Today, televisions have become an integral part of every family. Coming home after work, everyone wants to clean up, get enough and briefly disconnect from reality with the help of a spectacular death. For decades, television has been successfully coping with this human need, presenting various entertainment programs and watching favorite films to the attention of the household. TV has become an everyday object for all people without exception.

In addition, this technique performs the function of the main mass media, allowing vacationers to learn news about events occurring within the state and beyond. Plus, the attention of viewers is offered a lot of useful headings that allow you to get informative information about various ways to spend your vacation and get useful tips about home and at home.household plot. TV attracts millions of people to its screen every day. And if we add here an interest club that attracts fans of sports competitions and all kinds of championships in other areas of entertainment, it becomes clear that television is ready to fill all the free time of any person. The device of the TV, its history, the principle of operation - later in the article.
A Brief History
In their dreams, people from ancient times invented mystical ways of transmitting images over a distance. Confirmation of this can be found in the tales of various peoples of the world, only a saucer with an apple rolling on it brings back memories from childhood. For hundreds of years before the turn of the 20th century, people tried unsuccessfully to realize this idea.
Revolutionary discovery
The first discovery was made back in 1843 by the naturalist A. Ben, who built a device using wax-metal plates. His invention was capable of transmitting images over a distance. However, the main discovery belongs to W. Smith, who in the second half of 1873 found that semiconductor elements have the ability to change resistance when changing the brightness of the illumination.

Electronic telescope
This discovery served as the basic principle of operation of the later created kinescopes. Various specialists were engaged in the development of devices that allow you to create an image scan at a stage before the start of the 2nd World War. The best idea belonged to the German inventor P. Nipkov, who invented an electric telescope that scans using holes arranged on a disk. However, he was still far from a functioning TV set.
Zworykin's invention
The first TV studios began their work in 1930, broadcasting was carried out in America and some European countries. The prototype of the first ray tube, the principle of operation of which was the basis for the operation of the kinescope, was created in 1933. Its author was an immigrant from Russia named V. Zworykin. He presented his work for the first time in the USA and gave it the name "iconoscope".
Differences in modern TVs by type
Today, the TV is a must-have device that can be found in every home. There are enough people all over the world who are so attached to television programs that they simply cannot imagine their life without television. Modern TV devices are distinguished by the following types:
liquid crystal
In our time, every person has the opportunity, sitting at home on the couch, turning on one of these devices, to watch the events taking place in any part of the planet.
TV operation device
The first TVs transmitted images using a kinescope. For a long time this type of device was the only possible option, and year after year the designers worked only to improve the quality of the device. However, modern scientists have found new ways to transmit images, putting into practicenew ideas and changing how the TV works.
Television kinescope looks like a glass bulb, on one side there is an electron tube, on the other - a screen. The kinescope screen is provided with a special phosphor-containing coating. The electron tube shoots a stream of electrons through it. When the electron reaches the phosphor panel, the involved pixel starts to glow. In the first black-and-white kinescopes, one tube was installed, after which three were installed in color receivers at once, separated by color. One was red, one was blue, and one was green.
The electron beam travels from left to right, traces a line of pixels, and then moves down to create a vertical line. This happens continuously at high speed, and in the meantime the eye sees the whole picture. The frequency of vibrations is measured in special units called hertz. The first kinescopes always had a convex surface, later they began to produce more convenient models with a completely flat screen. Thus, the device of the TV screen has always been considered a complex and important element. And flat-screen models were more expensive.
What is the principle of operation and device of this type of TV? The principle of operation of the plasma panel is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on charged particles called phosphors. When an electric discharge moves through the field of a rarefied gas, ultraviolet appears and a conducting corridor opens, which consists of plasma.

With the help of conductors, some of which are located vertically, while others are horizontal, frame and line scan is performed from the inside of the panel. The TV processor is able to adjust the distribution of frames at unprecedented speeds. Thanks to this property, the eyes see a whole image from the outside of the screen.
The principle of operation of projection TVs is based on the algorithm for transmitting a high-quality image from a minimized transmitter to a large screen. The transmitted image is formed inside the projection TV itself, by means of a small source made up of electric tubes or a liquid crystal display. Then, with the help of mirrors and optical devices, it is projected onto a prepared screen.
What is the device of the TV? The whole structure consists of sound system, projector, control panel and screen. In models intended for home use, all components are enclosed in a common housing. For this reason, they turn out to be overall. The projection method of image transmission allows you to combine the softness and richness of the resulting image, as well as the wide range of color resolution. In addition, the image transmitted by projection TVs is completely free from graininess, which is a disadvantage of kinescopes.
The device of LCD TVs is created on the principle of polarization of a given light flux passing through the crystals. The LCD panel is presented in the form of two layers,consisting of special polarized glass, which are connected together. The first layer is coated with the desired polymer, which contains special liquid crystals. Then a current of electricity passes through them, causing all the crystals to rotate along a certain path. Meanwhile, moving crystals allow the required amount of light to pass through the next layer of glass.

In order for light to pass through liquid crystals, an external source is needed. It is located outside the polarized glass. Liquid crystals let the light of lamps pass through them, and since they are in a certain position, an image appears using a filter.
LED TVs are different. To illuminate the liquid crystal matrix, LEDs are used here. They consume much less energy and also give out more brightness. These devices have better color reproduction and sharper contrast. And also they have a longer service life and work is accompanied by less heat generation. Some people mistakenly think that this system is a digital TV device, however, digital TV is just a signal transmission method.
South Korean company LG is considered one of the world's leading manufacturers of electronics for home use. Products of this brand have always been in great demand among consumers in all world markets. These results were achieved thanks to the exceptional quality of branded samples and the use of the latest technical developments. This is well confirmedLatest LG LED TVs. They feature improved image quality, but are less expensive than their competitors.

The device of LG TVs unites a number of generations. This includes the main models that were created based on LED technology, and an even newer development of the company called OLED-TV. The next model is distinguished by the use of the latest matrix, which uses organic light emitting diodes. This approach to production has taken image quality to a new level.
Samsung TVs
From the Korean language, the word "Samsung" is translated as "three stars". The company is South Korean. This name is well known all over the world. The Samsung company is considered one of the main suppliers of electronics, as well as home appliances. The company has many years of experience in the production of television products and is one of the main competitors of LG.

However, Samsung TVs, whose device has individual characteristics, are still in great demand.
Causes of malfunctions
Often the cause of breakdowns is the improper handling of the equipment by the owners themselves. Regulated observance of the basic rules of operation will allow you to keep an expensive device in working order for a long time. TV repair can sometimes be expensive.

First of all, do not keep the device in a room where it is nothigh humidity is excluded. It is also necessary to protect the device from mechanical damage. The optimal TV operating time is 6 hours, after which it is better to take a short break. If you connect other devices to the TV receiver, you should check them for compatibility.
In case of systematic power failures, it is necessary to install a voltage stabilizer that insures the devices against current surges when suddenly turned on. Handle the remote control with care. In most cases, it is a rather fragile structure. A device such as a TV remote control is not always easy to pick up in case of serious damage.