Today, the development of technology is in full swing, the world is increasingly switching to electronic payment systems, various ways of making money on the Internet, even using money that has no material analogues. In this article, we will consider one of the methods of making money on the Web - investing in cryptocurrency, in particular, cooperation with the Phoenix Trade company, reviews about it, income, as well as the basic principles of work.

Company highlights
Phoenix Trade was first mentioned in 2016. The pre-launch fundraiser was held in the summer of 2016, and by the autumn the official launch took place. The company immediately offered its clients several ways to make money:
- binary options;
- passive earnings from the package (to which you must subscribe, and then pay the fee indicated on the company's website);
- Matching bonus (percentage of earnings from invited partners locatedbelow the network level from a specific investor).

According to the information provided, the company itself earns funds to pay remuneration to its investors with the help of some unique cryptographic tools that Phoenix Trade uses when trading cryptocurrencies (ethereum, light, bitcoin). At the same time, it is reported that thanks to these tools, the yield reaches 1000% per day.
Official information
Going to the main website of the Phoenix Trade project, we find ourselves on a cheap one-page resource that does not make any impression. Here, unfortunately, the client can find only a minimum of information that is presented in a summary. products and promises of untold we alth to their customers.
In the “About Us” block, the client can find only common phrases, and in “Contacts” and “Office” there is only a link in Google Maps to some office building with an address in Samara. True, there is the possibility of feedback from the company's management, but, as practice shows, a response can take a very long time. Also, no documents on the registration of this company could be found, while there is no evidence of Phoenix Trade trading in cryptocurrency.

More precisely, according to the participants of the pyramid called "Phoenix Trade" themselves, they do not trade cryptocurrency themselves, but thanks to their miraculous tools they set a trend in the market, from here they draw theirprofit. Of course, there is no evidence for this either.
Detailed product overview
Phoenix Trade offers the following investment products:
1. CREDITCARD - can be purchased for $59, is a must for other bundles:
- points - 0PV;
- 0 percent income per month;
- 3 percent binary income;
- $59 is the possibility of maximum earnings per day on a binary bonus;
- Thirty days later, unused points are reset to zero.
2. STARTPACK+CARD - cost $309:
- points - 100PV;
- 15 percent income per month;
- 5 percent binary income;
- 250 dollars - this is the opportunity to maximize earnings per day on a binary bonus;
- after one hundred and eighty days, unused points are reset to zero;
3. OPTIM PACK+CARD - cost $809:
- points - 400PV;
- 18 percent income per month;
- 10 percent binary income;
- $750 is the possibility of maximum earnings per day on a binary bonus;
- points do not expire.

4. PROFI PACK+CARD - cost $1559:
- points - 1000PV;
- 21 percent income per month;
- 15 percent binary income;
- $1500 - this is the opportunity to maximize earnings per day on a binary bonus;
- points do not expire.
5. ELIT PACK+CARD - cost $5059:
- points -4000PV;
- 26 percent monthly income;
- 20 percent binary income;
- $5,000 is the opportunity to make the most money per day with a binary bonus;
- points do not expire.
Marketing system
How you can build a career, as well as the Matching bonus in the system (let's take a closer look at each level that you can go to as income from partners invited by investors increases):
- 1 level (initial), at which 10,000 points are awarded, bonus - $100, Matching bonus - 5 percent;
- 2 level, which earns 50,000 points, bonus - $500, Matching bonus - 5 percent;
- 3 level, at which 250,000 points are awarded, bonus - $ 2,500, Matching bonus - 5-4 percent;
- 4 level, at which 1000000 points are awarded, bonus - 10000 dollars, Matching bonus - 5-4 percent;
- 5 level, at which 3,000,000 points are awarded, bonus - $ 30,000, Matching bonus - 5-4-3 percent;
- 6 level, at which 10,000,000 points are awarded, bonus - $ 100,000, Matching bonus - 5-4-3 percent;
- 7 level, at which 30,000,000 points are awarded, bonus - $ 300,000, Matching bonus - 5-4-3-2 percent;
- 8 level, at which 50,000,000 points are awarded, bonus - $ 500,000, Matching bonus - 5-4-3-2 percent;
- 9 level at which 100000000 points are awarded, bonus - 1000000 dollars, Matching bonus - 5-4-3-2-2 percent;
- 10 level, at which 300000000 points, bonus - 3000000 dollars, Matching bonus -5-4-3-2-2 percent.
Withdrawal methods
Judging by the information posted on the site, the withdrawal of cash funds of the Fenkis Trade investors is possible in several ways, namely, to Visa and Mastercard cards, as well as to the Bitcoin wallet.

Matching bonus and binary bonus are credited and available for withdrawal every day. Passive income (indicated in packages as income per month) is accrued and available for withdrawal once a week.
Reviews about the company
If we discard the obviously paid rave reviews about "Phoenix Trade", then you can see, as in any pyramid scheme, that at first investors could withdraw their funds without any problems (due to the fact that the influx of new investors was large, and their investments were enough to cover the costs of paying bonuses previously included in the pyramid).
But since the summer of 2017, reports of numerous blocking of accounts for no reason begin to appear. When you try to contact the support service, everyone is sent the same reply that there was some kind of failure, and you need to wait a while.
Then the company published the news that "Matching" and binary bonuses will be available for withdrawal once a month, passive profit - once a quarter. But contributors continued to leave feedback that even this is not there. Unless investors with an income of up to $100 seemed to be regularly withdrawing their funds.

No documented evidenceabout payments to people with packages worth $ 1,000 did not appear. Subsequently, several more promises were issued on behalf of unknown company executives about postponing payment terms in connection with the creation of their own token and holding an ICO for it. At first, the dates were called from mid-November 2017, then it was the end of December 2017. In the latest reviews of Phoenix Trade, people wrote that the resumption of payments was postponed to May 2018, at the end of the ICO.
Thus, summarizing the above, we can conclude that Phoenix Trade is a pyramid scheme not designed for long-term development. This is confirmed by several facts: a quickly made website of the company, the absence of any official information about the company itself and its creators, an aggressive business model with promises of fabulous profits that are not covered by any proven income, blocking of many accounts with a subscription to packages from $1000, constant delays in resuming payments, lack of response to negative reviews about Phoenix Trade.

Recently, information began to appear that the company entered the market of several more countries and continues to develop, but mainly offline and social networks. This seems to provide it with an influx of a certain number of new participants, but the appearance of additional funds will most likely be used to pay out to holders of minimum packages, the number of which is many times greater than those with packages of $1,000 or more. This means that the numberpositive feedback about "Phoenix Trade" will block the negative information from those who have their account blocked or the withdrawal of funds frozen.
I would like to note that investments in this project are high-risk, since today there are no guarantees in the payment of earned money more than $100. That is why it is worth considering carefully whether or not to invest in this company, especially since there are other pyramid schemes on the market with a more thoughtful financial business model. However, the choice is yours!