Why the iPhone does not connect to WiFi

Why the iPhone does not connect to WiFi
Why the iPhone does not connect to WiFi

So, today we will consider with you situations in which the iPhone does not connect to WiFi. This problem has become quite relevant in recent times. There are a lot of reasons for this, which we will get acquainted with today. The main thing - do not panic and do not think that the gadget should be thrown away and bought a new one. Let's find out why the iPhone is not connecting to WiFi.

iphone not connecting to wifi
iphone not connecting to wifi

Out of range

Let's start with perhaps the most common cause of the problem. This is nothing more than finding a gadget outside the network coverage area. After all, any Wi-Fi has its own radius of "defeat". It is necessary to deviate from it - and you can lose the Internet. Therefore, users note that the iPhone does not connect to WiFi.

Fortunately, there is an easy fix here. Let's start by getting closer to the Wi-Fi source. And so that we are with you in the "defeat" zone. After that, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi function on the iPhone, and then find the network to which we will connect. Remember: if you are in range, you will soon find the corresponding Wi-Fi name. Click on it and wait a whiletime. That's it, problems solved. Now you know what to do if the iPhone does not connect to WiFi. But these are not all possible scenarios. There are a number of more complex situations. And now we will get to know them all.

Invalid data

Your iPhone won't connect to your home WiFi? Then it makes sense to check how accurately and correctly you entered the password to connect. This scenario, as you might guess, applies only to secure Wi-Fi networks. Indeed, to join them, you have to enter a special secret combination, or simply a password.

why is my iphone not connecting to wifi
why is my iphone not connecting to wifi

Here you can get into two positions. The first is when you own the Wi-Fi yourself. In this case, it is enough to double-check the correctness of the entered data, correct all errors and try to connect again. After fixing the typos, everything will work fine. Well, good. The second scenario - you connect to someone else's network. In cases where the owner has given you permission to do this, you can ask him for the password again, and then resume trying to work with the Internet. In cases where you are trying to secretly connect to someone else's network, you will have to stop trying. It is still very, very difficult to guess the correct password. That's it, problems solved. Thus, if the iPhone 4S does not connect to WiFi (or any other model of it), you can work a little with the data entered when connecting. Very often this option works great.

Only the situation does not always depend onusername and password. Much more often, people face more serious problems when trying to connect any gadget to Wi-Fi. What exactly? Let's try to figure this out.

System failures

For example, if the iPhone does not connect to WiFi, you can try restarting both gadgets - both the phone and the modem. Sometimes the most common system failure can be the cause of this behavior. This is not the most dangerous yet, but a very unpleasant situation.

iphone 5 not connecting to wifi
iphone 5 not connecting to wifi

Fortunately, it is eliminated quite easily, quickly and simply. In truth, if you have problems connecting to the Internet, then it is from this point that you can start fighting the situation. Most users, as a rule, do not attach importance to system crashes and reboots. And in vain. Sometimes only this move can help you fix the situation in which the iPhone 4 does not connect to WiFi (or any other gadget model).

But do not think that all the problems will end there. On the contrary, the most acute and large-scale causes of this kind of behavior are just beginning. And now we will get to know them, and also learn how to deal with the lack of an Internet connection.


If the iPhone 5 does not connect to WiFi (or any other gadget), then try to find out which particular model is in front of you - original or not. Indeed, very often all the problems of working with equipment arise due to the most common fakes. And this scenario, to be honest, is very common in modernworld.

Here you have two moves. The first is when you, without knowing it, bought a "pirated" version of the gadget in the most ordinary store. Then it is enough to come there with all the documents confirming the fake purchase, as well as the transaction with the store. Let us know about your intentions to change the gadget to the original one. After all, this is why the iPhone does not connect to WiFi. In general, you are required to replace the gadget. Only sometimes employees refuse to do it. In this case, they will have to intimidate them with a court, and maybe file a lawsuit.

what to do if iphone won't connect to wifi
what to do if iphone won't connect to wifi

The second scenario is when you knowingly bought a fake. Most of these shops do not provide any warranty for their equipment. Therefore, you will either have to take the iPhone for repair, or replace it with a new one. In this case, buy original gadgets. After all, only they can give you real guarantees for their work. But do not stop at this point. We have another option where the iPhone won't connect to WiFi.


Of course, with the development of technology, so-called viruses began to develop. Now they apply not only to computers, but also to smartphones. And it is this type of infection that becomes the source of so many problems with gadgets. Of course, this applies to those models that work with the network, and also have documents downloaded from sites.

In general, it is very easy to diagnose a virus now. For this, as a rule, there are special anti-virusphone programs. It is possible to eliminate this scenario on your own, but it is very difficult. Sometimes such steps are not justified. If you suspect that the iPhone is not connecting to WiFi precisely because of virus attacks, then it is better to take your gadget to professionals and explain the situation. As a rule, they will deal with your problem faster and better.

iPhone won't connect to home wifi
iPhone won't connect to home wifi


So, today we have learned with you why the iPhone may not connect to the Internet through the "Wi-Fi" function. As you can see, there are a lot of possible scenarios for the development of events. And most of them are much easier to eliminate than it might seem at first glance.

To be honest, if you suspect serious problems with your iPhone, it is best to contact specialists at service centers. Only there you will be able to provide full assistance.
