All kinds of phones. Find out more

All kinds of phones. Find out more
All kinds of phones. Find out more

The most popular device in the modern world is a smartphone. Global brands are popularizing completely buttonless devices, so that the touch phone occupies a leading position among all types of phones, and it is no longer “shifted” by button phones. A century passes - an era has passed!

But don't forget how it all began…

What kinds of mobile phones are there?

Let's run through the main modifications.

  1. Touch phone. It is a monoblock without a keyboard, the most popular type of smartphone. Responds to the touch of your fingers, body or stylus, which allows you to quickly navigate through the device menu.
  2. Touchscreen phone
    Touchscreen phone
  3. Slider. In the people - "nominator", consists of two parts. In the assembled state, it is a screen with a speaker. If necessary, the user pulls out the keyboard to type messages.
  4. Clamshell. Many are familiar with this model, because at one time it was at the peak of popularity. A mobile device consists of two parts: a keyboard and a screen with a speaker.
  5. Monoblockwith numeric keypad (classic). Phone with screen, speaker and numeric keypad. Suitable for those who use the mobile device only for its intended purpose. For calls - a great option.
  6. Monoblock with flip. Flip - cover for the keyboard, which protects it from physical impact and environmental factors. The most popular model is Sony Ericsson, which had unheard of popularity in the late 90s and early 2000s.
  7. Monoblock with QWERTY-keyboard. A smartphone is similar to a classic phone. The only difference is in the keyboard. Instead of a numeric keypad with numbers and alphabet for printing.
Photo of a home phone
Photo of a home phone

Landline phone

"Home phone" is also included in the list of all kinds of phones. True, every year it loses its relevance more and more.

We recommend getting rid of the outdated design, as cell phones perform all the necessary functions perfectly.
