When shooting with a camera or camcorder, often the built-in microphone does not give the desired effect. Often the sound quality leaves much to be desired. Distortion, interference and noise may appear. This is why people who record their voice for reviews prefer to use an external microphone. In the article, we will consider popular options from Genius. The products of this manufacturer are in demand.
The most famous models have become inexpensive options with good performance. They impress not only ordinary people, but also professional bloggers who have been recording sound for years.

Genius MIC-01C1
The described Genius MIC 01C1 microphone is sold in several versions. One modification comes with a stand, the other without it. In the second case, the device has a lapel mount. Thanks to this, you can not occupy your hands and at the same time create high-quality sound.
Lapel options will be quite good if a person does not have the opportunity to buy a radio device. The length of such specimens is about one and a half meters. In principle, this is enough to record in front of the monitor screen, but far away from ityou won't be able to leave.

The membrane of the Genius MIC 01C1 microphone has a diameter of 9 mm. The adaptation frequency varies from 100 to 10 thousand Hz. The sensitivity of the device is 58 dB. The main features of the device are the pink connector. Many buyers point out that it would be nice to make a black fixture. However, this is already nit-picking.
Microphone quality is good. The cost of the device is 100 rubles, so it fully justifies itself. However, the mount seems flimsy, but if the microphone breaks, then no one will be sorry. You can always buy another fixture.

Reviews about the device
More positive reviews are written about the device than negative ones. Everyone notes the convenience, low cost, size, and the fact that the microphone transmits sound perfectly. In addition, a convenient fastening of the device is described. Simplicity and good sound quality made this Genius microphone in demand.
However, some disadvantages can be identified. For example, the fragility of the structure, weak clamp. Also, some focus on the wire being too short.
Device Genius MIC-05A
The described microphone is as simple as possible. This device is sold with a stand. The packaging received a minimal design. The box is transparent plastic. There is also an illustration that demonstrates the interesting features of the fixture.
The Genius microphone is made in a classicstyle. The device is made of various designs: it is divided into 2 parts. One of them is a 3.5 mm connector, and the second is a 1.8 m wire. Both designs are made of plastic. They are painted black. The device weighs 100 g.
The appearance does not deteriorate over time, so even after a long period of problems with the design will not be. The microphone received a sensitivity of 48 dB. If we talk about the frequency range, then it varies from 100 to 10 thousand hertz. These figures are not bad.
If a person has a camera, a Genius microphone will be a great addition to it. It is also well suited for various headsets where there is no built-in microphone. In order to make a connection, you just need to insert the wire into the computer's audio output. Drivers do not need to be installed.
From the features of this device, it should be noted that the materials from which the device is made are as practical as possible, the design is simple, the connection is easy.

Device reviews
Mostly positive feedback about this device is heard from buyers. But there are also negative comments.
It should be noted that many of the advantages include good sound, low cost and easy installation.
Of the minuses, some notice a short wire. There are also complaints about sensitivity. If you move away at a distance of up to 40 cm from the microphone, then the voice will be captured rather weakly. Even if you use a gain of up to 30 dB, the problem is still notdecide. Many write that the wire is of poor quality. Some note the presence of too much noise. Therefore, when cleaning the recording from them, it becomes of poor quality. In general, for little money (up to 1 thousand rubles), the option is not bad. However, some buyers would like a little better performance. Together with headphones, the Genius microphone will work well.
Genius Device MIC-03A
Next, consider another microphone that is manufactured by the company. We are talking about the model MIC-03A. This device comes with a gold-plated plug. The microphone is compact and portable. The manufacturer notes that the device reduces background noise. Thanks to the flexible leg, which can be rotated 360 degrees, this microphone can be positioned as conveniently as the owner wants. The connector is standard - 3.5 mm. If we talk about technical characteristics, then the warranty for the device is 3 months. This device weighs 70 g. The resistance is 22 ohms, the sensitivity is 44 dB with an error of 3 dB. Frequency range from 100 to 10 thousand Hz.

Reviews about the device
It is necessary to highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of such a device. Headphones Genius MIC-03A are compact, the base is flexible. This fixture can be used with a variety of speakers as long as they have a standard input. Cost is another plus. You can buy this device for about 1 thousand rubles.
From the shortcomings: some emit occasional noise and distortion. However, such problems are rare. Therefore, in gener althis device suits many.
As a conclusion, it should be noted that at the moment Genius microphones are in demand. This is due to the minimum cost of fixtures and good quality.
Devices are popular with customers due to well-coordinated work and high performance. Many owners recommend using microphones purchased separately for shooting reviews or recording any broadcasts, not built-in with a headset.
The most popular was the Genius MIC-01C1. This microphone is truly commendable, being practically the leader in this field.