepted recommendation 3 and are self-confident

It is easier for a man than for a woman to decide on a self-made repair to clean the inside of the device from traces of water ingress. However, a technically savvy woman can easily cope with the solution, in general, of an easy task - dismantling the hullparts of the mobile device.
- Before you start the practical implementation of the scenario: "What if the iPhone fell into the water?", Find a video on disassembling your particular iPhone model.
- Prepare your work area and tools.
- You will need rubbing alcohol and a brush (small size) to clean the internal case space and components on the phone board that have been exposed to water or another derivative of it.
- After you disassemble the phone with due attention and care, treat each component on the board with alcohol. Using the prepared brush, carefully clean the device from moisture.
- Using a household hair dryer, dry all components and structural parts of the machine.
- Reassemble, making sure there are no "extra" parts left at the end of the process.

Congratulations, now you know what to do if your iPhone 5 falls into the water. However, the principle and algorithm of the recovery process remains unchanged and is literally identical for the entire line of iPhones. Only some design features should be taken into account during the repair process, which you can easily find out about by flipping through the pages of the relevant information resources.
Tip 5: Troubleshooting
Once you've safely assembled your device, the question "What to do if your iPhone falls into the water?" will most likely seem simple in terms of its implementation. However, it is still too early to draw conclusionsbecause you need to make sure that the device is working.

- Start the phone.
- Connect the charger. If it is not charging, you will hardly be able to avoid a visit to the workshop. Don't try to fix the situation yourself. This is painfully troublesome.
- Check the sound quality and touchpad functionality. If you find any defects, please refer to the advice above.
- Make a test call and ask the interlocutor how you can be heard. In general, drive the “resurrected from the abyss of water.”
Tip 6: Diving Grade Accessory
What to do if you dropped your iPhone in the water, you now know. However, it will not be superfluous to purchase a special case that prevents moisture from entering the device. Fortunately, there are many such accessories on sale today - for every taste and color. The reliability and quality of such products often depends on the price. Due to the fact that the iPhone is far from a cheap pleasure, you should not save on the safety of the operational moment.

Final tip: for the hopeful
Don't be deceived if you've purchased the allegedly "waterproof" new iPhone 6. The only barrier to liquid in the sixth model was rubberized flippers as a structural addition to the device's navigation buttons. The system jack, speaker and polyphonic speaker are still open to"water element". So don't be overly naive and foolishly hope that you never have the question: "What if the iPhone fell into the water?" Believe me, despite the real opposite, a bitten apple will still drown. Take care of your iPhone, it's worth it!