Honest Review Program: Earnings Reviews

Honest Review Program: Earnings Reviews
Honest Review Program: Earnings Reviews

Last year, a platform for earnings appeared on the Internet - the "Honest Review" program. The reviews of advanced users who set out to check the honesty of the program are unambiguous: everyone calls this platform fraudulent.

What the creators of the program offer to users of the World Wide Web

The program "Honest review" - this is the name of the sites (there are a lot of them on the Web) that offer the same type of enrichment - earnings on the price difference.

program honest review reviews
program honest review reviews

In our case, they offer to earn money on servers with a high reputation. Reviews of the "Honest Review" program, left by users of different levels, characterize this "employer" exclusively from the negative side.

For example, on one of the partner sites it is reported that the minimum daily income of an entrepreneur who has connected to a business based on the resale of servers is 25 thousand rubles.

A group of independent experts who set out to find out and publish the details of this type of cooperation, with bewildermentsays:

registration procedure on such a solid project takes only a few seconds;

No one is interested in the information entered by users during registration

Why you want to believe negative reviews

“Never send them money,” warn deceived users who have learned from personal experience what it is like to cooperate with the “Honest Review” program. Feedback on earnings on the projects of the program could be regarded as "the intrigues of competing projects", if not for one circumstance. All comments are justified and do not resemble each other.

program honest review earnings on servers
program honest review earnings on servers

Believe that the "Honest Review" program is another scam, make the following arguments:

When registering for a project, you do not need to provide real user information. It is enough to limit yourself to a set of letters or numbers

For registration, users are required to pay a fee, and after the completion of the procedure they do not require confirmation of e-mail

Before being able to withdraw "earnings", the participant must pay for more than ten "very necessary services", without the activation of which the withdrawal of funds is supposedly impossible

The founders of the program claim that they themselves are active fighters against online fraud. For example, they have identified and exposed more than a thousand fraudulent online projects, but do not specify which ones

The project is constantly changing url addresses, moving from one domain to another

According to the reports of voluntary auditors, there are no fraudsters at the disposalnot a single server with a high reputation. The Honest Review program is just an imitation of a marketplace that "functions" even when not connected to the Network

Fly in the ointment

All the revealed facts pointing to fraud could be called a manifestation of a desire for justice, if not for the following episode: the whistleblowers (authors of negative reviews) of the Honest Review program simply use the opportunity to redirect the reader to other Internet sites. platforms that offer almost the same thing - daily high income as a result of actions that make no sense.

Can I make money by reselling servers with a high reputation?

program honest server review with a high reputation
program honest server review with a high reputation

Reputation is called a flattering or unkind fame attached to someone (something). In some cases, reputation is the result of someone's "efforts" or is formed for good reasons.

But back to the discussion of the Honest Review program, reviews of servers with a high reputation and "champions of the truth" who condemn the methods of scammers, although they themselves have not gone far …

Reviews of earnings on the program's websites indicate that instead of the promised money, users are bombarded with an endless string of bills that must be paid: for registration, the ability to purchase and resell the best servers, and so on.

Surely, many representatives of the online society will agree with the opinion that a service device that was bought in order to immediately sell it can hardly be called high-quality. Thenit is not clear what makes them transfer large enough amounts to buy servers that their owners no longer need.

Pay or earn?

Experienced users who have long made a living on the Web claim that two fraudulent online platforms that once existed separately (the program "Honest Review", "Make Money on Servers") have now merged. How long will this tandem last? Apparently yes. In any case, the platform will function until the gullible simpletons who agree to pay for the void are transferred.

The first payment, as mentioned above, is charged from site visitors who have expressed a desire to register in the system.

Far from a new method of online fraud has reached a new level

If earlier fans of online scams were limited to plain comments, to which they invariably added links to "fairly paying" projects, today they work "on a grand scale" - they call themselves fighters against Internet fraud and start personal blogs. Reviews about the "Honest Review" program are no exception: every "review" is an advertising campaign for a new project (and more often several) that promises exorbitant income.

Since there are exceptions to every rule, it's impossible not to mention them. Often, novice bloggers who advertise the activities of third-party projects for money become carriers of fraudulent banners without realizing it.

program honest review reviews
program honest review reviews

Now affiliate links leading to projects similar toprogram, hidden under the banners, and the righteous anger of the partners, directed at the representatives of the competing "business", leads a new batch of naive simpletons to believe that these people are certainly not capable of deception. You can recognize them by keywords - “A decent (here is a six-figure figure) earnings daily.”

program honest server review with high reputation reviews
program honest server review with high reputation reviews

Entrepreneurs with web experience urge novice users not to believe in fairy tales about unheard-of riches hidden in the depths of the Internet. Earnings on the Web differs from offline work only in that the representative of the employer and the performer of the work can interact with each other regardless of their place of residence. Basically, both types of profit are the same - in both cases, income depends on the effort made.
