IPhone locked by ID: how to unlock?

IPhone locked by ID: how to unlock?
IPhone locked by ID: how to unlock?

If you have any product from Apple (iPhone, iPad, etc.), you know that there is such a thing as Apple ID - a universal user identifier for an "apple" device. It binds a specific device to the Apple cloud service, thus allowing you to control the device and synchronize it.

In this article we will try to draw your attention to an unpleasant situation that every owner of an Apple device may face. We are talking about a message that the iPhone is locked by the ID shown on the screen of your phone or tablet. Let's look at the main situations and possible reasons why this recording can be shown, and also tell you what to do to get rid of it.

iPhone is blocked
iPhone is blocked

Why do I need an Apple ID?

As already noted, with the help of the ID, the owner can, in a sense, control his gadget. This is done through the iCloud service. A vivid example of how this works is the following case: if the device is lost, the owner has the opportunity to display a message on its screen: "5 iPhone is locked(this applies to any other model), return the phone. "And, of course, the one who has the device in his hands will not have access to the content, records on the smartphone.

Agree, the function is quite useful. Moreover, if someone steals the phone and resells it, the new owner will see a message that the smartphone is locked and will then be aware of their duty to return it.

locked iPhone 4s
locked iPhone 4s

Other Apple ID Features

The ability to display an inscription that the iPhone is locked is not the only function of such a mechanism as Apple ID. In fact, this system (which is designed as a login and password) also allows you to make purchases on the AppStore content service, access media services, manage your device using iCloud. In general, I would like to say this: everyone can get their own identifier, it is done for free. But this is an optional feature, so it is not necessary to register it without fail. Just ID makes your phone more flexible. Plus, in case of loss, your locked iPhone 4s will not be able to be used by intruders, and this is a clear plus in terms of security.

Restrictions on blocking

blocked "iPhone" by id
blocked "iPhone" by id

You ask: is it possible to somehow bypass the system and continue to use the device? In theory, no. In fact, we all know stories when a stolen phone is sold, after which it is used as before.

There are many options to organize this. The simplest, obviously, is to put the device into "flight mode"in such a way as to prevent activation of the lock. In this case, the phone simply will not have time to receive a signal from iCloud, and those who took possession of it will have a little time to reflash it, or reset the settings in some other way.

Another question is that the smartphone cannot be used normally by its true owner. After all, those who steal the phone do not need to work with it - they need to sell it, get money and hide from both the previous owner and the buyer. As for the situations when the legitimate owner of the mobile phone suddenly has the message “Your iPhone is locked by ID”, then this scheme is irrelevant here. You, as the owner, will need to figure out what caused such a block. This is where the fun begins.

locked iPhone 4
locked iPhone 4

Caution! Scammers

You can hear many stories about the same scheme of deception. A large number of people have already fallen for it. One day, a message comes up on the screen. It says about a locked iPhone 4, and to get access to it, you need to pay 1000 rubles for the specified wallet.

A little search for information, and we find many more of the same stories. All of them lie in the fact that the display of Apple technology displayed a message with the same content, in which there was a requirement to pay money. So there is reason to understand how this scam works.

Deception scheme

Scammers who send a message that your iPhone is locked use the describedabove iCloud service. You can also access it using the web interface (that is, simply by entering your account information on a special site). All that scammers need to successfully carry out their plans is access to your mailbox. Further, accordingly, they will find out the password from the Apple ID, and then block your device.

iPhone 4 locked how to unlock
iPhone 4 locked how to unlock

It's very easy to display a text message containing the payment details of criminals, you just need to write it in the service interface itself. As for the further removal of the lock and work with the device, it depends primarily on the conscience of the scammers. In theory, nothing prevents them from repeating the blackmail.

How do they do it?

One immediately wonders how extortionists manage to carry out this scheme. How do they get access to the account of the owner of the "apple" device? And of course, if the iPhone 4 is locked, how to unlock it for free?

First, let's describe how scammers work. As noted above, first they need to access the user's mailbox. This is done using some kind of malware, a site containing a form for entering data, or a Trojan virus that reads your passwords. In fact, the arsenal of criminals in this area is unlimited - most people are too little computer savvy, due to which they behave naively and do not show enough caution.

After the mail is hacked, the Apple ID is reset. Then the paths overlapbypass for the user. For example, a filter is created on the mailbox that deletes letters coming from Apple with a new password (which will be requested by the legal owner of the phone). Then, obviously, the person does not receive the email and cannot change their password.

5 "iPhone" is blocked
5 "iPhone" is blocked

In turn, criminals cannot completely close access to the victim's mail, because then they will not be able to contact her and describe the requirements in detail. And in a normal situation, this is done just through the mail.

Problem Solving

If you see a message that your iPhone is locked, you should not be upset. The solution is quite simple, you just need to understand a little about how criminals operate. As noted above, they include a special mail filter that removes incoming mail from Apple.com. Just remove it, and you will see messages containing recovery instructions.

On the Apple ID website, enter the key that was sent to the mail, and your account will be restored. This will give you the option to turn off your phone or tablet lock. Obviously, the extortionists will no longer have anything to show you in order to demand payment.

How not to get caught again?

Once the status of "iPhone blocked" is removed, we recommend that you resort to a number of measures aimed at preventing such cases in the future. First of all, we are talking about passwords. They must be changed on all your accounts - both on the mailbox and on the Apple ID service.

Nextthink about where you could have leaked data, in particular the password. For example, it could be a computer virus or a fraudulent site that looks like the official one. In order to find out what's wrong, download an antivirus and some kind of vulnerability scan program. You can find this in the product line of any brand - the same Nod32, McAfee, Kaspersky - all these and other studios offer their solutions.