How to hide friends in VK?

How to hide friends in VK?
How to hide friends in VK?
How to hide friends in VK
How to hide friends in VK

The social network "VKontakte" is a Runet space, which is visited by about 43 million people a day (as of February 2013). What does "Contact" allow you to do? Find a person, chat with him, share files, watch movies and listen to music. The developers of the site and its administration regularly make updates that make using the service even more comfortable. But not all users know about them. In this article we will tell you how to hide friends in VK.

List of friends. Category setup

All contacts with whom you are "friends" on the site can be divided into categories for easy search and navigation. How to do it?

  1. Enter the site using your login and password.
  2. Opening the "My friends" section.
  3. Here is a list of all contacts. Neareach of them has an additional menu (“Write a message”, “View friends” and so on). Select the link "Set up lists".
  4. A menu opens that prompts you to select the available categories: "University", "Family", "Colleagues". Choose the one you need.
  5. If you want to create your own list, then pay attention to the right side of the page, all available sections are listed there and the last line says "Create a list". Choose, come up with a name and add friends.
  6. Is it possible to hide VKontakte friends
    Is it possible to hide VKontakte friends

How to make my friends list invisible?

How to hide friends in VK? After all, sometimes you want to leave some people from the list visible only to yourself, and not put them on public display. A few years ago, this could be done by clicking on a single link. Moreover, it was possible to make both the entire list and several specific people invisible. This is currently not possible according to site rules. Is it possible to hide VKontakte friends now? Let's start with the fact that currently the maximum number of contacts that can be hidden is 30 people. The procedure for adding to the invisible list is quite simple:

  1. Go to the "My Settings" section.
  2. In the upper horizontal menu, select "Privacy".
  3. Find in the first half of the page the phrase "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions".
  4. Opens a window divided into two parts: on the left is the entire list of your friends, and on the right - hidden contacts (if, of course, you have them).
  5. To make a personin the invisible list, in the left part of the field we find the desired contact (manually by scrolling with the mouse or using the search bar) and click on the “+” sign located next to it. Done!
  6. Enter all users you want to hide. As soon as the limit is
  7. Contact find person
    Contact find person

    reached, the system will display a message about it.

Now you know how to hide friends in VK. But what if a friend needs to be hidden for certain users? In the same section where we were earlier, immediately after the line "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions" follows "Who can see my hidden friends." There you can configure those users who will still see those whom you have hidden from public view. In addition to these subtleties, there are many others that greatly simplify the work in a social network. In this article, we looked at how to hide friends in VK.
