Signature in an email: examples, sample

Signature in an email: examples, sample
Signature in an email: examples, sample

According to the rules of etiquette, it is customary to sign letters in a certain way. E-mail is no exception. The article discusses such a necessary thing as a signature in an email: examples for different purposes of correspondence, options in English and setting up this function in various services.

What is an e-mail signature?

If you vaguely understand what it is about, then open the site where you have an e-mail box. Click the "Write a letter" button and look in the lower left corner. There you will most likely see your name. This is the signature set by default, that is, automatically. You can remove it and send a letter without it. But it will look impolite to the addressee, especially in a business communication situation. You can also add the desired text manually, but this is too troublesome. It is much easier to set up and use the templates you need by changing your signature in an email. A simple example can be given: for business correspondence, the wording is used: “Respectfully, Ivanov I. I.”, and for personal lettersphrase: "See you soon!" You can create many options, changing them depending on the goals of communication and just your mood. In addition to the first and last name, the signature in the e-mail can contain a lot of any other data.

What is it for?

A well-written signature in an e-mail can be an excellent means of promoting a business. Examples for business correspondence: full name, position, contacts for communication, offered services and products, website address and more.

email signature example
email signature example

In a personal letter, your name or nickname, a wish to the addressee, a funny phrase, some thoughtful quote that you consider as your motto, a link to a blog, and the like can serve as a signature. Here, the purpose of the signature will be to express your individuality, to establish a trusting relationship with a pen pal.

Signature is placed after the body text of the letter, starts with a capital letter and is aligned to the left. The purposes for which this short text at the end of the email is written may be different. Depending on them, certain rules apply.

Business signatures

Compliance with the chosen style of speech and the purpose of communication - these two qualities should have a correct signature in an e-mail. Examples:

  • Respectfully.
  • With the hope of productive cooperation.
  • With the hope of fulfilling the request.
  • Thank you for your cooperation (cooperation).
  • Yours truly (your).
  • Sbest regards.
  • Always happy to be of service.
  • We look forward to your proposal.
  • We are confident that the misunderstanding will be resolved soon, etc.

Personal signatures

There are no strict regulations here, and the variety of options is limited only by the imagination of the author of the letter. Literally anything, from inspirational aphorisms to funny and awkward phrases, can contain an original email signature. Examples:

  • Thank you for your attention.
  • Waiting for an answer like the nightingale of summer.
  • Kiss on the nose, your Mongrel.
  • Chao cocoa.
  • Shake a hand (paw, paw, etc.).
  • Wishing you beautiful weather.
  • In a great mood.
  • With optimism (or vice versa - with pessimism).
  • Garage for sale.
email signature examples
email signature examples

In general, there are many variations if you are texting with a friend or buddy who will definitely appreciate your sense of humor.


People who do business with foreign companies or simply correspond with friends from abroad may need to explore e-mail signature options. English business etiquette also involves the use of cliché phrases. Examples:

  • Best regards.
  • Sincerely yours (your) - yours sincerely.
  • Yours truly, yours faithfully.
  • Looking forward to hearing from you.
signature in electronicoutlook letter
signature in electronicoutlook letter

Besides the well-established and necessary phrases in business etiquette, you can use something more interesting. For personal correspondence, a funny, warm or beautiful signature in an email is suitable and appropriate. Examples in English can be given as follows:

  • Warmly - with warmth.
  • Take care
  • Bye for now (‘Til next time) - see you soon, see you soon.
  • Write soon - waiting for an answer.
  • Hugs - Hugs.
  • (With) Love - with love (can be used not only in letters to loved ones, but also to close friends, relatives).
  • Lots of love
  • Kisses (XOXO) – Kisses.
  • Happiness is a choice - happiness is a choice.
  • Always in my thoughts - thinking about you.
  • Season's blessings (greetings) - congratulations on the holidays.
  • Rock on - keep rocking.
  • Shine on - shine, shine.
  • May the Force be with you - may the Force be with you (a reference to the Star Wars films).
  • See you in the inbox - See you in the Inbox.
email signature sample
email signature sample

If you're already tempted to set up a few different signatures in your mail, now's the time to see how.

How to set up a signature in Microsoft Outlook

If you are using this email program to receive, sort and reply to emails, then the signature setting must be done in "Settings". The sequence of actions depends on the year of release of the program. ATold versions (2003 or 2007), you need to open the "Tools" tab, select the "Settings" item in it, and then - "Mail Format" and "Signature". In the latest version of the program (2010/2013), you must first go to the "File" tab, and from there select: "Settings" - "Mail" - "Signatures".

Now let's look at how to add or change the signature in an email. Outlook sometimes prompts you to select your mailbox address first, and then proceed to create a signature. Click the word New to get started. If you are creating multiple options, give each one a name, such as "business", "short", "personal", "funny", etc.

beautiful email signature examples
beautiful email signature examples

By clicking the "Edit" button, you can print your text in the corresponding field, change its font, size, color, add links to sites, contact details and whatever you see fit. Then the created signature must be saved and the function of its use must be enabled. If you have made several signature options, then you can insert them into the text of the completed letter manually by clicking "Insert" - "Signature".

Very handy is the "Customize" function so that only sometimes the signature appears automatically in an e-mail. Example: by sending an e-mail, you enter into a correspondence with a person. Thanks to the settings, your signature will appear only in the very first message, and then the template will no longer be displayed in correspondence with this addressee. This will help avoid congestion and highlight essential information. And besides, you will be polite, because few peopleenjoy long automatic signatures after every short e-mail.

If you do not use mail programs, you can set up signature options directly on the site where you have an email account. Consider 3 options.

How to set up a signature in Gmail

When logged into your account, click on your email address. Next, select "Settings". At the very end of the list, you will find the "Signature" section. Here you need to choose one of two cheatboxes. By default, you most likely have "Unsigned". And it should be noted another option, under which there is a text editor dialog box. By doing this, you can create your signature in the email. Sample: "Best regards, (your name)."

correct email signature examples
correct email signature examples

Through a graphics editor, you can add a link, an image, a bulleted (numbered) list, etc. But formatting is not recommended, especially in a business signature.

How to set up a signature in

Here the scheme of actions is about the same. You need to go to your email box, select the "Settings" menu at the top (if necessary, first clicking on the "More" button), then go to "Sender Name and Signature". Here you can set three options for both. You will select one option by default, and it will be inserted automatically into the letter. There is a limit of 255 characters. This limit cannot exceed your signature in the email. Example: full name, position, phone number, website address - these data should fit perfectly into thisnumber of signs. You can also set the location of the caption before or after the quoted text. But, as already mentioned, it is more convenient to delete it altogether when you are in correspondence.

How to set up a signature in Yandex. Mail

On the site, under the list of folders with your correspondence, you will find a menu. Select the "Settings" item in it, then "Sender Information". A visual editor window will also appear here, where you can type the desired text and arrange it in various ways. You can mark where the signature will be located in the email. Example: immediately after the answer (that is, after the text you wrote) or at the very bottom of the letter (that is, after the entire history of correspondence).

original email signature examples
original email signature examples

Setting up a signature for an e-mail is not difficult at all, but coming up with a text is a more difficult task. Ideally, a signature for business correspondence should be as concise, informative, and polite as possible. For personal letters, it's good to come up with something that reflects your personality and pleases your friends.
