All about how to leave a review on Aliexpress

All about how to leave a review on Aliexpress
All about how to leave a review on Aliexpress

For many online shoppers, it is no secret that the online store "AliExpress", which sells a wide variety of Chinese goods, is one of the largest shopping centers not only in Asia, but throughout the world. At least, as the organizers themselves write on their resource, there are more than 100 million goods from 200 thousand sellers. Therefore, it is obvious that the choice of companies here is quite large, and therefore it is quite difficult not to run into unscrupulous suppliers. For example, judging by the reviews on the Internet, it is not uncommon for deliveries of low-quality, inappropriate goods, or cases when the seller does not send the right thing at all. There is no other way to find out whether it is worth contacting a particular store, except to leave a review on Aliexpress for other users and, similarly, look at other people's responses.

How the Aliexpress Review System Works

how to leave a review on aliexpress
how to leave a review on aliexpress

The Aliexpress website has a feedback system that forms a kind of "reputation" of sellers. With its help, each buyer can easily and simply assess who exactly he is dealing with -with a large factory that regularly sells its own products, or with a newly registered individual whose intentions are rather vague. In addition, with the help of reviews, you can learn not only about the experience of the seller, but also about the quality of his products, which is also important. To see reviews, just go to the page of the store whose products you are going to purchase, and pay attention to the upper right corner of the page. There, along with the number of responses, there will also be an icon indicating the status of the store account. You can read the reviews by clicking the appropriate button here.

Can I leave no feedback?

how to leave feedback on aliexpress after confirmation
how to leave feedback on aliexpress after confirmation

AliExpress portal has a special system that encourages the user to leave a review after making a purchase. So, a special dialog box opens for him, where he can set the “stars” of the rating according to various criteria - price, service, product quality. In addition, the user can also sign his assessment with a comment about the purchased product. It is noteworthy that it is impossible to do otherwise, except to leave a review on Aliexpress after confirmation. The system constantly reminds the user, asks to leave their rating. Therefore, the question “how to leave a review on Aliexpress?” no one will have. The buyer will be able to do this with ease, because he is even given a decent amount of time for this. However, of course, you can not leave a response. If you do not want to help other buyers and the seller whose product is really good, you cando nothing but ignore the request.

What is a dispute on Aliexpress?

how to leave feedback on aliexpress after a dispute
how to leave feedback on aliexpress after a dispute

AliExpress has a special buyer protection system that allows you to dispute the purchase, return funds in part or in full, and also receive a new product. The essence of the system is to conduct a dispute that is created by a dissatisfied buyer and implies his explanation of what exactly the seller is wrong. The latter must consider the application and respond to it. If, say, he agrees, then the money can be returned within 1-2 days. If the seller does not agree, he may refuse to fulfill the conditions of the client, after which the buyer has the right to aggravate the dispute. In such a situation, the administration of the site will deal with it. Here is the answer to the question of how to leave a review on Aliexpress and what it will be like. It all depends on how this dispute is resolved.

How to leave feedback on Aliexpress after a dispute?

how to leave feedback on aliexpress after a dispute
how to leave feedback on aliexpress after a dispute

In the case of opening a dispute, the buyer on Aliexpress loses the opportunity to leave feedback. This worries many users who, having successfully won a dispute, want to convey to other buyers the idea that this product is not worth buying. Of course, they have a question: “How to leave a review on Aliexpress after a dispute?”. The answer to it is obvious, since the site organizers clearly indicated in the rules that in the event of a full refund, the right of withdrawal disappears, becauseand the buyer does not receive the goods. Of course, such a scheme has a drawback, because a fraudster can return the money several times without receiving a negative assessment, after which he will have the opportunity to deceive someone else, but without a return.

Should I buy goods from a Chinese online store?

After many people learn about how to leave a review on Aliexpress and that it is not always possible to do this, as well as the fact that on a Chinese portal like this (of which there are actually quite a lot - this is TaoBao, DealExtreme and others) there are scammers who, being thousands of kilometers away, simply deceive and take money, the desire to buy something disappears. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since in Chinese stores you can find a truly unique opportunity to get a quality product very cheaply. The main thing here is to find a seller and, even if you have been deceived, protect yourself. To cope with the first task, it is enough to use our recommendations about the number of reviews from customers, because the more there are, the more reliable the store. The second tip is that if you were sent a low-quality product, do not waste time and file a complaint through a special form. The seller will be forced to respond to it, and he will not be able to take your funds. Next, there will be a dispute procedure and, if necessary, an aggravation of the dispute to further involve the administration in this problem. Of course, it will take up to 60 days, as well as some of your time to write a complaint, but believe me, it's worth it. Retail and wholesale goods are cheaper thanAliexpress is hard to find, especially in some categories like electronics accessories.