The most effective snake repeller

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The most effective snake repeller
The most effective snake repeller

Almost everyone is afraid of snakes. This fear is genetic. However, he is justified. Snakes move almost silently and are able to penetrate even the smallest gap. Especially dangerous is that they can bite. Even a non-venomous snake can be fatal to humans. When it bites, toxins accumulated in the mouth enter the bloodstream. These substances, which are the result of the decomposition of animals on which the snake feeds, kill, like cobra venom.

snake repeller
snake repeller

How to prevent a snake bite

There is an opinion that in order not to put yourself in danger, you need to avoid encounters with this reptile. Most often, a snake bites someone who simply steps on it. However, her actions are unintentional. But there are times when even a viper suddenly becomes aggressive and attacks for no apparent reason. Man has always tried to invent a snake repeller. There are a lot of tips for this. For example, plant garlic beds around the perimeter of a personal plot or lay out a circle of paraffin balls, etc. However, all thesemethods are absolutely useless.

Herbicides and s altpeter are extremely unpleasant for reptiles. These drugs work as a snake repeller if they treat the area around the perimeter. The enemies of these reptiles are some dogs and cats. Hedgehogs also catch them.

Modern snake repeller

ultrasonic snake repeller
ultrasonic snake repeller

Reptiles perfectly feel the slightest vibration of the soil layers. Surely many have read that snakes leave their area before a volcanic eruption or earthquake. This effect occurs due to the low-frequency vibration of the soil. The modern snake repeller works on the same principle. The device emits low frequency pulses.

Structurally, the ultrasonic snake repeller is a device, the material for the manufacture of which is a light durable metal or plastic. Batteries and electronic stuffing are located in a pointed cylindrical case. There are also more advanced models. They, in addition to the built-in battery, are provided with solar panels, which ensures the device continuous operation for many years.

Snake Repeller "LS 107"

snake repeller ls 107
snake repeller ls 107

Outwardly, such a device is similar to the one used to drive out moles from a personal plot. Ultrasonic device "LS 107" operates at a frequency of 350-450 Hz. The vibration of the device repels snakes from an area of up to three hundred square meters. Reptiles perceive sound vibration signals,issued by "LS 107" as dangerous. This forces them to leave their habitat. It is worth remembering that no poisons and reagents are used during the operation of this repeller. Thus, no harm is done to people or animals.

The device contains a unique innovative circuit. It has energy saving features. This factor allows the repeller to be used on one set of batteries for two years if it is operated in warm seasons.
