Back in 2009, the telecommunications company MegaFon offered a new service for the Russian market - the multifunctional service MultiFon. Now people have the opportunity to significantly save on communications, because the application allows you to make both voice and video calls over the Internet at low prices.
Unique Features
To understand what the service from MegaFon - MultiFon provides, you need to figure out why it is needed. This can only be done with the Internet, because it works through the World Wide Web. The subscriber, having accessed the network through his communication provider, can download a special application from the official MegaFon website and activate it.

The MultiFon service allows you to receive and make calls in any direction, including long-distance and international calls, chat or video call, send messages, create contacts, set statuses and mood. Most importantly, subscribers can use the application anywhere in the world, an additional fee for roamingwill not be charged.
To start using the service, you need to go to the official website of MegaFon and download a special program. It should be noted that subscribers of this operator can also use another version that does not require installation of the application, just from the browser. After downloading the program, you will need to register by creating a new account. To enable communication, the operator will allocate you an IP number, which may look like a regular mobile or any login. At the same time, it will end with
Immediately after registration, subscribers get access to the test version of the program, the so-called "MultiFon-Lite". This is a limited free version, to access all the features, you need to dial 137 from the mobile operator specified during registration. You can also activate the service in your personal account on the MegaFon page. MultiFon works with various operating systems, including Windows (7, XP, Vista), Linux, iOS, Android, Mac OS.
Test version

All Internet users, including subscribers of other mobile operators, have access to a demo version of the service. It does not make it possible to enjoy all the benefits of the service, but it helps to understand how MultiFon-MegaFon works. What it is becomes clear from the first minutes. After installing the program, you need to add any contact. This will allow you to call the selected subscriber and deal with all the possibilities in detail.service.
In demo mode, the application allows you to chat, manage available statuses, set an avatar and, of course, call other MultiFon users. At the same time, there is no charge for using the service, connecting or disconnecting the service is also absolutely free. But when using this version, subscribers cannot communicate using this service with clients of other mobile operators, call fixed numbers.
Call settings
By adding contacts to your address book, you can start chatting. The program allows you to enter the required numbers manually, select them from the list by entering the phone number of the required MultiFon subscriber or his nickname. Contacts can be combined into groups or entered as a general list. Before making a call, make sure that the subscriber you need is online - this will be indicated by a green circle opposite the name.
During the conversation, additional services are available to all users - this is a recording of the conversation, the use of various sound effects, the ability to insert video. After the conversation is over, you can listen to what you were talking about.

MegaFon subscribers can afford to install the full version of the application. But customers of other operators who want to use this service will be forced to purchase a SIM card. But this acquisition will quickly pay for itself, because the service from MegaFon - MultiFon allows you to save significantly.
By dialing 137 on your phone orBy activating the service in their personal account, subscribers get access to all features. From now on, users can call other mobile networks, send MMS and SMS. But at the same time, do not forget that multimedia messages are charged according to the tariffs set by the mobile operator. But given that incoming calls are free and outgoing calls are discounted rates, these costs can be afforded by many.
In addition, users can view their call history, messages, edit mood, change status. Also, everyone can set up the reception of incoming calls - they can either go separately to a mobile phone or to MultiFon, or receive both there and there at the same time.

To fully understand what the operator offers, you need to find out how much it will cost you to use the service. "MultiFon" cannot be attributed to the "Paid services on MegaFon" section, because the operator does not withdraw funds for the use of this application. On the contrary, with its help, subscribers not only get access to high-quality audio and video communications, but can significantly reduce the amount spent on calls every month. Tracking and controlling the funds spent is quite simple. Indeed, for calls both through the application and through a regular phone with a MegaFon SIM card, one account is used.
Currently, the service is provided without a subscription fee. When making voice and video calls within the MultiFon network from user accounts, absolutelynothing is removed. For a minute of conversation with MegaFon subscribers, users will pay 0.8 rubles, for calls to phones of other operators - 1.5 rubles. For international calls, their cost will depend on the country of the subscriber. For example, every 60 seconds of communication with Canada will cost 0.6, with Israel, the USA - 0.9, Turkey - 2.9 rubles. A complete list of countries and the cost of calls to each of them can be found on the official website of MegaFon.
Sending SMS will cost MultiFon users 1.5 rubles, the cost of MMS will depend only on the tariff plan used.
MultiFon Business

The opportunity to use IP-telephony from "MegaFon" is available not only for private clients, but also for corporate ones. For such subscribers, the company offers the opportunity to organize communication both within the walls of the office and outside it, using an IP PBX, a regular smartphone or a computer. To activate this service on MegaFon, it is enough to leave a corresponding application on the official website or call 8 800 5500555, intended for servicing corporate clients.
As a result, you will be able to organize communication using IP PBX or download the application to your computers or smartphones. At the same time, tariffs for corporate subscribers are no different from those established for individual users.
Additional Savings

After reviewing the prices for communication, subscribers begin to understand that MultiFon is, first of all, savingtheir funds. But the company continues to take care of its customers, paying special attention to those who communicate a lot. So, the operator offers the so-called "packages of minutes" for calls in various directions. For example, people who communicate a lot with MegaFon subscribers within their home region can buy 1,000 minutes for calls for 500 rubles, 2,000 for 800, and 10,000 for 3,000.
The same opportunity is provided for those who often make calls to fixed or mobile numbers. The cost of 2000 minutes of conversations with subscribers anywhere in Russia is set at 2900, and with residents of Moscow and the Moscow region - 2000 rubles. Only those who use the MultiFon application from MegaFon can order and use “minute packages”. To do this, you need to send an SMS to the short number 1117. The text of the message indicates the connection code of the service you are interested in. For example, to buy 1000 minutes of outgoing calls to all networks of the specified operator, it will be “MF1000”. Each purchased package is valid for 30 days from the date of its activation.
Possible problems
Sometimes situations arise when the MultiFon service becomes unavailable. MegaFon can block access to it in several cases:
- the balance was blocked, while the subscriber did not replenish his account within a month;
- the contract with the specified telecommunications company was terminated.
In addition, if you turned off MultiFon yourself and more than a month has passed since this event, then enterthe application with the old password will not work. Also, the service may be unavailable due to the fact that the Internet provider used is blocking it.
Connecting and disconnecting "MultiFon", application fee

Many MegaFon subscribers refuse to use the offered services, fearing that funds will be debited from their account. But the proposed MultiFon service is provided without a subscription fee, money will be withdrawn only for calls made and for messages sent. Therefore, it is not worth considering that MegaFon makes connected services paid. Of course, in 2011, as soon as the service was put into operation, this operator said that MultiFon would be provided on a paid basis. It was planned that the subscription fee would be 50 rubles / month. But for the time being, MegaFon has abandoned this idea.
If you decide to join MultiFon, then you can do it completely free of charge. There will also be no disconnection fee, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
The only downside reported by users is the late debiting of funds. As a result, if you check the balance immediately after the call, it may not change, the money may be withdrawn after a few minutes. It is because of this that many, unexpectedly for them, have a negative account balance. Because of this situation, some subscribers begin to think that they have connected paid services. Others believe that for the use of "MultiFon"introduced a subscription fee and are trying to disconnect from the service.
Paid services
If it seems to you that your balance is resetting too quickly, check if you are charged for all MegaFon services that you use. It is quite simple to do this, and each subscriber has several ways. Thus, customers of this operator can access the Service Guide system via the Internet. To receive a password, you will need to send a message to the number 000105 by typing "41" in the text field. In response, the operator will send a password, which will need to be entered in a specially designated field. After logging in, subscribers can see all the services and subscriptions they use. If funds are withdrawn for some of them, then they can be easily turned off.
"Service Guide" is also available from mobile. To receive information, you will need to send the following USSD request 105 to the MegaFon operator. The connected services will then be displayed on the mobile screen, and their cost will also be visible there.
If you are afraid of not understanding the system or missing something, then you can go to the nearest communication salon, where consultants will help you find out what funds are being withdrawn for and turn off all services you do not need.