The iPhone fell and does not turn on: what to do, how to repair

The iPhone fell and does not turn on: what to do, how to repair
The iPhone fell and does not turn on: what to do, how to repair

The mobile phone is an integral part of most people's lives. They carry it with them everywhere: at work, leisure, doing household chores, and, of course, situations when the device falls are not uncommon. In most cases, when dropped, the phone remains intact, but what if the iPhone is dropped and does not turn on?

What to do immediately after a fall?

Depending on the situation in which the fall occurred, some features of the actions are distinguished:

  1. If a mobile device falls into water, it must be removed immediately. It is impossible to turn on the smartphone, the battery is removed from it and placed in the sun or a battery. The iPhone must be in a de-energized state for at least a day. After drying, the battery is inserted into the device and turned on. If you do not know how to remove the back cover on an iPhone, we suggest that you watch the video below.
  2. Image
  3. If the phone falls on a hard surface, it is picked up and inspected for cracks, scratches, chips and dents. If the damage is minor,it can be turned on.
  4. If the smartphone does not turn on after being dropped, you need to shake it slightly in your hands - it is possible that the power cable has come off during the impact. After this manipulation, he can earn. Another option is to put the iPhone on charge and turn it on after a while.
  5. If, as a result of a fall, the device turns on, but does not boot beyond the Apple logo, the firmware is most likely damaged, this can only be fixed at a service center.
  6. iPhone dropped and won't turn on what to do
    iPhone dropped and won't turn on what to do

Problems with the screen after the fall

When dropped, the screen may crack, partially function, reflect the image, while the sensor does not respond, the display turns white or black, it is completely broken and cannot be turned on.

If the screen is cracked, but this does not affect the performance of the device, you can postpone the repair and continue to use the iPhone. Often the damage is purely aesthetic. Sometimes, from regular vibration, cracks in the display can expand, which ultimately leads to image distortion or poor sensor performance. Therefore, it is not worth delaying the repair.

iPhone dropped and won't turn on
iPhone dropped and won't turn on

If the iPhone works after a crash, but the screen turns black, you can try to restore it yourself:

  1. Charge your mobile device.
  2. Reboot.
  3. Activate silent mode several times and turn it off.

If the iPhone has fallen and does not turn on using the described manipulations, then this is due tointernal breakdowns. The device must be shown to a specialist.

If your device has a protective glass and it cracked when dropped, it is enough to replace the element.

How to remove glass from iPhone:

  1. Due to cracks, the adhesive strength of the protective screen and glass is reduced, which means that it will not be difficult to separate them.
  2. To do this, take the dental floss and gently bring it under the glass. When the thread has slipped through, it is necessary to insert a toothpick or a sheet of paper so that the protection does not stick again.
  3. Slowly lift the sheet of paper, carefully unhooking the remaining protective glass from the screen.

Or you can use a special suction cup with a ring, as shown in the photo below.

iPhone dropped and won't turn on when charging
iPhone dropped and won't turn on when charging

Hull deformation and invisible defects

At best, after a strong fall, a dent will appear on the case, which does not affect the functionality of the device. However, this rarely happens. Deformations affecting the refusal to turn on the mobile device, as a rule, damage the internal equipment: processor, microcircuit, cable, control module, board, power supply and other parts. You can identify a breakdown yourself by disassembling the gadget, but even when determining a broken element, you can replace it only with special equipment and skills.

In some cases, pressing the Home key and the power button simultaneously helps to revive a mobile device after a fall. They are held for a few seconds until the phone starts to reboot. Another option is to connect an iPhone to a computer via iTunes and set up the operating system. If the smartphone is under warranty service and there are no external defects, then it is best to take it to a service center, where they will repair the damage completely free of charge under warranty.

how to remove back cover on iphone
how to remove back cover on iphone

It is not recommended to replace the iPhone case on your own, because the user cannot always do it accurately. Often the following nuances are possible:

  • seals are not glued correctly;
  • camera and cables damaged;
  • The tightness of the structure is not preserved.

Battery problems

All models of "apple" devices have a built-in rechargeable battery, so if it is damaged, the device will have to be opened and the part changed. What to do, the iPhone fell and does not turn on? Let's first look at what can happen to a battery. Contacts may close in the device or it is only a matter of a loose cable.

If you change the battery yourself, you need to stock up on a small suction cup with a ring and a five-blade screwdriver, and then follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Two screws are unscrewed on the sides of the case. A suction cup is attached to the bottom of the display and, holding the ring, carefully pulls the front panel at a right angle. The display is attached to the main board with three cables using a bracket. While holding the screen, unscrew the screws one by one and disconnect the bracket and display wire. Then the front panel is removed to the side.
  2. Unscrew the screws on the bracket andrelease the wire. To remove the battery, you need to pull it out with a sharp movement, because during assembly it is glued to the case.
  3. Then the battery is replaced with a new one. Following the steps described above in reverse, assemble the device. In order not to get confused and not to forget the sequence of actions, during disassembly, everything is fixed schematically or photographed.

Charging module

There is a charging module between the battery and the main board, its function is to supply and distribute energy to all components of the smartphone. If the iPhone fell while charging and does not turn on, then it may be in this component.

You can replace it yourself after purchasing the appropriate part or, in order to avoid poor-quality repairs, entrust the work to a professional. If you decide to do everything yourself, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video. The instruction is presented on the example of iPhone 6 model.



One of the most important details in a mobile device is the motherboard, it is a kind of "heart" of the iPhone. It consists of many parts and modules, each of which has its own functions. It is possible to identify a specific breakdown only using special equipment. Therefore, if the iPhone has fallen and does not turn on in any way, then you should take it to a service center.

For example, if the malfunction is related to a peripheral element, then repairing the motherboard and restoring the device's functions is possible. If the motherboard itself is out of order, the gadget will have todispose of. Of course, you can always buy a single part, but the cost of the part and the repair service will be equal to the price of a new device.

In each generation of iPhones, the motherboard has its own degree of strength and the number of modules on it. At the time of the fall, any of them may suffer and lead to a breakdown of the device.

iphone case replacement
iphone case replacement

Power button or cable

If the iPhone is dropped and won't turn on, the power button or related parts may be damaged. Among them: key mechanism, cable, spring protection, power path. It is really possible to independently determine the breakdown only when the phone is on - when you press the key, there is no reaction.

The repair of this malfunction will be expensive due to the high cost of parts. If the device does not respond to attempts to turn it on, reboot and charge, in this case, you need to contact a trusted master. He will diagnose the entire device, including the button, restore it, and not offer to replace the module.

how to remove glass from iphone
how to remove glass from iphone

Some users are convinced that the higher the cost of the phone, the stronger it is. In fact, the opposite is true: as a rule, the internal parts are quite fragile, and the device itself is technically complex. The more carefully you treat it, the longer it will last.