Honest Review Program: user and expert reviews

Honest Review Program: user and expert reviews
Honest Review Program: user and expert reviews

This article focuses on the negative reputation of the Honest Review program.

Internet users call the project a pseudo-platform on which the most outrageous fraudulent schemes are allegedly revealed. Everything looks like this: by revealing another "deception", the administration of the "Honest Review" offers users their own, "real" ways to enrich themselves. What are they?

Features of the "Honest Review" program. Reviews of visitors to thematic content

The discussed project positions itself as a platform that provides Internet users with addresses of popular servers suitable for earning money.

After registration, the potential victim is offered to choose one of the domain addresses and make a purchase. According to the reviews, Honest Review offers ways to make money that are not working and are therefore scam content.

In addition, according to the revelations of unauthorized network users, the platform under discussion is recruiting those who want to earn from 25 to 100 thousand rubles daily. In the meantime, the owners of the project notify visitors that to date they have already managed to expose more than a thousand "scam" sites.

It must be said thatscrupulous users have already been found who are not too lazy to calculate how long it should take to expose so many fraudulent schemes. The results exceeded all expectations!

Even if the employees of the project under discussion worked tirelessly, exposing ten "scammers" a day … even then they would not have enough time. By the way, according to information published on one of the thematic sites, "Honest Review" appeared on the Web in early July.

Many-faced scammers or "online robinhoods"?

honest review reviews
honest review reviews

Not so long ago, lists of sites allegedly being part of the "Honest Review" earnings program were put on public display. Feedback from users who did not wish to publish their names is difficult to qualify as "untruthful". Most of the sites on this list have free domains parked. The project itself, as you know, encourages the public to earn only on servers with a high reputation.

It is no secret that the owners of the project promise everyone without exception (regardless of age and education) a daily income that is many times higher than the traditional salary.

How many "scams" are there on the Internet?

It is unlikely that there will be such a person who can answer this question. But there were activists who compiled a list of the most common phrases actively used by scammers.

program honest review features
program honest review features

First place, oddly enough, went to the phrase: All sites inthat need to be invested are scams.” However, it is difficult to agree with the authors of the list, because in some cases one cannot do without capital investments. An example is investing in the development of your own business - a currency exchange, an information or educational website.

How to recognize online scammers?

In fact, all scammers are the same, regardless of where they operate - in real or virtual life. While generously providing potential victims with motivational materials about the need to overcome new horizons, approaching a rich life, they say nothing about the practical methods by which you can get it all.

project honest review reviews
project honest review reviews

Advanced users recommend that beginners avoid earning sites that are devoid of negative reviews. “Honest Review” is, in a sense, the exception to the rule. Convicting “colleagues” of fraud, the project offers users “servers with a high reputation” - their own sites.

Each person, getting into an unexplored industry for himself, at the beginning of his journey, one way or another, will make mistakes, lose his earnings and, as a result, leave impartial comments about new employers. But the amount of negativity surrounding Honest Review leaves no doubt that this project only generates income for its owners.

Honest Review earnings review summary

Judging by the responses of people who did not want to publish their real names, the Worldthe web turns from a source of useful information and unique opportunities into a meeting place for “scammers”, whose goal is to beat off the most gullible and, if possible, we althy “clients” from each other.

The Honest Review project is no exception. Feedback from volunteers who have committed to exposing fraudulent projects suggests that the purpose of the Honest Review is to deliberately mislead people trying to find remote work.

reviews about earnings on the program honest review
reviews about earnings on the program honest review

Authors of negative comments back up their opinions with facts:

  • The project is devoid of useful information. Visitors to the site are invited to fully watch the video with promises of high earnings on prestigious servers, after which the owners of the project invite them to go through the registration procedure.
  • Even if you fill in the registration form with non-existent data, the registration will be recognized as valid. No one keeps track of exactly what information a new user provides to the project. The sole purpose of the hosts of the service is to sell non-unique servers.