How to understand that the iPhone is fully charged?

How to understand that the iPhone is fully charged?
How to understand that the iPhone is fully charged?

The joy of purchasing an iPhone is often accompanied by various difficulties and inconveniences in using the gadget. The fact is that this device is largely different from all other smartphone models. If in the process of using everything comes to automatism, then in the first days not everyone can even put the phone on charge. In the article you will find information about the nuances of charging and how to understand that the iPhone is charged.

How to charge?

The manufacturer of the device strongly recommends using only original or developer-certified accessories for the mobile device. You can put your iPhone on charge as follows:

  • the gadget is connected to the USB cable through the appropriate connector located at the bottom of the screen;
  • loose end connects to power outlet adapter, computer or other appropriate accessory(docking station, hub, etc.).

When the cable is connected, the user will notice that charging has started. Learn how to tell if your iPhone is fully charged by reading the information below.

how to know if iphone is fully charged ios 10
how to know if iphone is fully charged ios 10

Signs of charging process

There are two ways to determine the charging process. Each of them is noted in different situations when the iPhone is on or off:

  1. Smartphone is on. At the moment the cable is connected, a characteristic signal is heard, announcing the start of charging. If the device is in silent mode, the user will experience a brief vibration. A lightning bolt will appear on the screen next to the battery icon. How to understand that the iPhone is charged? When the process is completed, the lightning image will disappear.
  2. Smartphone is off. Here the process is somewhat different. If the device is completely discharged, for the first 15-20 minutes it does not show any signs of functioning at all. Users should know that this is not a breakdown - no need to repeatedly try to reconnect the charging cable. After this time, an empty battery image should appear on the screen with a thin red bar at the bottom indicating the minimum charge level. If at the same time the device blinks from time to time, this is within the normal range. Once the battery is full, the image will turn green.

In the iPhone settings there is a function to display the charge level as a percentage. If sheinstalled, to understand that the iPhone is 100 percent charged can be understood by the corresponding indicator. In the photo below, you can see that the battery is 40%. A lightning bolt icon is also visible, which indicates the need to connect the device to the network.

how to know if iphone is fully charged ios 11
how to know if iphone is fully charged ios 11

How do you know your smartphone is charging?

In the case of blocking a mobile device, when connected to charging, a large image of the battery appears in the center of the screen. After some time, when you press the Home key, you can see that the green part on the battery icon has increased, which means that the iPhone is charging.

If the smartphone is completely discharged, it happens that the screen lights up and instantly goes out, an empty battery or USB cable is displayed, after some time it is usually activated. If the display remains black and nothing happens even after a while, then there is a malfunction in the charger or the gadget itself.

how to know if iphone is fully charged
how to know if iphone is fully charged

Why is my iPhone not charging?

There can be many reasons for this, some of them are easy to fix on your own:

  1. Lighting port is dirty. Even the presence of a case is not able to protect the smartphone from pollution. Carrying it in your pockets, bag or careless attitude contributes to the accumulation of dust and foreign particles in the holes. Over time, this leads to the fact that when the cable is connected, the device does not charge or it is unstable. To fix the problem, you need to taketoothpick and gently effortlessly clean the connector from dirt and dust. The port is then purged and the cable is reinserted.
  2. Faulty charger. With prolonged use of the charger, it inevitably fails. To check it, the device is connected to another charging cable, if the iPhone starts charging, it's all about the cable. Replacing it will fix the problem.
  3. Problem with the USB port. Many users are accustomed to charging their smartphone in the car or at the workplace directly from the computer. If the device stops charging in this way, while charging from the network, then the problem is with the USB port in the car or PC. In some cases, installing drivers helps.
  4. Breakdown of iPhone components. Even the highest-quality device during operation and under the influence of time works worse: it heats up, discharges quickly, charges slowly, and so on. To determine the cause of the breakdown, the smartphone must be taken to a service center, usually after replacing one or another part, everything returns to normal.
how to know if iphone is 100% charged
how to know if iphone is 100% charged

Why does the message "No charging" appear or the gadget is not supported

If you can't figure out that your iPhone with iOS 10 is fully charged and you see a "No Charging" pop-up, this indicates that your charger or USB port isn't powerful enough to charge your iPhone. Computers with low power cannot fully charge a smartphone via a USB cable. Accessories not purchased from the officialmanufacturer also often lead to this problem.

If an attempt to charge the device is accompanied by a message that the gadget is not supported, the reason may be:

  1. Charging cable port broken or dirty.
  2. USB cable failure.
  3. Not certified charger.

The conclusion here is the following: in order to avoid such situations and other problems affecting the operation of the phone in the future, you must use original accessories.

how to tell if iphone is charging
how to tell if iphone is charging

How to understand that the smartphone is charged?

To understand that an iPhone with iOS 11 is fully charged, you need to pay attention to the screen after unlocking the gadget. When the device is charged, the notification “100% charge” will appear on the screen for a moment. Often, users skip the message and don't know. Whether it is necessary to leave the smartphone connected to the outlet. In order not to miss the notification, you need to set the appropriate battery settings: display the charge in percentage terms.

In other cases, a green battery icon will appear on the display. So you can understand that the iPhone is charged. In different versions of the iOS operating system, the charging completion notification may differ, but in any case, a full battery icon is displayed in the upper corner of the screen.
