Do you like spending time outdoors? And with the onset of twilight, you don’t want to return to the house at all. Especially in the summer, when only in the late evening comes the saving coolness. There is only one way out - to arrange street lighting. But there is no desire to mess with the wiring. And there is a way out. Solar-powered garden lights are a great alternative to stationary lights in all respects. Consider their features below.

How a solar powered garden light works
From the name itself it is clear that such a device works autonomously. It does not need to be connected to the mains. The light source is a simple LED lamp. This lamp needs energy to work. And where to take it? You don't need to take anything anywhere. Electricity is generated from the energy of sunlight.

Solar battery is the main element of this light source. It converts the sun's energy into electrical energy. How does this happen? During daylight hoursenergy is stored. The better and longer solar-powered garden lights are illuminated, the longer and brighter they will shine at night. So, the accumulated energy is concentrated in rechargeable batteries or nickel-cadmium batteries, depending on the type of lamp. If the day was sunny, then charging is enough for 8-12 hours of work at night. And after a cloudy day, the garden lantern will shine less, and not so bright.
Solar-powered garden lanterns - types and varieties

The main differences between garden lights are completely different sizes and shapes. Such a variety contributes to the achievement of any lighting effect on the site. If you have a large open area, then tall lanterns will fit perfectly into it. They can be made of plastic, or they can be metal with forging elements. Transparent plastic or glass is used as decoration. The height of these lanterns is up to 2.5 meters. This gives a large radius of illumination, so they are most often installed along various paths.
Solar powered garden lights up to 1.5m high. They are like luminous columns. They are excellent for decorating a site in a modern style.
Next come lanterns up to 0.7 m high, they are used for spot lighting of flower arrangements, for lighting garden paths, they are simply placed alongsite perimeter.

Low lanterns include figure lamps. These are figurines of fairy-tale characters, flowers, insects, animals. Even for ponds, there are solar-powered garden lights. They are made by special technology. When the lamps are lowered into the water, they do not sink, but remain on the surface. And the slightest breath of wind allows them to move, creating a unique play of light.
Advantages of Solar Lanterns
The most important positive quality is independence from mains electricity. No need to worry about wiring, and save on electricity bills. A definite plus! Installing these lights is very easy. They are simply stuck into the ground or placed anywhere on the site. As soon as dusk falls, the lamp turns on by itself, which means that control is not needed. And yet, these lamps are absolutely environmentally friendly and safe to use. They create an atmosphere of comfort and fabulousness in your garden.