How to delete and how to close "Yandex.wallet"

How to delete and how to close "Yandex.wallet"
How to delete and how to close "Yandex.wallet"

Currently "Yandex. Money" is one of the most popular payment systems and has its own advantages. With its help, you can make a wide variety of purchases without leaving your home, you will agree that it is really very convenient, and in addition to purchases, you can also pay, for example, for using mobile communications, for utilities, and so on. However, sometimes questions arise about how to close the Yandex. Money wallet. In fact, there can be many reasons why the desire to close the wallet appeared, and one of them is a change in the user agreement by the system itself.


how to close yandex wallet
how to close yandex wallet

Let's now talk about how to close "Yandex.wallet" In fact, there are no difficulties in this, but only a few users know how to do it. To date, there are only a few ways in which you can delete your wallet. Perhaps the easiest way is to contact support, but before writing a support request,you will need to transfer the balance that is on your balance.

Empty account

how to close yandex money wallet
how to close yandex money wallet

You can delete "Yandex.wallet" only when your balance is equal to zero or several kopecks. If you do not withdraw your balance, then after deleting the wallet, this money will no longer be available to you, so it is better to take care of the withdrawal in advance. By the way, if you have a desire to learn how to close the Yandex. Money wallet, then you immediately want to note that the entire history of operations will be saved.

Shutdown degree

closing Yandex wallet
closing Yandex wallet

It is necessary to immediately separate the two concepts, or rather, you can block the wallet or completely close it. In the first case, the ban will be set on all outgoing transfers, you will not be able to send funds to other participants. In the second situation, as you could already understand, the account will be completely closed, both for receiving funds and for transferring them. For example, if your wallet is permanently closed, then, as we have already said, the transaction history still remains, and accordingly, if special structures are interested in your wallet, then they will be able to access all operations without any problems, without your consent would need. If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove "Yandex.wallet", then it is quite possible to partially do this, but not completely. If you are offered special services for deleting history, you can safely refuse this procedure. Similaroffered by scammers for money, by transferring them you will not receive anything.


how to close Yandex wallet without deleting mail
how to close Yandex wallet without deleting mail

As a rule, all transfers and receipts of funds that passed through this wallet are stored in the history. If you want to keep your mailbox, then you will probably be interested in the answer to the question of how to close Yandex.wallet without deleting mail. In fact, you can simply delete the wallet, and the mail will remain the same. The "Yandex. Money" system allows users to filter by transactions, and accordingly, you can select replenishments, bills, payments. The above sections can be divided by status and accounts, however, if you have used this payment system, then you probably know how everything happens there. In fact, the history of operations on the Yandex. Money service is convenient, in addition, you can familiarize yourself with a specific operation at any time, even one that was carried out more than a month ago. Closing "Yandex.wallet" implies a complete shutdown of access, you will not be able to receive or send funds, although if necessary, you can simply activate it again at any time, but the above procedure may be delayed. The Yandex. Money system completely excludes the possibility of deleting history, which is necessary primarily for the safety of its clients.


you can delete yandex wallet
you can delete yandex wallet

Let's now directlylet's move on to the question of how to close Yandex.wallet. To get started, you will need to go through standard authorization for your mailbox in the Yandex. Mail system. As a rule, if you have a wallet in the Yandex system, then you previously registered with the mail, since it is simply not possible to create a wallet without a mail account. After you have successfully passed authorization, you will be able to find a panel with various services at the top of the page, your task is to find the "Money" button and go to this page. If you switched correctly, then the word Money will be written in the address bar instead of Mail, and then you need to go to personal settings. After going to this page, you will be able to see three main tabs. One of them contains personal data, the second contains payment information for your wallet, and the third is for adding social profiles.

The given page will open in any case, even if earlier, or rather during registration, you did not fill it out, although now there are new rules when registering a wallet in the system, so it is already included in this procedure. After you go to the "Personal Information" tab, you will be able to notice the "Delete Account" button on the right side of the page. If you have definitely decided to find out how to close Yandex.wallet and want to do it, then you will need to click on this button. After clicking on the "Delete account" button, a special window will pop up in which you will need to enter your password from the mailbox.


Be sure to remember that you need to delete exactly the account to which the personal wallet was registered. If you plan to use mail in the future, then you do not need to completely delete your account. In this case, you will not be able to fully delete the wallet, if you want to know how to close Yandex.wallet completely, then you will also need to delete your mail account. If your email contact is necessary for work, and you regularly receive letters from your friends on it, then you can just leave this wallet, you do not need to delete it. But if you receive letters extremely rarely and you can report your new mailbox, then the old mail can be completely deleted. As you can already understand, everything will depend only on your needs.


can i delete yandex wallet
can i delete yandex wallet

So, as you have already understood, you can only delete the Yandex wallet together with the entire account on which it was created. But remember that if you wish to delete the history of operations on your wallet, then absolutely no procedure will be able to help you, since this is strictly prohibited on the service.